陳全木 - 講座教授/終身特聘教授
陳全木 講座教授/終身特聘教授 繁體中文 English


畢業學校 主修學門系所 學位 時期
國立台灣大學 動物科技學研究所 博士 1991/09 - 1995/05
國立台灣大學 畜產學系 學士 1987/09 - 1991/06

經歷 / 榮譽


服務機關 服務部門 職稱 時期
國立中興大學 生命科學院 院長 2016/08 - 2022/07
教育部 資訊及科技教育司 顧問 2017/01 - 2020/12
國立中興大學 生命科學系 講座教授 2021/08 - 迄今
國立金門大學 通識教育中心 講座教授 2015/08 - 2019/07
國立中興大學 生命科學系 終身特聘教授 2015/08 - 迄今
國立中興大學 轉譯醫學博士學位學程 特聘教授 2013/08 - 迄今
國際生物催化暨農業生物技術學會 (ISBAB) 常務理事 2013/01 - 迄今
中興大學 - 國衛院 組織工程與再生醫學博士學程 特聘教授 / 招生委員 2010/08 - 迄今
科技部 生命科學司 學門召集人 2015/01 - 2017/12
國立中興大學 研發處 研發長 2009/08 - 2016/01
國立中興大學 產學智財營運中心 中心主任 2011/01-2011/07
財團法人台灣動物科技研究所 諮議委員會 顧問 2009/01-2014/12
中興大學 - 中研院 微生物基因體學博士學程 特聘教授 2010/08 - 迄今
中研院 - 中興大學 分子暨生物農學國際博士學程 特聘教授 2007/08 - 迄今
國立陽明大學醫學院 臨床醫學研究所 兼任教授 2007/08 - 2009/07
國立中興大學 生命科學系 教授兼主任 2005/08 - 2009/07
國立中興大學 生技中心教學推動組 教授兼組長 2004/08 - 2008/07
英國愛丁堡大學醫學院 分子與臨床醫學中心 訪問教授 2004/06 - 2004/07
國立中興大學 生命科學系 副教授 2002/08 - 2004/08
美國Ellis Fischel 癌症研究中心 客座研究員 2001/09 - 2002/03
美國密蘇里大學醫學院 基因晶片中心 訪問教授 2001/03 - 2001/08
國立中興大學 動物學系 副教授 2000/08 - 2002/08
國立中興大學 動物學系 助理教授 1998/02 - 2000/07
國立中興大學 動物學系 講師 1996/08 - 1998/01
國立台灣大學 生殖育種研究室 博士後研究員 1995/08 - 1996/07



















榮獲第十三屆國家新創獎 (企業新創獎)
































榮獲經濟部第二屆Crazy Idea應用王創意競賽佳作獎








榮獲2008經濟部Crazy Idea應用王創意競賽銅牌獎


















榮獲第41屆日本肝癌研究年會Selected Poster Presentation Award






獲美國Ellis Fischel癌症中心訪問學者獎助




















1. 基因轉殖複製動物培育技術之開發及其於生物醫學領域之研究應用
2. 影響哺乳動物胚早期發育階段發生之關鍵基因的篩選與功能之分析
3. 小鼠甲基化基因晶片之開發及其於發育生物學與腫瘤生物學之研究
4. 人類疾病動物模式開發(肺腺癌鼠、骨鬆症鼠、高血壓中風鼠、螢光/冷光鼠)
5. 功能性乳胜肽的開發與細胞及動物功效驗證
6. 羊水間葉幹細胞的誘導分化及其應用於細胞治療之研究

1. 小鼠CpG islands甲基化基因晶片之研發及其於肝癌基因之篩檢應用
2. 人類凝血因子基因轉殖動物之培育及其於血友病治療之應用
3. 含塵蟎過敏原基因之轉殖動物培育及其於新式口服性減敏療法之開發
4. 含人類hLPH乳糖分解酶之低乳糖乳基因轉殖動物研發及其於乳糖不耐症之應用
5. 控制胚早期發育之Granzyme關鍵基因的生理功能鑑定及分子調控機制
6. 抗骨質疏鬆症與骨關節炎之功能性胜肽研發及功效驗證
7. 抗高血壓及心血管疾病之功能性胜肽研發與臨床功效試驗
8. 表現綠螢光蛋白之羊水幹細胞於高氧肺損傷與肺纖維化的細胞治療研究

*肝癌進行的病毒與腫瘤生物學因素:以新微陣列技術分析肝癌異常性甲基化與相關基因 (3/3)(95-2321-B-010-005-) 台-法國際合作計畫 (合作對象:法國巴斯德研究院)。
*利用小鼠甲基化基因晶片剖析胚幹細胞於體外分化之機制(2/3) (95-2313-B-005-012-)國科會三年期計畫2005-2008。
*複製豬基因體組中銘印基因群上遺傳性修飾異常之研究(95-2313-B-005-030-MY3)國科會三年期計畫2006-2009 。
*A型血友病動物模式之新式基因療法開發: 以磁性奈米包膜材料作為核酸載 體之功效評估 (科技部三年期計畫)_2018-2021。
*建構Akr1A1基因剔除鼠之骨質疏鬆症動物模式作為新穎抗骨鬆胜肽開發之功效評估 (科技部三年期計畫)_2019-2022。
*鳥禽遺傳資源暨動物生技研究中心_高教深耕特色中心計畫總主持人 (教育部五年期計畫)_2018-2022。

*間葉幹細胞與新穎克弗爾胜肽於醛還原酶(Akr1A1)基因剔除鼠之酒精性肝病動物模式的治療與預防功效評估 (科技部三年期特約研究員計畫)_2021-2024。

*探討新穎克弗爾胜肽於Bleomycin誘導ApoE基因剔除小鼠肺纖維化動物模式的治療與預防功效評估 (科技部三年期計畫)_2022-2025。

*鳥禽遺傳資源暨動物生技研究中心_第二期高教深耕特色中心計畫_總主持人 (教育部五年期計畫)_2023-2027。

*乳蛋白衍生的新穎抗骨鬆胜肽KFP-1影響骨質重塑和骨髓微環境之研究 (國科會三年期特約研究員計畫)_2024-2027。



童鈺棠 (台北醫學大學代謝與肥胖科學研究所 助理教授/中興大學生物科技研究所 副教授)
蔡東州 (豐展生物科技股份有限公司 研發部經理)
籃英維 (美國辛辛那提兒童醫院醫學中心 副研究員)

陳建甫、賴仁傑、高永璁、柯祈化、楊小萱、吳婉如、陳世偉、Abdulkadir Cindem (Duka)、劉玉賢、陳昶旭

No.1 楊勝舜 (97博士畢;台中榮總胃腸科 主治醫師、部定副教授)、
No.2 劉芳爵 (97博士畢;行政院農委會新化畜試總所 研究員)、
No.3 陳怡如 (97博士畢;台中榮總醫院皮膚科 主治醫師兼主任、陽明大學醫學系 副教授)、
No.4 顏至慶 (98博士畢;中國醫大胸腔科 主治醫師、呼吸治療學系 副教授)、
No.5 郭孟富 (99博士肄;豐展生物科技股份有限公司 總經理)、
No.6 洪哲明 (99博士畢;行政院農委會新化畜試總所 研究員)、
No.7 何國鼎 (99博士畢;疾管局科技預官、台大醫學院 博士後研究員)、
No.8 蔡東州 (99博士畢;豐展生物科技股份有限公司 研發部經理)、
No.9 陳俊宇 (100博士畢; 國家衛生研究院博士後研究員、中石化公司 研發經理)、
No.10 賴紫綸(101博士畢; 台中榮民總醫院、興大醫工所 博士後研究員)、
No.11 沈志傑(101年博士畢; 成功大學醫工所 博士後研究員)、
No.12 黃景堂(101年博士畢; 衛生福利部科技發展組 研究員)、
No.13 林怡均(101年博士畢; 中山醫學大學博士後研究員)、
No.14 蔡森蔚(102年博士畢; 慈濟醫院復健科 主治醫師兼主任)、
No.15 杜旻育(103年博士畢; 國軍台中總醫院中清分院院長、國軍岡山分院副院長)
No.16 劉旭崇(104年博士畢; 台中澄清醫院胸腔內科 主治醫師、內科部副主任)、
No.17 賴政威(104年博士畢; 生技公司研發人員)、
No.18 林怡伶(105年博士畢; 台中榮民總醫院腸胃科 博士級研究人員)、
No.19 劉佳宜(105年博士畢; 仁德醫護專科學校護理科 博士級講師)、
No.20 陳 煒 (105年博士畢; 嘉義基督教醫院胸腔科 主治醫師、醫院副院長)、
No.21 陳怡蒨(105年博士畢; 資料未更新)、
No.22 鄒永恩(106年博士畢; 中國醫大耳鼻喉部 主治醫師兼喉科主任)、
No.23 羅文吉(107年博士畢; 中國醫大醫學檢驗部組織庫 醫檢師)、
No.24 郭嘉文(107年博士畢; 國軍台中總醫院 中清分院副院長、腎臟科 主治醫師兼主任)、
No.25 林明鋒(107年博士肄; 衛福部台中醫院泌尿科 主治醫師兼主任)、
No.26 涂智彥(107年博士畢; 中國醫大附設醫院胸腔科 主治醫師兼主任)、
No.27 蔡新中(108年博士畢; 衛福部台中醫院外科/醫美科 主治醫師兼主任)、
No.28 王俊隆(110年博士畢; 台中榮總胸腔內科主治醫師/中興大學助理教授)、
No.29 陳昱璇(110年博士畢; 中興大學生命科學系 博士後研究員)、
No.30 江芸葳(110年博士畢; 中台科技大學視光學系 助理教授兼代副主任)


王志宏(88 碩士),蔡文瑄(89 碩士),林殿威(89 碩士),林志成(89 碩士),盧建宇(90 碩士),白舜元(90碩士),蔡淑惠(91碩士),王立忠(91碩士),魏杏芬(91碩士),林怡君(92碩士),余佳恆(92碩士),陳彥伯(92碩士),江敏瑜(93碩士),沈志傑(93碩士),黃文經(93碩士),江敏瑜(93碩士),劉家崙(93碩士),黃俊諺(93碩士),余秉純(93碩士),黃國真(94碩士),王妙鈴(94碩士),蘇經貿(94碩士),陳暐恩(95碩士),賴政威(95碩士), 黃彬武(95碩士),武揮凱(96碩士),邱鎧澤(96碩士),謝佳霓(96碩士),鍾雅雯(96碩士),林淑燕(96碩士),陳亮璞(96碩士),林憲儀(96碩士),管育平(96碩士),周郁青(97碩士),林冠伶(98碩士),溫世濤(98碩士),洪玉靜(98碩士),林耕佑(98碩士),林巧絜(98碩士),黃小茹(98碩士),張喬惠(98碩士),翁大永(99碩士),張伊君(99碩士),駱又瑄(99碩士),陳奕安(100碩士),張藝馨(100碩士),楊宗憲(100碩士),葉上民(100碩士),蔡至倫(101碩士),吳敏翠(101碩士),孫正岳(101碩士),林雨寗(101碩士),蕭文鵑(101碩士),高兆志(101碩士),張雯惠(102碩士),莊家輝(102碩士),陳律慈(102碩士),王冠傑(102碩士),江慧雯(102碩士),歐陽桓(103碩士),陳昱璇(103碩士),李佳紋(104碩士),吳欣珊(104碩士),蔡沂瑾(104碩士),何梅萱(104碩士),陳香君(105碩士),黃裕森(105碩士),楊景程(105碩士),劉耀文(105碩士),吳佩穎(106碩士),林煒峪(106碩士),張顧議(106碩士),孫子惠(107碩士),洪冠妃(107碩士),李信翰(107碩士),陳彥廷(107碩士),陳泰全(107碩士),蕭凱烜(108碩士),陳婉如(108碩士),鄭惟元(108碩士),柯祈化(108碩士),賴韻文(109碩士),蔡忠良(109碩士),陳盈錚(109碩士),張加妙(110碩士)、Abdulkadir Cindem (110碩士直攻)




林志成 (美國匹茲堡大學醫學院助理研究員)
賴怡彣 (中興大學生命科學系博士、台中榮民總醫院博士後研究員)
楊尚訓 (美國Emory University醫學院博士、成大生理學研究所 教授)
余佳恆 (美商昆泰公司資深臨床研究主任)
林怡君 (台中生技公司捷恩麥克區經理、南投縣衛生局組員)
林建宇 (台灣大學分子醫學研究所博士、中研院博士後研究員)
劉妍君 (台灣大學分子醫學所研究助理)
周郁青 (尖端臍帶血公司、中化健康生技公司)
林冠伶 (中研院研究助理)
章齊軒 (美國Baylor College of Medicine博士)
朱德威 (美國University of Utah博士)
陳新雅 (東海大學畜產與生物科技學系研究助理)
陳光彥 (台灣大學醫學院醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系博士生)
魏齊萱 (中興大學生命科學院生物醫學研究所博士生)
Theresa Röhrig (德國籍;Medical Faculty of Mannheim Hospital, Heidelberg University)
吳欣珊 (財團法人生物技術開發中心研究人員)
陳盈錚 (美國Purdue University基礎醫學博士學程博士生)


Y. C. Chen, Y. W. Lan, S. M. Huang, C. C. Yen, W. Chen, W. J. Wu, T. Staniczek, K. Y. Chong, and C. M. Chen* 2022/06 Human amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells attenuate pancreatic cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth in an orthotopic xenograft mouse model,Stem Cell Res. Ther. 13: 235. [IF=8.098; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 27/139=Top 19.4%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. Ou-Yang, S. H. Yang, W. Chen, S. H. Yang, A. Cidem, L. Y. Sung and C.M. Chen*. 2022/04 Cruciform DNA structures act as legible templates for accelerating homologous recombination in transgenic animals.,Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23: 3973. (SCI) [IF=6.208; Biochemisrty & Molecular Biology, 67/298 = 22.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
S. W. Chen, H. J. Lin, S. C. S. Tsai, C. L. Lin, C. Y. Hsu, T. L. Hsieh, C. M. Chen*, and K. H. Chang*. 2022/03 Exposure to air pollutants increases the risk of chronic rhinosinusitis in Taiwan residents.,Toxics 10: 173. [IF= 4.472; Toxicology, 24/94=25.5%; Q2]. (SCI)
C. C. Yen, Y. W. Liu, G. R. L. Chang, Y. W. Lan, Y. T. Kao, S. N. Cheng, W. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2022/02 Therapeutic effects of kefir peptides on hemophilia-induced osteoporosis in mice with deficient coagulation factor VIII. ,Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 10: 794198. [IF=6.081; Developmental Biology, 6/39 = 15.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. M. Chen, Y.-T. Tung, C.-H. Wei, P.-Y. Lee, L. B. Ware, H.-E. Huang, and W. Chen 2022/01 Aspirin attenuated hyperoxia induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) through suppressing pulmonary inflammation via NF-κB and MAPKs signaling pathway,Front. Pharmacol. 12: 793107. [IF=5.988; Oncology, 46/351 = 12.7%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. C. Fan, F. W. Chang, J. D. Tsai, K. M. Lin, C. M. Chen, S. Z. Lin, C. A. Liu, and H. J. Harn*. 2021/12 Telomeres and cancer. ,Life 11(12): 1405. [IF= 3.817; Biology, 27/93 = 29%; Q2]. (SCI)
H. C. Fan#, F. W. Chang, Y. R. Pan, S. I. Yu, K. H. Chang, C. M. Chen#, and C. A. Liu*. 2021/11 Approach to the connection between meconium consistency and adverse neonatal outcomes: A retrospective clinical review and prospective in vitro study.,Children 8: 1082. [IF= 2.863; Pediatrics, 40/129 = 31%; Q2]. (SCI)
C. H. Ko, Y. W. Lan, Y. C. Chen, T. T. Cheng, S. F. Yu, A. Cidem, Y. H. Liu, C. W. Kuo, C. C. Yen, W. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2021/10 Effects of mean artery pressure and blood pH on survival rate of patients with acute kidney injury combined with acute hypoxic respiratory failure: A retrospective study.,Medicina 57: 1243. [IF=2.430; Medicine, General & Internal, 80/169 = 47.3%; Q2]. (SCI)
Y. T. Kao, Y. T. Chen, H. C. Fan, T. C. Tsai, S. N. Cheng, P. S. Lai, J. K. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2021/09 Novel coagulation FVIII gene therapy in a mouse model of hemophilia A by lipid-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles.,Biomedicines 9: 1116. [IF=4.757; Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 86/279 = Top31.9%; Q2]. (SCI)
H. C. Tsai, C. Sheng, L. S. Chang, Z. H. Wen, C. Y. Ho, and C. M. Chen*. 2021/09 Chitosan-microencapsulated rhEGF in promoting wound healing.,J. Wound Care 30(9): 2-13. [IF=2.066; Dermatology, 46/68 = 67.6%]. (SCI)
Y. W. Chiang, S. W. Wu, C. W. Luo, S. P. Chen, C. J. Chen, W. Y. Chen, C. C. Chang, C. M. Chen*, Y. H. Kuan* 2021/09 Air pollutant particles, PM2.5, exposure and glaucoma in patients with diabetes: A national population-based nested case–control study,Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(18): 9939. [IF=4.614; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, 87/230 = Top 30.8%; Q2]. (SCI)
J. L. Wang, Y. T. Tsai, C. H. Lin, A. Cidem, T. Staniczek, G. R. L. Chang, C. C. Yen, W. Chen, K. Y. Chong, and C. M. Chen* 2021/08 Benefits of metformin combined with pemetrexed as a first-line therapy for advanced lung adenocarcinoma patients with diabetes,Biomolecules 11: 1252. [IF=6.064; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 75/296 =25.3%; Q2]. (SCI)
J. L. Wang, Y. W. Lan, Y. T. Tsai, Y. C. Chen, T. Staniczek, Y. A. Tsou, C. C. Yen, C. M. Chen* 2021/06 Additive antiproliferative and antiangiogenic effects of metformin and pemetrexed in a non-small-cell lung cancer xenograft model,Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9: 688062. (SCI) [IF=6.081; Developmental Biology, 6/39 = Top 15.4%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, M. Y. Tu, M. N. Y. Chan, H. S. Wu, C. C. Yen, and C. M. Chen*. 2021/06 Kefir peptides exhibit antidepressant-like activity in mice through the BDNF/TrkB pathway.,J. Dairy Sci. 104(6): 6415-6430. (SCI) [IF=4.225; Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science,6/62= Top 9.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
M. Y. Tu, K. Y. Han, Y. W. Lan, K. Y. Chang, C. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, C. F. Chen, J. C. Lai, and C. M. Chen*. 2021/06 Association of TGF-β1 and IL-10 gene polymorphisms with osteoporosis in a study of Taiwanese osteoporotic patients ,Genes 12(6): 930. (SCI) [IF=4.141; Genetics & Heredity, 78/191 = 40.8%; Q2]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, M. Y. Tu, M. N. Y. Chan, H. S. Wu, C. C. Yen, and C. M. Chen*. 2021/06 Effects of kefir peptides on amelioration of depressive-like behavior through BDNF/TrkB pathway in mice. ,J. Dairy Sci. 104(6): 6415-6430. [IF=4.034; Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science,6/63= Top 9.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. W. Lan, C. M. Chen, and K. Y. Chong 2021/05 In vitro methods to evaluate the effects of mesenchymal stem cells on TGF-β1-induced pulmonary fibrosis,Methods Mol. Biol. (Clifton, N.J.) 2269:83-92. [IF=10.71; Molecular Biology; Q1]. (SCI)
I. O. Yusuf, H. M. Chen, P. H. Cheng, C. Y. Chang, S. J. Tsai, J. I. Chuang, C. C. Wu, B. M. Huang, H. S. Sun, C. M. Chen and S. H. Yang* 2021/05 Fibroblast growth factor 9 stimulates neuronal length through NF-kB signaling in striatal cell Huntington’s disease models,Mol. Neurobiol. 58(5):2396-2406. (SCI) [IF=5.687; Physiology, 7/81 = Top 8.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. H. Kuo#, J. Y. Chen#, C. M. Chen#, C. W. Huang, and Y. M. Liou* 2021/03 Effects of varying gelatin coating concentrations on RANKL induced osteoclastogenesis,Exp. Cell Res. 400: 112509. (SCI) [IF=4.145; Oncology, 127/245= 51.8%; Q2] #Co-first authors. (SCI)
Y. W. Chiang, C. H. Su, H. Y. Sun, S. P. Chen, C. J. Chen, W. Y. Chen, C. C. Chang, C. M. Chen, Y. H. Kuan*. 2021/02 Bisphenol A induced apoptosis via oxidative stress generation involved Nrf2/HO-1 pathway and mitochondrial dependent pathways in human retinal pigment epithelium (ARPE-19) cells.,Environ. Toxicol. 2021: 1-11. [IF=4.109; Water Resource, 29/100 = Top 29%; Q2]. (SCI)
F.J. Cheng, C.H. Chen, W.C. Tsai, B.W. Wang, M.C. Yu, T.C. Hsia, Y.L. Wei, Y.C. Hsiao, D.W. Hu, C.Y. Ho, T.S. Li, C.Y. Wu, W.Y. Chou, Y.L. Yu, C.H. Tang, C.Y. Chen, C. M. Chen, ... W.C. Hung*. 2021/02 Cigarette smoke-induced LKB1/AMPK pathway deficiency reduces EGFR TKI sensitivity in NSCLC,Oncogene 40:1162–1175. (SCI) [IF=9.867; Oncology, 30/242= Top 12.4%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, W. C. Chang, C. D. Lin, R. L. Chang, M. H. Tsai, L. C. Shih, T. Staniczek, T. F. Wu, H. Y. Hsu, W. D. Chang, C. H. Lai, and C. M. Chen* 2021/02 Metformin increases survival in hypopharyngeal cancer patients with diabetes mellitus: Retrospective cohort study and cell-based analysis,Pharmaceuticals 14: 191. (SCI) [IF=5.215; Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 87/361 = Top24%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. Ou-Yang, S. C. Wu, L. Y. Sung, S. H. Yang, S. H. Yang, K. Y. Chong, and C.M. Chen* 2021/01 STAT3 is an upstream regulator of granzyme g in the maternal-to-zygotic transition of mouse embryos,Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22: 460. (SCI) [IF=6.208; Biochemisrty & Molecular Biology, 67/298 = Top 22.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
G. R. L. Chang, M. Y. Tu, K. Y. Chang, C. F. Chen, J. C. Lai, Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, H. C. Fan, and C. M. Chen* 2021 KFP-1, a novel calcium-binding peptide isolated from kefir, promotes calcium influx through TRPV6 channels,Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2021: 2100182. [IF=6.575; Food Science & Technology, 21/143 = Top 14.7%; Q1] [獲登為當期封面Cover Story; 2021/12/01]. (SCI)
C. F. Chen, H. P. Lee, Y. H. Chao, M. Y. Tu, C. C. Yen, S. H. Yang, C. C. Lin, K. Y. Chong, and C. M. Chen* 2021 Suppression of dendritic cell maturation by kefir peptides alleviates collagen-induced arthritis in mice,Front. Pharmacol. 12: 721594. [IF=5.988; Oncology, 46/351 = 12.7%; Q1]. (SCI)
L. K. Tsai, H. Ou-Yang, J. Xu, C. M. Chen, W. F. Chang, L. Y. Sung* 2021 Somatic cell nuclear transfer in embryonic development and stem cell research,Int. J. Mol. Sci. Submitted Jun., 28, 2021. (SCI) [IF=5.923; Biochemisrty & Molecular Biology, 67/298 = 22.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
I. O. Yusuf, H. M. Chen, P. H. Cheng, C. Y. Chang, S. J. Tsai, J. I. Chuang, C. C. Wu, B. M. Huang, H. S. Sun, C. M. Chen and S. H. Yang* 2021 FGF9 induces neurite outgrowth upon ERK signaling in knock-in striatal Huntington's disease cells,Life Sci. 267:118952. (SCI) [IF=6.780; Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 36/279=Top 12.9%; Q1]. (SCI)
M. C. Tung, Y. W. Lan, H. H. Li, H. L. Chen, S. Y. Chen, Y. H. Chen, C. C. Lin, M. Y. Tu, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Kefir peptides alleviate high-fat diet-induced atherosclerosis by attenuating macrophage accumulation and oxidative stress in ApoE knockout mice,Scientific Reports 10: 8802. (SCI) [IF=4.379; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 19/126 = Top 15%; Q1] [Nature系列期刊]. (SCI)
R. Reisz*, A. LeBlanc, H. Maddin, T. Dudgeon, D. Scott, T. Huang, J. Chen, C. M. Chen, and S. Zhong. 2020 Early Jurassic dinosaur fetal dental development and its significance for the evolution of sauropod dentition, Nature Communications. 11: 2240. (SCI) [IF=14.919; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 5/126=Top 3.9%; Q1] [Nature系列期刊] [Science.Carleton.Ca 特別報導; 2020/5/7]. (SCI)
C. M. Chen, Y. T. Tung, C. H. Wei, P. Y. Lee, and W. Chen*. 2020 Anti-inflammatory and reactive oxygen species suppression through aspirin pretreatment to treat hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury in NF-κB–luciferase inducible transgenic mice,Antioxidants 9(5): 429. (SCI) [IF=6.312; Food Sciences & Technology, 11/144 = Top 7.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. H. Chen, H. L. Chen, H. C. Fang, Y. T. Tung, C. W. Kuo, M. Y. Tu, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antifibrotic effects of kefir peptides on salt-induced renal vascular damage and dysfunction in aged stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats ,Antioxidants 9(9): 790. (SCI) [IF=6.312; Food Sciences & Technology, 11/144 = Top 7.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
M. Y. Tu, H. Chu, Y. J. Lin, K. T. Chiang, C. M. Chen, C. S. Yang, and C. Y. Lai*. 2020 Combined effect of heart rate responses and anti-G straining manoeuvre effectiveness on G tolerance in a human centrifuge ,Scientific Reports 10:21611. (SCI) [IF=4.379; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 19/126 = Top 15%; Q1] [Nature系列期刊]. (SCI)
C. M. Chen, H. C. Lu, Y. T. Tung, and W. Chen*. 2020 Antiplatelet therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome,Biomedicines 8:230. (SCI) [IF=6.081; Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 32/275= Top11.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
M. Y. Tu, K. Y. Han, G. R. L. Chang, G. D. Lai, K. Y. Chang, C. F. Chen, J. C. Lai, C. Y. Lai, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Kefir peptides prevent estrogen deficiency-induced bone loss and modulate the structure of the gut microbiota in ovariectomized mice ,Nutrients 12:3432. (SCI) [IF=5.717; Nutrition & Diebetics, 17/89 = Top 19.1%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. C. Yen, W. H. Chang, M. C. Tung, H. L. Chen, H. C. Liu, C. H. Liao, Y. W. Lan, K. Y. Chong, S. H. Yang, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Lactoferrin protects hyperoxia-induced lung and kidney systemic inflammation from in an in vivo imaging model of NF-κB/luciferase transgenic mice ,Mol. Imaging Biol. 22(3):526-538. (SCI) [IF=3.488; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging, 35/186 =18.8%c; Q1]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, K.F. Hung, C. C. Yen, C. H. Laio, J. L. Wang, Y. W. Lan, K. Y. Chong, H. C. Fan, and C. M. Chen*. 2019/09 Kefir peptides alleviate particulate matter <4 μm (PM4.0)-induced pulmonary inflammation by inhibiting the NF-κB pathway using luciferase transgenic mice,Scientific Reports 9: 11529. (SCI) [IF=5.097; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 19/126 = Top 15%; Q1] [Nature系列期刊]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, W. D. Chang, J. J. Lu, T. F. Wu, H. L. Chen, C. M. Chen, and M. H. Tsai*. 2019/09 The effect of metformin use on hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in diabetes mellitus patients,BMC Cancer 19: 862. (SCI) [IF=4.430; Oncology, 121/308= 39.3%; Q2]. (SCI)
T. T. Huang, Y. W. Lan, W. H. C. M. Chen, Y. F. Ko, D. Ojcius, J. Martel, J. Young and K. Y. Chong*. 2019/08 Antrodia cinnamomea induces anti-tumor activity by inhibiting the STAT3 signaling pathway in lung cancer cells ,Scientific Reports 9: 5145. [IF=5.097; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 19/126 = Top 15%; Q1] [Nature系列期刊]. (SCI)
S. W. Tsai, H. S. Wu, I. A. Chen, H. L. Chen, G. R. L. Chang, H. C. Fan*, and C. M. Chen*. 2019/07 A mutant-type porcine myostatin propeptide (D75A-MSPP) elevates myoblast growth and differentiation in C2C12 cells and in high fat diet-fed mice ,Res. Vet. Sci. 124: 200-211. (SCI) [IF=2.534; Veterinary Sciences, 20/166 = Top 12%; Q1]. (SCI)
H.C. Tsai, G. R. L. Chang, H. C. Fan, H. Ou-Yang, L. C. Huang, S. C. Wu, and C.M. Chen*. 2019/06 A mini-pig model for evaluating the efficacy of autologous platelet patches on induced acute full thickness wound healing ,BMC Vet. Res. 15: 191. (SCI) [IF=2.741; Veterinary Sciences, 16/166 = Top 9.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. F. Tu, C. K. Chuang, K. S. Hsiao, C. H. Chen, C. M. Chen, S. H. Peng, Y. H Su, M. T. Chiou, C. H. Yen, S. W. Hung, T. S. Yang, and C.M. Chen. 2019/05 Lessening of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus susceptibility in piglets after editing of the CMP-N-glycolylneuraminic acid hydroxylase gene with CRISPR/Cas9 to nullify N-glycolylneuraminic acid expression ,PLoS ONE 14(5): 0217236. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
H.C. Tsai, C. W. Lehman, C. C. Lin, S. W. Tsai, and C.M. Chen*. 2019/04 Functional evaluation for adequacy of MDCK-lineage cells in influenza research ,BMC Res. Notes 12: 101. (SCI) IF=1.66. (SCI)
Y. W. Lan, J. C. Yang, C. C. Yen, T. T. Huang, Y. C. Chen, H. L. Chen, K. Y. Chong, and C. M. Chen*. 2019/01 Predifferentiated amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells enhance lung alveolar epithelium regeneration and reverse elastase-induced pulmonary emphysema,Stem Cell Res. Ther. 10(1): 163. (SCI) [IF=6.832; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 31/186=Top 16.7%; Q1]. (SCI)
H.C. Tsai, C. W. Lehman, and C.M. Chen*. 2019/01 Use of platelet-rich plasma and platelet-derived patches to treat chronic wounds,J. Wound Care. 28(1):15-21. (SCI) [IF=2.072; Dermatology, 42/89=47.2%; Q2] . (SCI)
H.C. Fan, C.M. Chen, C.S. Chi, J.D. Tsai, K. L. Chiang, Y.K. Chang, S.Z. Lin, and H.J. Harn*. 2019/01 Targeting telomerase and ATRX to induce tumor senescence and apoptosis in malignant gliomas, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(1): 200. (SCI) [IF=5.923; Biochemisrty & Molecular Biology, 67/298 = 22.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. C. Kao, H. L. Chen, M. Y. Tu, and C. M. Chen*. 2019/01 Serum and urinary SOD3 in patients with type 2 diabetes: comparison with early chronic kidney disease patients and association with development of diabetic nephropathy ,Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 316(1): F32-F41. (SCI) [IF=3.377; Urology & Nephrology, 25/118 = Top 21.2%; Q1]. (SCI)
H.C. Tsai*, H. C. Shu, L. C. Huang, and C.M. Chen* 2019 A randomized clinical trial comparing a collagen-based composite dressing versus topical antibiotic ointment on healing full-thickness skin wounds to promote epithelialization,Formosan J. Surgery 52: 52-56. (SCI) [IF=0.25; Surgery, 256/270 = 94.8%;Q4]. (SCI)
T. T. Huang, Y. W. Lan, Y. F. Ko, C. M. Chen, H. C. Lai, D. M. Ojcius, J. Martel, J. D. Young, and K. Y. Chong*. 2018/09 Antrodia cinnamomea produces anti-angiogenic effects by inhibiting the VEGFR2 signaling pathway ,J. Ethnopharmacol. 220: 239-249. (SCI) [IF=4.360; Integrative & Complementary Medicine, 4/39 = Top 10.2%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. T. Wang, H. C. Liu, H. C. Chen, Y. C. Lee, T. C. Tsai, H. L. Chen, H. C. Fan, and C.M. Chen*. 2018/07 Oral immunotherapy with the ingestion of house dust mite extract in a murine model of allergic asthma ,Allergy Asthma Clin. Immunol. 14: e43. (SCI) [IF=2.104; Allergy, 19/27 = 70.3%; Q3]. (SCI)
C. Y. Tu, F. J. Cheng, C. M. Chen*, S. L. Wang, Y. C. Hsiao, C. H. Chen, T. C. Hsia, Y. H. He, B. W. Wang, I. S. Hsieh, Y. L. Yeh, C. H. Tang, Y. J. Chen, and W. C. Huang. 2018/05 Cigarette smoke enhances oncogene addiction to c-MET and desensitizes EGFR-expressing non-small cell lung cancer to EGFR TKIs ,Mol. Oncol. 12(5): 705-723. (SCI) [IF=6.603; Oncology, 38/308= Top 12.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
W. J. Lo, C. L. Lin, Y. C. Chang, L. Y. Bai, C. Y. Lin, J. A. Liang, L. Y. Li, L. M. Chao, C. F. Chiu, C. M. Chen*, and S. P. Yeh. 2018/04 Total body irradiation tremendously impair the proliferation, differentiation and chromosomal integrity of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal stem cells,Ann. Hematol. 97(4): 697-707. (SCI) [IF=3.673; Hematology, 40/93 = 43%; Q2]. (SCI)
Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, H. S. Wu, M. H. Ho, K. Y. Chong, and C. M. Chen*. 2018/03 Kefir peptides prevent hyperlipidemia and obesity in high fat diet-induced obese rats via lipid metabolism modulation,Mol. Nutri. Food Res. 62(3): 1700505. (SCI) [IF=5.914; Food Science & Technology, 9/160= Top 5.6%; Q1] . (SCI)
C. Y. Tu†, C. M. Chen†, W. C. Liao, B. R. Wu, C. Y. Chen, W. C. Chen, T. C. Hsia, W. C. Cheng, and C. H. Chen*. 2018 Comparison of the effects of the three major tyrosine kinase inhibitors as first-line therapy for non-small-cell lung cancer harboring epidermal growth factor receptor mutations,Oncotarget. 9(36): 24237-24247. (SCI) [5-y IF=5.168; Oncology, 44/217= Top 20.3%; Q1] †Co-first author.. (SCI)
C. Y. Tu, B. W. Wang, F. J. Cheng, C. H. Chen, T. C. Hsia, Y. L. Wei, C. Y. Chen, I. S. Hsieh, Y. L. Yeh, L. Y. Wang, C. M. Chen, W. C. Chang and W. C. Chang*. 2018 Incense burning smoke sensitizes lung cancer cells to EGFR TKI by inducing AREG expression ,Am. J. Cancer Res. 8(12):2575-2589. (SCI) [IF=6.166; Oncology, 70/308 = 22.7%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, M. C. Tung, K. A. Alexander, W. D. Chang, M. H. Tsai, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2018 The role of BPIFA1 in upper airway microbial infections and correlated diseases,BioMed. Res. Int. 2018: e2021890. (SCI) [IF=3.411; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, 69/159 = 43.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
C.M. Chen*, J. L. Wang, Y. T. Tsai, J. H. Jiang, and H. L. Chen. 2017/09 Repurposing of metformin and lung cancer management. In: A Global Scientific Vision - Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Lung Cance, InTech Publishers, Inc. Rijeka, EU. Chapter 9, pp. 149-163. ISBN978-953-51-5119-7..
L. S. Her, S. H. Mao, C. Y. Chang, P. H. Cheng, H. I. Yang, C. M. Chen and S. H. Yang*. 2017/09 miR-196a enhances neuronal morphology through suppressing RANBP10 to provide neuroprotection in Huntington's disease,Theranostics. 7(9): 2452-2462. (SCI) [IF=11.556; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 6/186 = Top 3.2%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. W. Lan, S. M. Theng, T. T. Huang, K. B. Choo, C. M. Chen, H. P. Kuo, and K. Y. Chong*. 2017/08 Oncostatin M-preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells alleviate bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis through paracrine effects of the hepatocyte growth factor,Stem Cells Translat. Med. 6(3): 1006-1017. (SCI) [IF=6.940; Cell & Tissue Engineering, 4/31= 12.9%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, K. Y. Chong, W. Y. Lin, and C. M. Chen*. 2017/05 A novel osteoporosis model with ascorbic acid deficiency in Akr1A1 gene knockout mice,Oncotarget. 8(5): 7357-7369. (SCI) [IF=5.168; Oncology, 44/217= Top 20.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, Y. T. Tung, H. C. Chen, T. F. Wu, C. C. Lin, C. H. Lai, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2017/03 Lactoferrin interacts with SPLUNC1 to attenuate lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation of human nasal epithelial cells via down-regulated MEK1/2-MAPK signaling,Biochem. Cell Biol. 95(3): 394-399. [IF=3.626; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 168/298= 56.4%; Q3] (SCI). (SCI)
J. Y. Hsu, Y. L. Jhang, P. H. Cheng, Y. F. Chang, S. H. Mao, H. I. Yang, C. W. Lin, C. M. Chen and S. H. Yang*. 2017 The truncated C-terminal fragment of mutant ATXN3 disrupts mitochondria dynamics in Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 models,Front. Mol. Neurosci. 10: 196. eCollection 2017. (SCI) [IF=5.639; Neurosciences, 60/273 = Top 21.9%; Q1]. (SCI)
P. H. Cheng, Y. F. Chang, S. H. Mao, H. L. Lin, C. M. Chen, and S. H. Yang*. 2016/08 Lentiviral transgenesis in mice via a simple method of viral concentration,Theriogenology 86(6): 1427-1435. (SCI) [IF=2.740; Veterinary Sciences, 22/166 = Top 13.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, T. C. Tsai, T. W. Chu, S. H. Yang, K. Y. Chong, and C. M. Chen*. 2016/08 Sexually dimorphic expression of eGFP transgene in the Akr1A1 locus of mouse liver regulated by sex hormone-related epigenetic remodeling,Scientific Reports 6: e24023. [IF=4.379; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 19/126 = Top 15%; Q1] [Nature系列期刊]. (SCI)
C. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, J. L. Wang, S. H. Yang, and C. M. Chen*. 2016/06 Using dual-fluorescence reporting genes to establish an in vivo imaging model of orthotopic lung adenocarcinoma in mice,Mol. Imaging Biol. 18(6): 849-859. [IF=3.488; Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging, 35/186 = 18.8%; Q1]. (SCI)
W. J. Lo, W. S. Chang, H. F. Hsu, H. X. Ji, C. L. Hsiao, C. W. Tsai, S. P. Yeh, C. M. Chen* and D. T. Bau*. 2016/05 Significant association of interleukin-10 polymorphisms with childhood leukemia susceptibility in Taiwan,In Vivo 30(3): 265-269. (SCI) [Medicne, Research & Experimental]. (SCI)
S. W. Tsai, H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, S. H. Yang, C. Y. Liu, M. Lu, H. J. Pai, C. C. Lin, and C. M. Chen*. 2016/01 Myostatin propeptide gene delivery by gene gun ameliorates muscle atrophy in a rat model of botulinum toxin-induced nerve denervation,Life Sci. 146: 15-23. (SCI) [IF=5.037; Life Science, 35/186 = Top 2.7%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, T. C. Tsai, Y. C. Tsai, J. W. Liao, C. C. Yen, and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Kefir peptides prevent high-fructose corn syrup-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a murine model by modulation of inflammation and the JAK2 signaling pathway,Nutrition & Diabetes 6(12): e237. (SCI) [IF=5.097; Internal Medicine, 21/146= 15.4%; Q1] [Nature系列期刊]. (SCI)
W. Chen, Y. Y. Chen, C. F. Tsai, S. C. C. Chen, M. S. Lin, L. B. Ware, and C. M. Chen*. 2015/09 Incidence and outcomes of acute respiratory distress syndrome–A nationwide registry based study in Taiwan, 1997-2011, Medicine 94(43): e1849. [IF=1.889; Medicine, General & Internal, 105/313= Top 33.5%; Q2]. (SCI)
M. H. Fu, C. L. Li, H. L. Lin, S. J. Tsai, Y. Y. Lai, Y. F. Chang, P. H. Cheng, C. M. Chen, and S. H. Yang*. 2015/09 The potential regulatory mechanisms of miR-196a in Huntington's disease through bioinformatic analyses, PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137637. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. Y. Liu, M. L. Lee, C. S. Yang, C. M. Chen, M. Y. Min, and H.W. Yang*. 2015/08 Morphological and physiological evidence of a synaptic connection between the lateral parabrachial nucleus and neurons in the A7 catecholamine cell group in rats,J. Biomed. Sci., 22(1): 79. [IF=8.410; Medicine, General & Internal,38/195 =19.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. W. Lan, K. B. Choo, C. M. Chen, T. H. Hung, Y. B. Chen, C. H. Hsieh, H. P. Kuo, and K. Y. Chong*. 2015/06 Hypoxia-preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells attenuates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis,Stem Cell Res. Ther. 6(1): 97. (SCI) [IF=4.963; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 19/133=Top 14.3%; Q1] (Highly Access Paper: 2063 times) [Cell Research & Therapy 6:130, 2015特別報導; 07/14/2015]. (SCI)
C. W. Kuo, C. J. Shen, Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, Y. H. Chen, W. H. Chang, K. C. Cheng, S. H. Yang, and C. M. Chen*. 2015/06 Extracellular superoxide dismutase ameliorates streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy via inhibiting the ROS/ERK1/2 signaling, Life Sci. 135: 77-86. (SCI) [IF=5.037; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 35/186=18.8%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, C. D. Lin, H. H. Hsu, M. T. Peng, Y. K. Kuo, N. Tien, J. P. Li, C. K. Wang, H. S. Wu, M. H. Tsai, C. M. Chen* and C. H. Lai. 2015/06 Association of beta-lactam-sensitive Haemophilus influenzae type B with adenoid biofilm formation in patients with adenoidectomy surgery,Surg. Infect. 16(6): 709-715. (SCI) [IF=2.150; Surgery 120/270= 44.4%; Q2] [Feature Articles 特別報導; 12/08-22/2015]. (SCI)
Y. T. Tung, P. W. Huang, Y. C. Chou, C. W. Lai, H. P. Wang, H. C. Ho, C. C. Yen, C. Y. Tu, D. C. Yeh, J. L. Wang, K. Y. Chong, and C. M. Chen* 2015/05 Lung tumorigenesis induced by human vascular endothelial growth factor (hVEGF)-A165 overexpression in transgenic mice and amelioration of tumor formation by miR-16,Oncotarget. 6(12): 10222-10238. (SCI) [IF=5.168; Oncology, 44/217= Top 20.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
T. C. Tsai, Y. T. Tung, Y. H. Kuo, J. W. Liao, H. C. Tsai, K. Y. Chong, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2015/02 Anti-inflammatory effects of Antrodia camphorata, an herbal medicine, in a mouse skin ischemia model,J. Ethnopharmacol. 159: 113-121. (SCI) [IF=4.360, Integrative & complementary medicine, 4/39= Top 10.2%; Q1]. (SCI)
K. Y. Chong, C. J. Hsu, T. H. Hung, H. S. Hu, T. H. Wang, C. H. Wang, C. M. Chen, K. B. Choo, H. C. Lai, and C. P. Tseng. 2015/01 Wnt pathway activation and ABCB1 expression account for attenuation of proteasome inhibitor-mediated apoptosis in multidrug-resistant cancer cells,Cancer Biol Ther. 16(1): 149-159. (SCI) [IF=4.742, Oncology, 102/308=33.1%; Q2]. (SCI)
H. C. Liu, M. C. Lu, Y. C. Lin, Y. C. Lai, M. S. Jan, W. L. Lin, and C. M. Chen* 2015/01 Aortic graft infection caused by invasive pulmonary aspergillosis,Surg. Infect. 16(1): 112-113. (SCI) [IF=2.150; Surgical, 120/270=44.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, C. H. Chuang, M. Y. Tu, T. C. Tsai, S. Y. Chang, and C. M. Chen* 2015/01 Kefir improves bone mass and microarchitecture in an ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis,Osteoporosis Int. 26: 589-599. (SCI) [IF=4.507; Endocrinology & Metabolism, 47/177= 26.6%; Q2] [World Biomedical Frontiers特別報導; 09/28/2015]. (SCI)
H. C. Liu, H. L. Chen, and C.M. Chen*. 2015/01 House dust mite allergy and associated allergen-specific immunotherapy in allergic asthma,Immunome Res. 11: 085. (SCI) [Unofficial IF*=19.87; Immunology]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, C. C. Lin, C. J. Tai, M. H. Tsai, C. M. Chen*, and C. H. Lai*. 2015 Interleukin-13 inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced BPIFA1 expression in nasal epithelial cells ,PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143484. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
M. Y. Tu, H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, T. C. Tsai, S. Y. Chang, C. H. Chuang, and C. M. Chen*. 2015 Short-term effects of kefir-fermented milk consumption on bone mineral density and bone metabolism in a randomized clinical trial of osteoporotic patients,PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144231. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. L. Lin, H. L. Chen, S. B. Cheng, D. C. Yeh, C. C. Huang, F. K. P’eng, T. C. Tsai, C. C. Wu and C. M. Chen*. 2015 Methylation-silencing RCC1 expression is associated with tumorigenesis and depth of invasion in gastric cancer,Int. J. Clin. Exp. Pathol. 8(11):14257-14269. (SCI) [IF=1.706; Oncology, 280/308= 90.9%; Q4]. (SCI)
T. H. Hung, Y. H. Li, C. P. Tseng, Y. W. Lan, S. C. Hsu, Y. H. Chen, T. T. Huang, H. C. Lai, C. M. Chen, K. B. Choo, and K. Y. Chong 2015 Knockdown of c-MET induced apoptosis in ABCB1-overexpressed multidrug-resistance cancer cell lines,Cancer Gene Ther. 22(5):262-270. (SCI) [IF=5.987, Medcine, Research & Experimental, 33/186=17.7%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, C. L. Tsai, C. W. Lai, H. C. Tsai, Y. L. Lin, C. H. Wang, and C.M. Chen 2014/09 Kefir improves fatty liver syndrome through inhibited lipogenesis pathway in leptin-deficient ob/ob knockout mice,Int. J. Obesity 38(9): 1172-1179. (SCI) [IF=5.095; Nutrition & Dietetics,15/103= Top 14.6%; Q1] [Nature系列期刊]. (SCI)
T. H. Hung, C. M. Chen, C. P. Tseng, C. J. Shen, H. L. Wang, K. B. Choo, and K. Y. Chong 2014/08 FZD1 activates protein kinase C delta-mediated drug-resistance in multidrug-resistant MES-SA/Dx5 cancer cells, Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 53: 55-65. (SCI) [IF=5.085; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 88/298= 29.5%; Q2]. (SCI)
H. C. Liu, S. Y. Pai, H. L. Chen, C. W. Lai, T. C. Tsai, W.T.K. Cheng, S. H. Yang, and C. M. Chen* 2014/07 Recombinant Derp5 secreted in the milk leading by aS1-casein signal peptide protects against dust mite allergen-induced airway inflammation ,J. Dairy Sci. 97: 6792-6803. (SCI) [IF=4.034; Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science, 6/63 = Top 9.5%]. (SCI)
Y. T. Tung, T. Y. Tang, H. L. Chen, S. H. Yang, K. Y. Chong, and C.M. Chen 2014/06 Lactoferrin protects against chemical-induced rat liver fibrosis through inhibiting stellate cells activation,J. Dairy Sci. 97(6): 3281-3291. (SCI) [IF=4.034; Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science, 6/63 = Top 9.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. C. Lin*, H. H. Chen, Y. K. Chen, H. C. Chang, P. Y. Lin, I. H. Pan, D. Y. Chen, C. M. Chen, and S. Y. Lin 2014/06 Rice bran feruloylated oligosaccharides activate dendritic cells via toll-like receptor 2 and 4 signaling,Molecules 19: 5325-5347. (SCI) [IF=4.411; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, 69/159 = 38.9%; Q2]. (SCI)
R. H. Lin, C. C. Huang, Y. A. Tsou*, C. D. Lin, M. H. Tsai, J. H. Chen, C. M. Chen* and Y. T. Shiao 2014/06 Correlation between imaging characteristics and microbiology in patients with deep neck infections: A retrospective review of one hundred sixty-one cases ,Surg. Infect. 15(6): 794-799. (SCI) [IF=2.150; Surgery 120/270= 44.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
Z. L. Lai, Y. A. Tsou, S. R. Fan, M. H. Tsai, H. L. Chen, J. C. Cheng, and C. M. Chen* 2014/06 Methylation-associated gene silencing of RARB in Areca arcinogens-induced mouse oral squamous cell carcinoma,BioMed. Res. Int. 2014: e378358. (SCI) [IF=3.411; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, 69/159 = 43.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
Y. J. Chen, M. S. Lin, K. Y. Hsu, C. R. Chen, C.M. Chen, and W. Chen 2014/05 Prevalence of asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease and related risk factors in younger and elderly patients in Taiwan ,Angiology 65(5): 396-401. (SCI) [IF=3.619; Peripheral Vascular Disease, 25/65 = 38.5%; Q2]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, C. C. Lin, C. J. Tai, M. H. Tsai, T. C. Tsai, and C. M. Chen 2014/04 Chronic rhinosinusitis and the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer in a Taiwanese health study,Am. J. Rhinol. Allergy 28(4):168-172. (SCI). [IF=2.467; Otorhinolaryngology 11/58= 19%; Q1] [MDLinx特別報導; 07/28/2014]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, S. M. Wang, T. C. Tsai, Z. L. Lai, J. Y. Sun, W. Lin, W. H. Hsu, and C. M. Chen 2014/03 Aerosolized bovine lactoferrin reduces lung injury and fibrosis in mice exposed to hyperoxia,BioMetals 27: 1057-1068. (SCI) [IF=2.949; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 201/298= 67.4%; Q3]. (SCI)
C. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, K. Y. Lin, F. C. Liu, K. Y. Chong, W. T. K. Cheng, and C.M. Chen 2014/03 FTSJ2, a heat shock-inducible mitochondrial protein, suppresses cell invasion and migration,PLoS ONE 9(3): e90818. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, M. T. Peng, Y. F. Wu, C. H. Lai, C. D. Lin, C. J. Tai, M. H. Tsai, C. M. Chen*, and H. C. Chen 2014/02 Decreased PLUNC expression in nasal polyps is associated with multibacterial colonization in chronic rhinosinusitis patients,Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 271 (2): 299-304. (SCI) [IF=2.503; Otorhinolaryngology, 14/58= 24.1%; Q1] [Leading News特別報導; 05/07/2013]. (SCI)
L.Y. Sung, W. F. Chang, Q Zhang, C. C. Liu, C. C. Chang, H. Fu, J. Y. Liou, W. T. K. Cheng, M. Okuka, D. L. Keefe, Y. E. Chen, L. Liu, C. M. Chen, and J. Xu* 2014 Telomere elongation and naïve pluripotent stem cells achieved from telomerase haplo-insufficient cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer,Cell Reports. 9: 1603-1609. (SCI) [IF=9.423; Cell Biology, 28/196= Top 14.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. W. Lan, K. B. Choo, C. M. Chen, T. H. Hung, C. H. Hsieh, H. P. Kuo, and K. Y. Chong* 2014 Wnt5A regulates ABCB1 expression in multidrug-resistant cancer cells through activation of the non-canonical PKA/β-catenin pathway,Oncotarget. 5(23): 12273-12290. (SCI) [5-y IF=5.168; Oncology, 44/217= Top 20.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. T. Tung, T. C. Tsai, Y. H. Kuo, H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, J. Y. Sun, W. H. Chang, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2014 Comparison of solid-state-cultured and wood-cultured Antrodia camphorata in anti-inflammatory effects using NF-κB/luciferase inducible transgenic mice,Phytomedicine 21(2014): 1708-1716. [IF=5.340, Integrative & complementary medicine, 2/39= Top5.1%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. C. Liu, M. C. Lu, Y. C. Lin, T. C. Wu, J. Y. Hsu, M. S. Jan, and C. M. Chen* 2014 Differences in IL-8 in serum and exhaled breath condensate from patients with exacerbated COPD or asthma attacks, J. Formos. Med. Assoc. 113: 908-914. (SCI) [IF=3.282, Medicine, General & Internal,40/313=12.8; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, H. J. Huang, T. C. Wang, C. M. Chen*, and C. Y. Chen* 2014 Evaluation of correlation of cell cycle proteins and Ki67 interaction in paranasal sinus inverted papilloma prognosis and squamous cell carcinoma transformation,BioMed. Res. Int. 2014: e634945. (SCI) [IF=3.411; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, 69/159 = 43.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
C. J. Shen, Y. A. Tsou, S. C. Wu, W. T. K. Cheng, H. L. Chen, C. Y. C. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2014 Osteoponin promoter controlled by DNA methylation: Aberrant methylation in cloned porcine genome,BioMed. Res. Int. 2014: e327538. (SCI) [IF=3.411; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 116/298 = 43.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
J. T. Huang, C. P. Tseng, M. H. Liao, C. H. Lu, W. Z. Yeh, N. Sakamoto,C. M. Chen*, and J. C. Cheng. 2013/09 Hepatitis C virus replication is modulated by the interaction of non-structural protein NS5B and fatty acid synthase, J. Virol. 87(9): 4994-5004. (SCI) [IF=5.103; Virology, 6/36 =16.7%; Q1] [SciBite: Pharma特別報導; 02/26/2013]. (SCI)
W. Chen, J. Y. Chen, H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, C. W. Kuo, F. C. Mao, C. H. Chuang, K. Y. Chong, and C.M. Chen* 2013/09 High-frequency ultrasound imaging to evaluate liver fibrosis progression in rats and Yi Guan Jian herbal therapeutic effects,Evid. Complement. Alter. Med. 2013: e302325. (SCI) [IF=2.629, Integrative & complementary medicine, 12/29=41.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
91. S. T. Wen, W. Chen, H. L. Chen, C. W. Lai, C. C. Yen, K. H. Lee, and C.M. Chen* 2013/09 Amniotic fluid stem cells from EGFP transgenic mice attenuate hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury,PLoS ONE 8(9): e75383. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
S. W. Tsai, Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, C. J. Shen, C. H. Chuang, T. Y. Tang, and C. M. Chen* 2013/08 Treadmill running upregulates the expression of acetylcholine receptor in rat gastrocnemius following Botulinum Toxin A injection,J. Orthop Res. 31: 125–131. (SCI) [IF=3.494; Orthopedics, 14/117= Top 12%; Q1][Science.gov特別報導; 03/15/2013]. (SCI)
Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, C. Y. Lee, Y. C. Chou, P. Y. Lee, H. C. Tsai, C. C. Yen, Y. L. Lin, and C.M. Chen*. 2013/07 Active component of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge), Tanshinone I, attenuates lung tumorigenesis via inhibitions of VEGF, Cyclin A and Cyclin B expression,Evid. Complement. Alter. Med. 2013: e319247. [IF=2.629, Integrative & complementary medicine, 12/29=41.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, H. C. Tsai, S. H. Yang, Y. C. Chang, and C.M. Chen* 2013/07 Therapeutic potential of andrographolide isolated from the leaves of Andrographis paniculata Nees for treating lung adenocarcinomas,Evid. Complement. Alter. Med. 2013: e305898. [IF=2.629, Integrative & complementary medicine, 12/29=41.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
C. M. Chen*, Z. L. Lai, M. L. Wang, and H. L. Chen 2013/06 Cloning and expression of human extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) gene in probiotic Lactobacillus casei,Int. J. Biosci. Biochem. Bioinform. 3(6): 557-561. (SCI). (SCI)
H. L. Chen, T. C. Tsai, J. C. Huang, D. C. Wang, and C.M. Chen* 2013/06 Dimorphic goat amelogenin alleles on sex chromosomes for gender determination of preimplantation embryos, Int. J. Biosci. Biochem. Bioinform. 3(6): 619-623. (SCI). (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou, C. C. Lin, C. H. Lai, C. Y. Wang, C. D. Lin, P. C. Chen, I. J. Tsai, C. M. Chen, F. C. Sung*, and M. H. Tsai 2013/05 Does Adenotonsillectomy really reduced clinic visits for pediatric upper respiratory tract infections? A national database study in Taiwan,Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 77(5): 677-681. (SCI) [IF=1.675; Otorhino- laryngology, 28/58=48.3%; Q2]. (SCI)
C. J. Shen, C. C. Lin, P. C. Shen, W. T. K. Cheng, H. L. Chen, T. C. Chang, S. S. Liu, and C. M. Chen* 2013/05 Imprinted genes and satellite are differentially methylated loci in cloned bovine genomes,Cell Reprogram. 15(5):413-24. (SCI) [IF=1.987; Genetics & Heredity, 139/183 =76%; Q4][BioPortfolio: The World's Leading Biotech, Healthcare and Medical Resource特別報導; 11/08/2013]. (SCI)
M. S. Lin, K. Y. Hsu, Y. J. Chen, C. R. Chen, C. M. Chen,and W. Chen* 2013/05 Prevalence and risk factors of asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease in patients with COPD in Taiwan,PLoS ONE 8(5): e64714. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. T. Tung, C. C. Yen, H. L. Chen, P. Y. Lee, H. C. Tsai, M. F. Lin, and C.M. Chen*. 2013/04 Bovine lactoferrin inhibits lung cancer growth through suppression of inflammation and VEGF expression,J. Dairy Sci. 96(4): 2095-2106. (SCI) [IF=4.034; Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science, 6/63 = Top 9.5%; Q1] [Cancer Commons: Angiogenesis特別報導; 02/22/2013] (HiCi Paper; 8/17/2015). (SCI)
Y. A. Tsou#, C. M. Chen#, T. C. Lin, F. W. Hu, C. J. Tai, H. C. Chen, T. H. Yeh, H. J. Harn, M. H. Tsai, and C. I. Jan* 2013/04 Decreased Splunc-1 expression is associated with Pseudomonas infection in surgical treated chronic rhinosinusitis patients who may require repeated sinus surgery,Laryngoscope 123(4): 845-851. (SCI) [IF=3.325; Otorhinolaryngology, 9/44 = 20.4%; Q1] † Co-first author. (SCI)
P. H. Cheng, C. L. Li, S. J. Tsai, Y. Y. Lai, A. W. S. Chan, C.M. Chen, and S. H. Yang* 2013/02 MiR-196a ameliorates phenotypes of Huntington's disease in cell, transgenic mouse and individual-derived induced pluripotent stem cell models.,Am. J. Hum. Genet. 93 (2): 306-312. (SCI) [IF=11.025; Genetics & Heredity, 5/183= Top 2.7%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. C. Liu, S. Y. Pai, W. T. K. Cheng, H. L. Chen, T. C. Tsai, S. H. Yang, and C. M. Chen* 2013/01 Ingestion of transgenic animal milks containing the Dp2 peptide, a dust mite allergen, potentially protects mice from allergic airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness,Allergy Asthma Clin. Immunol. 9(1): e21. (SCI) [IF=3.406; Allergy, 21/37 = Top 56.8%; Q3] [OtoRhinoLaryngology特別報導; 07/23/2013]. (SCI)
P. H. Cheng, C. L. Li, L. S. Her, Y. F. Chang, A. W. S. Chan,C.M. Chen, and S. H. Yang. 2013/01 Significantly differential diffusion of neuropathological aggregates in the brain of transgenic mice carrying N-terminal mutant huntingtin fused with green fluorescent protein,Brain Struct. Funct. 218(1): 283-94. (SCI) [IF=3.270; Anatomy & Morphology, 1/23= Top 4.3%; Q1] [SciBite News特別報導; 04/03/2012]. (SCI)
S. W. Tsai, H. L. Chen, Y. C. Chang, and C. M. Chen* 2013 Molecular Mechanisms of treadmill therapy on neuromusclar atrophy induced via botulinum toxin A,Neural Plasticity. 2013: e593271. (SCI) [IF=3.599, Neurosciences, 138/273= 50.5%; Q3]. (SCI)
H. Y. Chen, C. J. Chen, Y. N. Lin, Y. H. Chen, W. C. Chen, and C. M. Chen 2013 Proteomic analysis related to stress urinary incontinence following vaginal trauma in female mice,Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 171 (2013): 171-179. (SCI) [IF=2.435, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 60/121= 49.6%; Q2]. (SCI)
Y. T. Wang, S. Y. Chang, Y. C. Huang, T. C. Tsai, C. M. Chen, and C. T. Lim 2013 Nanomechanics insights into the performance of healthy and osteoporotic bones,Nano Lett. 13 (11): 5247-5254. [IF=13.025; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, 4/69= Top 5.8%] [Nanowerk News特別報導; 10/10/2013]. (SCI)
Y. C. Lin, M. C. Lu, C. Lin, M. K. Chiang, M. S. Jan, H. L. Tang, H. C. Liu, W. L. Lin, C. Y. Huang, C.M. Chen* and Y. C. Lai 2013 Activation of IFN-r/STAT/IRF-1 in hepatic responses to Klebsiella pneumoniae infection,PLoS ONE 8 (11): e79961. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
W. C. Chen, K. D. Tsai, C. H. Chen, M. S. Lin, C. M. Chen, C. M. Shih, and W. Chen* 2012/09 Role of Gallium-67 scintigraphy in the evaluation of occult sepsis in the medical ICU,Intern. Emerg. Med. 7: 53-58. (SCI) [IF=3.397; Medicine, General & Internal, 55/313=17.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
J. Y. Chen, H. L. Chen, J. C. Cheng, H. J. Lin, Y. T. Tung, C. F. Lin, and C.M. Chen* 2012/06 A Chinese herbal medicine, Gexia-Zhuyu Tang (GZT), prevents dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver fibrosis through inhibition of hepatic stellate cells proliferation,J. Ethnopharmacol. 142: 811-818. [IF=4.360, Integrative & Complementary Medicine, 4/39= 10.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
J. C. Lai, M. Y. Tu*, C. M. Chen, and F. Y. Wang 2012/03 Spinal epidural abscess in the lumbar spine after dental extraction in a 53-year-old man,Formos. J. Musculoskel. Disor. 3: 144-147. (SCI).
C. J. Shen, W. T. K. Cheng, S. C. Wu, H. L. Chen, T. C. Tsai, S. H. Yang, and C.M. Chen* 2012/02 Differential differences in methylation status of putative imprinted genes among cloned swine genomes, PLoS ONE 7(2): e32812. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
S.W. Tsai, C.J. Chen, H.L. Chen, C. M. Chen* and Y. Y. Chang 2012/02 The effects of treadmill running on rat gastrocnemius function following botulinum toxin A injection,J. Orthop Res. 30 (2): 319-324. (SCI) [IF=3.494; Orthopedics, 9/63= Top 12%; Q1]. (SCI)
M. C. Chen, C. Y. Huang, S. L. Hsu, E. Lin, C. T. Ku, H. Lin*, and C. M. Chen* 2012 Retinoic acid induces apoptosis of prostate cancer DU145 cells through Cdk5 over-activation,Evid. Complement. Alter. Med. [IF=2.629, Integrative & complementary medicine, 12/29=41.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
S. W. Tsai, H. L. Chen, and C.M. Chen* 2012 The effects of treadmill on muscle activity and neuromuscular junction of botulinum toxin-induced muscle atrophy,Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp.1-8.. pp.1-8.
J. Y. Chen, H. L. Chen, S. H. Wu, T. C. Tsai, M. F. Lin, C. C. Yen, W. H. Hsu, W. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2012 Application of high-frequency ultrasound for the detection of surgical anatomy in the rodent abdomen,Vet. J. 191: 246-252. (SCI). [IF=2.688; Veterinary Sciences, 26/166= Top 15.7%; Q1]. pp. 246-252. (SCI)
78. Y. J. Chen, Y. T. Chang, J. L. Shen, T. T. Chen, C. B. Wang, C. M. Chen, and C. Y. Wu* 2012 Association between systemic antipsoriatic drugs and cardiovascular risk in patients with psoriasis with or without psoriatic arthritis: a nationwide cohort study,Arthritis & Rheumatism 64(6): 1879-1887. (SCI) [IF=7.379, Rheumatology 1/22= Top 4.5%; Q1] DOI 10.1002/art.34335. (SCI)
C. C. Yen, H. L. Chen, and C.M. Chen* 2011 Lactoferrin – a novel natural host defense protect against Escherichia coli infection. In: M. C. Rogers and N. D. Peterson, E. coli infections: Causes, Treatment and Protection,Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA. pp.113-124..
K. T. Ho, Y. H. Chang, S. H. Lu, C. N. Huang, C. M. Chen, and M. Y. Shiau* 2011 Regulation of glucose/lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity by interleukin-4,Int. J. Obesty [IF=5.095; Nutrition & Dietetics, 15/103= Top 14.6%; Q1] (SCI) (Accepted).. (SCI)
M. C. Chen, C. M. Chen*, and H. Lin* 2011 Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulates androgen production in mouse ovary thecal cells, Biol. Reprod. 85: 708. (SCI) [IF=4.285; Reproductive Biology, 5/30= Top 16.7%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. M. Hung, C. C. Yeh, K. Y. Chong, H. L. Chen, S. T. Kao, C. C. Yen, M. H. Yeh, M. S. Lin, and C. M. Chen* 2011 Gingyo-San enhances peripheral lymphocyte proliferation and assists infectious Bursal disease vaccination in native chicken,Evid. Complement. Alter. Med. 2011: e238208. (SCI) [IF=2.629, Integrative & complementary medicine, 12/29=41.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
T. C. Tsai, S. H. Wu, H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, W. T. K. Cheng, J. C. Huang and C. M. Chen* 2011 Identification of sex-specific polymorphic sequences in goat amelogenin gene for embryo sexing,J. Animal Sci. 89 (8): 2407-2414. (SCI) [IF=3.159; Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science,9/79= Top 11.4%; Q1]. (SCI)
Y. T. Chang?,C. M. Chen?, M. Y. Tu, H. L. Chen, S. Y. Chang, T. C. Tsai, Y. T. Wang, and H. L. Hsiao 2011 Effects of osteoporosis and nutrition supplements on structures and nanomechanical properties of bone tissue,J. Mechan. Behav. Biomed. Materi. 4: 1412-1420. (SCI) [IF=3.902; Materials Science Biometerials, 17/46= 37%; Q2].†Co-first author. (SCI)
Y. C. Lin, M. C. Lu, H. L. Tang, H. C. Liu, C. H. Chen, K. S. Liu, C. Lin, C. S. Chiou, M. K. Chiang, C. M. Chen* and Y. C. Lai*. 2011 Assessment of hypermucoviscosity as a virulence factor for experimental Klebsiella pneumoniae infections: comparative virulence analysis with hypermuco- viscosity-negative strain,BMC Microbiology 11:50. [IF= 3.605; Microbiology, 50/142= 35.2%; Q2] (SCI) (獲選為2011年BMC Open Assess 190種期刊中之Highly Assessed Paper). (SCI)
Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, C. W. Lai, C. J. Shen, Y. W. Lai, and C. M. Chen* 2011 Curcumin reduces pulmonary tumorigenesis in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-overexpressing transgenic mice,Mol. Nutri. Food Res. 55(7): 1036-1043. (SCI) [IF=5.914; Food Science & Technology,9/160= Top 5.6%; Q1]. pp.1036-1043. (SCI)
H. C. Liu, M. S. Jan, Y. C. Lin, T. C. Wu, C. N. Huang, C. M. Chen*, and M. C. Lu* 2011 A rare pulmonary zygomycosis manifested as chronic mediastinitis and bronchial perforation,Eur. Respir. J. 38: 734-735. (SCI) [IF=16.671; Respiratory System, 3/96= 3.1%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. J. Lin, J. Y. Chen, C. F. Lin, S. T. Kao, J. C. Cheng, H. L. Chen, and C.M. Chen* 2011 Hepatoprotective effects of Yi Guan Jian, an herbal medicine, in rats with dimethylnitrosamine- induced liver fibrosis,J. Ethnopharmacol. 134: 953-960. (SCI) [IF=4.360, Integrative & Complementary Medicine, 5/29= 17.2%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. C. Yen, C. J. Shen, W. H. Hsu, Y. H. Chang, H. T. Lin, H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen*. 2011 Lactoferrin: an iron-binding antimicrobial protein against Escherichia coli infection,BioMetals 24: 585-594. (SCI) [IF=2.949; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 201/298= 67.5%; Q3]. (SCI)
C.C. Yen, Y.W. Lai, H.L. Chen, C.W. Lai, C.Y. Lin, W. Chen, Y.P. Kuan, W.H. Hsu, and C.M. Chen*. 2011 Aerosolized human extracellular superoxide dismutase prevents hyperoxia-induced lung injury,PLoS ONE 6(10): e26870. (SCI) [IF=3.240; Multidisciplinary Sciences, 29/126 = Top 23%; Q1]. (SCI)
H.J. Lin, C.P. Tseng, C.F. Lin, M.H. Liao, C. M. Chen, S.T. Kao and J.C. Cheng* 2011 A Chinese herbal decoction, modified Yi Guan Jian, induces apoptosis in hepatic stellate cells through a ROS-mediated mitochondrial/ caspase pathway, Alter. Med. 2011: e459531. (SCI) [IF=2.629, Integrative & complementary medicine, 12/29=41.4%; Q2]. (SCI)
C. M. Hung, C. C. Yeh, H. L. Chen, C.W. Lai, M.F. Kuo, M. H. Yeh, W. Lin, M.Y. Tu, H. C. Cheng, and C. M. Chen* 2010 Porcine lactoferrin administration enhances peripheral lymphocyte proliferation and assists infectious bursal disease vaccination in native chickens,Vaccine. 28: 2895-2902. (SCI) [IF= 3.641; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 72/186= 38.7%; Q2]. (SCI)
C. H. Lin, C. J. Chen, C. M. Chen, S. L. Liao, S. L. Raung, and S. W. Tsai 2010 Treatment of atlantoaxial rotatory fixation with botulinum toxin muscle block and manipulation,J. Chin. Med. Assoc. 73: 222-224. (SCI) [IF=2.743; Medicine, General & Internal, 76/313= 24.3%; Q1]. pp.222-224. (SCI)
C. M. Hung, S. C. Wu, C. C. Yen, M. F. Lin, Y. W. Lai, Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2010 Porcine lactoferrin as feedstuff additive elevates avian immunity and potentiates vaccination,BioMetals. 23: 579-587. (SCI) [IF=2.949; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 201/298= 67.4%; Q3]. (SCI)
M.S. Lee, C.H. Lin, T.H. Lee, H.M. Wu, C.C. Huang, L.S. Huang, C. M. Chen and E.H. Cheng* 2010 Association of creatin kinase B and peroxiredoxin 2 expression with age and embryo quality in cumulus cells, J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. 27: 629-639. (SCI) [IF=3.412; Obstetrics & Gynecology, 25/83= 30.1%; Q2]. pp.629-639. (SCI)
K. T. Ho§, M. Y. Shiau, Y. H. Chang, C. M. Chen§, S. C. Yang, and C. N. Huang* 2010 Association of interleukin-4 promoter polymorphisms in Taiwanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Metabol. Clin. Exp. 59: 1717-1722. (SCI) [IF=8.694, Endocrinology & Metabolism, 11/177=6.2%; Q1] (§Equal contribution).. (SCI)
T. C. Tsai, W. Lin, S. H. Yang, W.T.K. Cheng, E.H. Cheng, M.S. Lee, K.Y. Chang, and C. M. Chen* 2010 Granzyme G is expressed in the two-cell stage mouse embryo and is required for the maternal-zygotic transition,BMC Dev. Biol. 10: 88. [IF=1.978, Developmental Biology, 19/40=47.5%; Q2] (獲選為2010年BMC Open Assess 190種期刊中之Highly Assessed Paper). (SCI)
F. C. Liu, H. L. Chen, W. Lin, Y.T. Tang, C.W. Lai, A. L. Hsu, and C. M. Chen* 2010 Application of porcine lipase secreted by Pichia pastoris to improve fat digestion and growth performance of postweaning piglets, J. Agri. Food Chem. 58: 3322-3329. (SCI). [IF=5.279; Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 6/83 = Top 7.2 %; Q1]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, Y.W. Lai, C. S. Chen, T. W. Chu, W. Lin, C. C. Yen, M. F. Lin, M.Y. Tu, and C. M. Chen*. 2010 Probiotic Lactobacillus casei expressing human lactoferrin elevates antibacterial activity in the gastrointestinal tract,BioMetals. 23: 543-554. (SCI) [IF=2.949; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 201/298= 67.5%; Q3]. (SCI)
Y. J. Chen, J. L. Shen, C. Y. Wu, S. Y. Chu, Y. T. Chang, C. M. Chen and F. Y. Lee 2009 Elevated plasma osteopontin level is 1 associated with occurrence of psoriasis and is an unfavorable cardiovascular risk factor in patients with psoriasis,J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 60(2): 225-230. (SCI) [IF=11.527, Dermatology 1/89= Top 1.1%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. C. Yen, C. Y. Lin, K. Y. Chong, T. C. Tsai, C. J. Shen, M. F. Lin, C. Y. Su, H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen* 2009 Lactoferrin as a natural regimen of selective decontamination of the digestive tract,J. Infect. Dis. 199(4): 590-598. (SCI) [IF=5.226, Infectious diseases, 18/92=Top19.6%; Q1] [NaturalNews.com特別報導]. (SCI)
Y. J. Chen, C. Y. Wu, C. C. Chang, C. J. Ma, M. C. Li, and C. M. Chen* 2008 Nuclear Kruppel-like factor 4 expression is associated with human skin squamous cell carcinoma progression and metastasis,Cancer Biol. Ther. 7(5): 777-782. (SCI) [IF=4.742, Oncology 102/308= 33.1%; Q2]. no.5, pp.777-782. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, L. C. Wang, C. H. Chang, C. C. Yen, W.T.K. Cheng, S. C. Wu, C. M. Hung, M. F. Kuo, and C. M. Chen* 2008 Recombinant Porcine Lactoferrin Expressed in the Milk of Transgenic Mice Protects Neonatal Mice from a Lethal Challenge with Enterovirus Type 71,Vaccine. 26: 891-898 (SCI) [IF=3.641; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 72/186= 38.7%; Q2]. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, J. Y. Huang, T. W. Chu, T. C. Tsai, C. M. Hung, C. C. Lin, L. C. Wang, Y. J. Chen, M. F. Lin, and C. M. Chen* 2008 Expression of VP1 protein in the milk of transgenic mice: As a potential oral vaccine against for enterovirus 71 strain infection, Vaccine. 26: 2882-2889. (SCI) [IF= 3.641; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 72/186= 38.7%; Q2]. (SCI)
F. C. Liu, H. L. Chen, K. Y. Chong, A. L. Hsu, and C. M. Chen* 2008 Production of recombinant porcine colipase secreted by Pichia pastoris and its application to improve dietary fat digestion and growth of postweaning piglets,Biotech. Prog. 24: 1333-1341. (SCI) [IF=2.681, Food Science & Technology,71/160= 44.4%; Q2].. pp.1333-1341. (SCI)
Y. J. Chen, C. Y. Wu, J. L. Shen, S. Y. Chu, C. K. Chen, Y. T. Chang.and C. M. Chen* 2008 Psoriasis independently associated with hyperleptinemia contributing to metabolic syndrome,Arch Dermatol. 144(12): 1571-1575. (SCI) [IF=4.789, Dermatology; 2/63= Top 3.2%; Q1]. [Leading News特別報導]. (SCI)
C. F. Tu, H. C. Tsai, C. M. Chen, J. M. Lee, T. S. Yang, Y. L. Tseng, N. K. Chou, and P. H. Lee 2008 Human leukocyte antigen-DR matching improved skin graft survival from transgenic pigs to accommodate SCID mice reconstituted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells,Transplant. Proc. 40(2): 578-580. (SCI) [IF=1.066, Transplantation 24/25= 96%; Q4]. (SCI)
C. M. Chen*, W. E. Chen, C. Y. Chen, J. C. Wu, and H. L. Chen 2007 Dissecting epigenetic alterations between hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus-infected hepatocellular carcinoma using CpG island microarray, J. Hepatol. 46: 127. (SCI). [IF= 25.083; Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2/92 = Top 2.2 %; Q1]. (SCI)
F. C. Liu, and C. M. Chen* 2007 Cloning myostatin propeptide cDNA and construction of its expression vector,Taiwan Livestock Res. 40: 159-168..
F. C. Liu, and C. M. Chen* 2007 Cloning of myostatin cDNA and analysis of the relation between birth weight and myostatin mRNA expression levels of neonatal TLRI No.1 black pigs,Taiwan Livestock Res. 40: 119-128..
K. M. Lin, T. H. Chao, C. M. Chen, L. P. Chen, H. M. Wang, and F. F. Chiang 2007 Methylation of the PCDH21 (Protocadherin-21) gene in colorectal cancer, J. Soc. Colon Rectal Surg. 18: 93-98. (SCI).. pp.93-98. (SCI)
S. C. Wu, H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, M. F. Kuo, T. S. Yang, S. R. Wang, C. N. Weng, C. M. Chen*, and W. T. K. Cheng 2007 Recombinant porcine lactoferrin expressed in the milk of transgenic mice enhances offspring growth performance, J. Agri. Food Chem. 55: 4670-4677. (SCI). [IF=5.279; Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 5/58 = Top 8.6 %; Q1] ( 榮獲ACS美國化學學會News特別報導;並被撰文收錄於J. Chem. Edu.期刊作為美國高中及大學生物與化學之參考教材). (SCI)
F. C. Liu, and C. M. Chen* 2007 The effect of dietary addition of the recombinant colipase on growth performance and fat utilization of TLRI black piglets 2wks postweaning,Taiwan Livestock Res. 40: 169-175.. pp.169-175.
H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, C. Y. Lu, C. H. Yu, and C. M. Chen* 2006 Synthetic Porcine Lactoferricin with a 20-Residue Peptide Exhibits Antimicrobial Activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans, J. Agri. Food Chem. 54: 3277-3282. (SCI). [IF=5.279; Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 5/58 = Top 8.6 %; Q1]. (SCI)
H.L. Chen, C.C. Yen, T.C. Tsai, C.H. Yu, Y.J. Liou, Y.W. Lai, M.L. Wang, and C.M. Chen* 2006 Production and characterization of human extracellular superoxide dismutase in the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris,J. Agri. Food Chem. 54: 8041-8047. (SCI). [IF=5.279; Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 5/58 = Top 8.6 %; Q1] [ACS News]. (SCI)
C. J. Hu, S. D. Chen, D. I. Yang, T. N. Lin, C. M. Chen, T. H. M. Huang and C. Y. Hsu 2006 Promoter region methylation and reduced expression of thrombospondin-1 after oxygen-glucose deprivation in murine cerebral endothelial cells,J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. 26: 1519-1526. (SCI) [IF=6.200; Hematology10/93= Top 10.8%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. C. Yen, S. H. Yang, C. Y. Lin, and C. M. Chen* 2006 Stem cells in the lung parenchyma and prospects for lung injury therapy,Eur. J. Clin. Invest. 36: 310-319. (SCI). [IF=4.686; Medicine, General & Internal, 48/313= 15.3 %; Q1]. pp.310-319. (SCI)
H. L. Chen, Y. W. Lai, C. C. Yen, Y. Y. Lin, C.Y. Lu, S. H. Yang, T. C. Tsai, C. W. Lin and C. M. Chen* 2005 Production of recombinant porcine lactoferrin exhibiting antibacterial activity in methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris,J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 8: 141-149. (SCI) [IF=0.803; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 152/156 = 97.4%; Q4]. pp.141-149. (SCI)
S. H. Wei, T. C. Yip, and C. M. Chen*. 2005 Identifying clinicopathological association of DNA hypermethylation in cancers using CpG island microarrays. In: DNA Methylation and Cancer Therapy,Kluwer Academic. NY, USA. p.107-116. pp.107-116.
S. Y. Pai, S. H. Yang, W. T. K. Cheng, C. H. Hsu and C.M. Chen*. 2004 Desensitivity therapy of allergic airway inflammation and hyper-reactivity by mammary specific expre.
S. H. Tsai, C. M. Chen, C. S. Chang, and G. H. Chen 2004 Effect of Helicobacter pylori infection on intragastric acidity in patients with reflux esophagitis,J. Gastroenterol. 39: 821-826. (SCI) [IF=7.527; Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 17/92= Top 18.5%; Q1]. pp.821-826. (SCI)
C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, T. H. C. Hsiau, A. H. A. Hsiau, H. Shi, G. J. R. Brock, S. H. Wei, C. W. Caldwell, P. S. Yan, and T. H. M. Huang 2003 Methylation target array for rapid analysis of CpG island hypermethylation in multiple tissue genomes,Am. J. Pathol. 163: 37-45. (SCI) [IF= 4.307; Pathology, 12/89= Top 13.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
H. Yang, C. M. Chen, P. S. Yan, T. H. M. Huang, H. Shi, M. Burger, I. Nimmrich, S. Maier, K. Berlin, and C. W. Caldwell 2003 The androgen receptor gene is preferentially hypermethylated in follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas,Clin. Cancer Res. 9: 4034-4042. (SCI) [IF= 12.531; oncology, 12/308= Top 3.4%; Q1]. (SCI)
S. H. Wei, C. M. Chen, G. Strathdee, J. Harnsomburana, C. R. Shyu, F. Rahmatpanah, H. Shi, S. W. Ng, P. S. Yan, K. P. Nephew, R. Brown, and T. H. M. Huang 2002 Methylation microarray analysis of late-stage ovarian carcinomas distinguishes progression-free survival in patients and identifies candidate epigenetic markers,Clin. Cancer Res. 8: 2246-2252. (SCI) [IF= 12.531; oncology, 12/308= Top3.4%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. M. Chen*, C. H. Wang, S. C. Wu, C. C. Lin, S. H. Lin, and W. T. K. Cheng 2002 Temporal and spatial expression of biologically active human factor VIII in the milk of transgenic mice driven by mammary-specific bovine -lactalbumin regulation sequences,Transgenic Res. 11: 257-268. (SCI) [IF=2.788; Biochemical Research Methods, 46/77=59.7%;Q3]. (SCI)
J. C. Wu, C. M. Chen, T. Y. Chiang, W. H. Tsai, W. J. Jeng, I. J. Sheen, C. C. Lin, and X. J. Meng 2002 Spread of hepatitis E virus among different-aged pigs: Two-year survey in Taiwan,J. Med. Virol. 66: 488- 492. (SCI) [IF=2.327; Virology , 28/36=77.8%,Q3]. (SCI)
H. Shi, P. S. Yan, C. M. Chen, F. Rahmatpanah, C. Lofton-Day, C. W. Caldwell, and T. H. M. Huang 2002 Expressed CpG island sequence tag microarray for dual screening of DNA hypermethylation and gene silencing in cancer cells,Cancer Res. 62: 3214-3220. (SCI) [IF=12.701; oncology, 20/308=Top6.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, H. Shi, C. W. Caldwell, G. J. R. Brock, P. S. Yan, and T. H. M. Huang 2002 Complex patterns of DNA methylation in cancer,In: Cancer Epigenetics: DNA methylation and chromatin. Madrid, Spanish.. pp.43-44.
P. S. Yan, C. M. Chen, H. Shi, F. Rahmatpanah, S. H. Wei, and T. H. M. Huang 2002 Applications of CpG island microarrays for high-throughput analysis of DNA methylation,J. Nutri. 132: 2430- 2434. (SCI) [IF=4.798; Nutrition & Dietetics, 17/103= Top16.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
S. C. Liu, C. M. Chen, and Y. H. Yu 2002 Sex identification of duck embryos by polymerase chain reaction,Taiwan Livestock Res. 35: 169-173. pp.169-173.
R. S. Gitan, H. Shi, C. M. Chen, P. S Yan, and T. H. M. Huang 2002 Methylation-specific oligonucleotide microarray: A new potential for high-throughput methylation analysis,Genome Res. 12: 158-164. (SCI) [IF=9.043; Genetics & Heredity , 7/183= Top3.8%; Q1]. pp.158-164. (SCI)
G. J. R. Brock, T. H. M. Huang, C. M. Chen, and K. J. Johnson 2001 A novel technique for the identification of CpG islands exhibiting altered methylation patterns (ICEAMP) ,Nucl. Acids Res. 29(24): e123. (SCI) [IF=16.971; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 4/300=Top1.3%; Q1]. (SCI)
P. S. Yan, C. M. Chen, H. Shi, F. Rahmatpanah, S. H. Wei, C. W. Caldwell, and T. H. M. Huang 2001 Disecting complex epigenetic alterations in breast cancer using CpG island microarrays,Cancer Res. 61: 8375-8380. (SCI) [IF=12.701; oncology, 20/308=Top6.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
C. M. Chen*, Y. C. Chang, H. L. Chen, and W. T. K. Cheng 2000/08 High-level expression of growth hormone in the methylotropic yeast and its application on growth improvement of fowls ,Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 13: 158-161. (SCI) [IF=2.509; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 17/79=21.5%; Q1]. (SCI)
W. T. K. Cheng, C. H. Lee, C. M. Hung, T. J. Chang and C. M. Chen* 2000/05 Growth hormone gene polymorphisms and growth performance traits in Duroc, Landrace and Tao-Yuan pigs,Theriogenology 54:1225-1237. (SCI) [IF=2.740; Reproductive Biology, 5/33=Top15.1%; Q1]. pp.1225-1237. (SCI)
C. M. Hung, T. H. Hong, C. H. Hsu, and C. M. Chen* 2000 Production of anti-insulin monoclonal antibody by a novel immunization protocol and its clinical application to ELISA of insulin,J. Agri. Soci. China 1: 343-352. pp.343-352.
C. M. Chen, Winston T. K. Cheng, Y. C. Chang, T. J. Chang, and C. L. Chen 2000 Growth enhancement of fowls by dietary administration of recombinant yeast cultures containing enriched growth hormone,Life Sci.67: 2103-2115. (SCI) [IF=5.037; Medicine, Research & Experimental, 35/186=18.8%; Q1]. pp.2103-2115. (SCI)
J. C. Wu, C. M. Chen, W. H. Tsai, T. Z. Chen, and S. D. Lee 2000 Clinical and epidemiological implications of swine hepatitis E virus infection,J. Med. Virol.60: 166-171. (SCI) [IF=2.327; Virology, 24/36= 66.7%;Q3]. pp.166-171. (SCI)
C. M. Chen, C. L. Hu, and W. T. K. Cheng 1999 The techniques of bovine embryo sexing,Natl. Sci. Coun. Monthly (ROC) . vol.27, pp.381-392.
M. F. Kuo, C. M. Chen, H. K. Hu, and W. T. K. Cheng. 1999 The feasibleness of using mouse embryonic stem cells after retrovirus vector-PSN transfection to aggregate with mouse diploid and tetraploid embryos for production of transgenic mice,. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci.28: 471-490.. pp.471-490.
C. M. Chen, C. L. Hu, C. H. Wang, C. M. Hung, H. K. Wu, K. B. Choo, and W. T. K. Cheng 1999 Gender determination in single bovine blastomeres by polymerase chain reaction amplification of sex-specific polymorphic fragments in the amelogenin gene, Mol. Reprod. Dev. 54: 209-214. (SCI) [IF=2.609; Reproductive Biology, 21/30=70%;Q3]. pp.209-214. (SCI)
M. F. Kuo, C. M. Chen, H. K. Hu, and W. T. K. Cheng 1998 Integration and expression of porcine growth hormone gene after transfected into the mouse embryonic stem cells by retroviral vector,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 27(1): 59-73.. pp.59-73. (SCI)
M. F. Kuo, C. M. Chen, H. K. Hu, and W. T. K. Cheng. 1998 Use of nonautologous microencapulated fibroblasts in growth hormone gene therapy to improve growth of midget swine,Hum. Gene Ther. 9: 1995-2003. (SCI) [IF=5.695; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, 19/161= Top 11%; Q1]. pp.59-73. (SCI)
K. B. Choo, C. M. Chen, and W. T. K. Cheng. 1996 1996 Molecular analysis of cellular loci disrupted by papillomavirus 16 integration in cervical cancer: frequent viral integration in topologically destabilized and transcriptionally active chromosomal regions,J. Med. Virol. 49: 15-22. (SCI) [IF=2.327; Virology, 28/36=77.8%;Q4] . pp.15-22. (SCI)
J. C. Wu, C. M. Chen, T. Z. Chen, S. D. Lee, F. S. Yen, and K. B. Choo, 1996 Prevalence and type of precore hepatitis B virus mutants in hepatitis D virus superinfection and its clinical implications,J. Infect. Dis. 173: 457-459. (SCI) [IF=5.226, Infectious diseases, 18/92= Top19.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
J. C. Wu, C. M. Chen, I. J. Sheen, S. D. Lee, H. M. Tzeng, and K. B. Choo 1996 Evidence of transmission of hepatitis D virus to spouses from sequence analysis of the viral genome,Hepatology 22: 1656-1660. (SCI) [IF=17.425; Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 6/131= Top 4.6%; Q1]. (SCI)
K. B. Choo, C. J. Huang, C. M. Chen, C. P. Han, and L. C. Au 1995 Jun-B oncogene aberrations in cervical cancer cell lines,Cancer Letters 93: 249-253. (SCI) [IF=8.679; Oncology, 27/308 =Top8.8%; Q1] . pp.249-253. (SCI)
C. M. Chen, W. T. K. Cheng, and K. B. Choo, 1995 Frequent deletions and sequence aberrations at the transgene junctions of transgenic mice carrying the papillomavirus regulatory and the SV40 TAg gene sequences, Transgenic Res. 4: 52-59. (SCI) [IF=2.788; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 211/298=70.8%;Q3]. pp.52-59. (SCI)
J. C. Wu, K. B. Choo, C. M. Chen, T. Z. Chen, and S. D. Lee 1995 Genotyping of hepatitis D virus by restriction-fragment length polymorphism and relation to outcome of hepatitis D,Lancet 346: 939-941. (SCI) [IF=79.321; Medicine, General & Internal, 2/169 = 1.2%; Q1]. (SCI)
K. B. Choo, C. M. Chen, C. N. Shen, and L. C. Au, 1995 Resolution of uncertainties in restriction maps of cosmid clones by ,Anal. Biochem. 288: 355-357. (SCI) [IF=3.365; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 135/300=45.0%;Q2]. pp.355-357. (SCI)
C. M. Chen*, W. T. K. Cheng, and K. B. Choo 1994/06 Structure analysis of transgenes in transgenic mice: evidence for frequent deletions, insertions and sequence aberrations. ,Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 7: 15-18. (SCI) [IF=2.509; Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science, 14/63=22.2%; Q1]. pp.15-18. (SCI)
K. B. Choo, and C. M. Chen, 1994 Cellular genes and sequences disrupted by human papillomavirus integration in cervical cancer,J. Cell. Biochem. 18A: 224-225. (SCI) [IF=4.429; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 112/298=37.9%;Q2] . pp.224-225. (SCI)
C. M. Chen, M. P. Shyu, L. C. Au, H. W. Chu, W. T. K. Cheng, and K. B. Choo 1994 Analysis of deletion of the integrated HPV16 sequences in cervical cancer: a rapid multiplex PCR approach, J. Med. Virol. 44: 206-211. (SCI) [IF=2.327; Virology, 28/36=77.8%;Q4]. pp.206-211. (SCI)
K. Y. Chong, C. M. Chen, and K. B. Choo 1993 Post-hybridization recovery of DNA from membrane filter for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. ,BioTechniques 14: 575-578. (SCI) [IF=1.993; Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 253/298=84.9%;Q4]. pp.575-578. (SCI)


Y. H. Chen (陳昱璇), H. L. Chen, J. K. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Kefir peptides improve gut and blood vessels function by ameliorating intestinal morphology and enriching intestinal microbiota in salt-induced spontaneous hypertension rat stroke-prone (SHRSP) animal model, In The 2020 Experimental Biology International Conference. Apr. 4-7, 2020. San Diego, California, USA. FASEB J. 34 (Suppl 1): 1-1. doi.org/10.1096/fasebj.2020.34. s1.09618.
C. M. Chen*, J. C. Yang, C. C. Yen, and H. L. Chen. 2020 Amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate lung alveolar epithelium regeneration and reverse lung fibrosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, In The 2020 Experimental Biology International Conference. Apr. 4-7, 2020. San Diego, California, USA. L9646. FASEB J. 34 (Suppl 1): 1-2. doi.org/10.1096/fasebj.2020.34.s1.09646.
Y. W. Lan, W. R. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells attenuate chronic alcohol-induced liver injury in aldo-keto reductase 1a1 (Akr1a1) knockout mouse model,In the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting 2020 Virtual. Jun. 23-27, 2020. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. CA: 121.
Y. C. Chen, Y. W. Lan, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Effects of amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells on pancreatic adenocarcinoma development,In the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting 2020 Virtual. Jun. 23-27, 2020. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. CA: 122.
C. C. Yang, Y. W. Lan, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells preconditioned by hyperoxic exposure body fluid improve therapeutic efficacy in the hyperoxic acute lung injury mouse model,In the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting 2020 Virtual. Jun. 23-27, 2020. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. TSC: 366.
Y. W. Lan, W. R. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells attenuate chronic alcohol-induced liver injury in aldo-keto reductase 1a1 knockout mouse model,In the 2020 International Conference of Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology. P-13. Aug. 7-8, NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan.
G. R. L. Chang(張若麟)#, K. I. Chang(張顧議)#, C. K. Peng, H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen*. 2020 KFP-1, a 17-residue kefir peptide, enhances intracellular calcium uptake and inhibits RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis by accelerating osteoclast apoptosis,In the 2020 International Conference of Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology. P-14. Aug. 7-8, NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan. (Selected Oral Presentation).
Y. W. Lai, C. H. Ko, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Anti-inflammation and bone protection effects of kefir peptides in a rat model of adjuvant-induced rheumatoid arthritis,In the 2020 International Conference of Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology. P-18. Aug. 7-8, NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan.
Y. T. Kao (高永璁), Y. W. Lan, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Assessment of In Utero Therapy of Hemophilia Mice by Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Engraftment,In the 2020 International Conference of Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology. P-57. Aug. 7-8, NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen*(Section Chair; Co-Organizer) 2020 Development of clinical-grade medium for stem cell culture and biomechanics and functioning mechanisms of animal suction devices,In the 2020 International Conference of Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology. Aug. 7-8, NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan.
C. L. Tsai (蔡忠良), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Effects of kefir exopolysaccharide extract on high-fat diet and STZ-induced type 2 diabetic rat,In the 2020 Annual Conference of Chinese Physiology Society. P. 19. Aug. 16-17, 2020. Hui-Sun Experimental Forest, Nantau, Taiwan. (*榮獲2020年生醫年會/生理學會壁報論文獎).
C. M. Chen* (Plenary Speaker) 2020 Development and commercialization of anti-osteoporotic peptides: From basic study to clinical trial,In The 2020 Smart Technology Forum. Aug. 18, 2020. NCHU, Taichung, Taiwan.
Y. H. Chen (陳昱璇), H. L. Chen, J. K. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Anti-inflammation, antioxidant and antifibrotic effects of kefir peptides on salt-induced renal vascular damage in stroke-prone hypertensive rats,In The 2020 Symposium on International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. Oct. 23-24, 2020. Section No. 2. International Conference Hall of Huisun Forest Farm, Nantou, Taiwan. (*榮獲2020年國際生物催化暨農業生技學會論文競賽金獎).
G. R. L. Chang (張若麟), K. I. Chang, Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 A 17-residue kefir peptide enhances calcium influx in Caco-2 cells and inhibits RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in BMMs and Raw264.7 cells,In The 2020 Symposium on International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. Oct. 23-24, 2020. Section No. 2. International Conference Hall of Huisun Forest Farm, Nantou, Taiwan. (*榮獲2020年國際生物催化暨農業生技學會論文競賽銀獎).
Y. W. Lan (籃英維), H. H. Li (李信翰), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Kefir peptides alleviate high-fat diet-induced atherosclerosis in ApoE knockout mice,In The 2020 Symposium on International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. Oct. 23-24, 2020. Section No. 2. International Conference Hall of Huisun Forest Farm, Nantou, Taiwan. (*榮獲2020年國際生物催化暨農業生技學會論文競賽佳作獎).
Y. T. Kao (高永璁), Y. W. Lan, and C. M. Chen*. 2020 Assessment of in utero therapy of hemophilia mice by amniotic fluid stem cells engraftment,In the 2020 International Conference on Stem Cell & Gene Therapy. PO-38. Oct. 30-31, NYMU, Taipei, Taiwan.
Y. J. Ho(何有容), Y. T. Kao(高永璁), Y. M. Liou*, and C. M. Chen* . 2019 Effect of vitamin C deficiency on osteoclast differentiation and survival in Akr1A1 gene knockout mice, In the 34th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. Mar. 15-16, NDMC, Taipei, Taiwan.
Y. W. Lai (賴韻文), C. H. Ko, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2019 Anti-Inflammatory effect and bone protection of kefir peptides in a rat model of adjuvant-induced rheumatoid arthritis, In The 2019 Experimental Biology International Conference. Apr. 1-4, 2019. Orlando, Florida, USA. FASEB J. 33 (Suppl 1): lb133.
C. M. Chen* (Section Chair). 2019 Applications of mitochondrial transplantation,In the 2019 Mini-Symposium of Mitochondrial Medicine and Research. Apr. 23, 2019. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
S. L. Chou, G. D. Lai, K. Y. Chang, K. Y. Han, G. R. L. Chang, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. (Invited Speaker). 2019 Kefir-fermented peptides enhance bone density and biomechanics in ovariectomized mice, In the 2nd Americas Conference on Medical Imaging and Clinical Research (AMICR 2019). Aug. 8-10, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
C. M. Chen* (Section chair; Invited Speaker). 2019 Experience sharing of the MoST Outstanding Research Award winner,In The 35th Taiwan Biologists Summer Camp. Aug. 25-27, 2019. Great Roots Forestry Resort, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen* (Organizer; Section Chair). 2019 Applications of new biotechnology in the animal industry,In the 2019 International Symposium on Animal Biotechnology. Sep. 17-19, 2019. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
S. Y. T. Kao (高永璁), Y. W. Lan, and C. M. Chen*. 2019 Assessment of in utero therapy of hemophilia mice by amniotic fluid stem cells engraftment, In the 2019 International Conference of Stem Cells Research - From Stem Cell Biology to New Therapies. Nov. 6-8, 2019, Toronto, Canada.
.C. M. Chen* (Invited Plenary Speaker). 2019 Applications of animal biotechnology on agriculture and biomedical sciences,In The 2019 Taiwan Agricultural Bioeconomic Conference: The Opportunities of Future Bioindustry. Oct. 2, 2019. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Y. W. Lan(籃英維), J. C. Yang, C. M. Chen*, and K. Y. Chong. 2018 Pre-differentiated amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells enhance lung alveolar epithelium regeneration and reverse elastase-induced pulmonary emphysema,Jun. 20-23, 2018. Melbourne, Australia. (* Travel Award).
C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker). 2018 nti-osteoporotic peptides derived from kefir fermentation and their application on clinical uses,In The 2018 Middle-Taiwan Breast Cancer Symposium. Jan. 13-14, 2018. Millennium Hotels and Resorts. Taichung, Taiwan.
Y. T. Kao (高永璁), Y. T. Chen, Y. W. Lan, and C. M. Chen*. 2018 In utero therapy for hemophilia A using EGFP amniotic fluid stem cells,In The 2018 Experimental Biology International Conference. Apr. 20-24, 2018. San Diego, CA, USA. FASEB J. 32 (Suppl 1): 816.10.
W. R. Chen (陳婉如), Y. W. Lan, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2018 AKR1A1 deficiency is associated with high risk of alcohol-induced fatty liver syndrome,In The 2018 Experimental Biology International Conference. Apr. 20-24, 2018. San Diego, CA, USA. FASEB J. 32 (Suppl 1): 546.6.
W. Y. Cheng (鄭惟元), Y. W. Lan, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2018 Atherogenic diet induced cardiovascular disease and bone loss in ApoE knockout mice,In The 2018 Experimental Biology International Conference. Apr. 20-24, 2018. San Diego, CA, USA. FASEB J. 32 (Suppl 1): 676.8.
C. M. Chen* (Section chair; Organizer), 2018 How to operate laboratory and writing a fundable grant proporsal?,In The 34th Taiwan Biologists Summer Camp. Jun. 26-28, 2018. National Quemoy University. Kinman, Taiwan.
T. H Sun(孫子惠), Y. W. Lan, C. M. Chen*. 2018 Mechanisms of KFP improving fatty liver disease through OB-Rb/JAK2 pathway in ob/ob knockout mice, In the 2018 International Conference on Biomedical Sciences. Jun. 29-30, 2018. CMU, Taichung, Taiwan. (*榮獲2018年生物醫學國際研討會壁報論文競賽優等獎).
Y. T. Kao(高永璁), Y. T. Chen, Y. W. Lan, C. M. Chen*. 2018 In utero therapy for hemophilia A using EGFP amniotic fluid stem cells,In the 2018 International Conference on Biomedical Sciences. Jun. 29-30, 2018. CMU, Taichung, Taiwan. (*榮獲2018年生物醫學國際研討會壁報論文競賽佳作獎).
W. Y. Cheng(鄭惟元), Y. W. Lan, H. H. Li, C. M. Chen*. 2018 Atherogenic diet-induced cardiovascular disease and bone loss in ApoE-/- knockout mice, In the 2018 International Conference on Biomedical Sciences. Jun. 29-30, 2018. CMU, Taichung, Taiwan. (*榮獲2018年生物醫學國際研討會壁報論文競賽佳作獎).
W. R. Chen(陳婉如), C. W. Lai, Y. W. Lan, C. M. Chen*. 2018 Akr1A1 deficiency is associated with high risk of alcohol-induced fatty liver syndrome, In the 2018 International Conference on Biomedical Sciences. Jun. 29-30, 2018. CMU, Taichung, Taiwan. (*榮獲2018年生物醫學國際研討會壁報論文競賽佳作獎).
C. M. Chen* (Section Chair; Co-Organizer). 2018 Advance biomedical concepts and tools,In the Asia-Pacific Society for Biology and Medical Sciences (APSBMS) 2018 Annual Meeting. Jul. 20-23, 2018. Hokkaido, Japan.
.K. S. Hsiao, C. M. Chen, C. K. Chuang, S. H. Peng, M. T. Chiou, S. W. Hung, C. M. Chen, and C. F. Tu*(Oral). 2018 Gene edited piglets null porcine CMAH expression don’t resistant to porcine epidemic diarrhea virus infection,In the 18th Asian-Australasian Animal Production (AAAP) Congress 2018. Aug. 1-5, 2018. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
C. M. Chen* (Plenary Speaker; Section Chair; Co-Organizer). 2018 Expression of VP1 protein in the milks of transgenic mice: As a potential oral vaccine against for a new-identified Enterovirus 71 strain in Taiwan,In The 3rd China-Taiwan Bilateral Forum on Animal Biotechnology. Sep. 18-21, 2018. Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong, China.
C. M. Chen* (Plenary Speaker; Section Chair; Organizer). 2018 The development of anti-osteoporotic peptides: From basic research to clinical trial, In The 2018 BioGroup Symposium_Meetup with Biotech Talents. Dec. 21, 2018. P.18. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen* (Invited Plenary Speaker). 2017 The functional study of anti-osteoporotic peptides: From basic to clinical,In The 2017 Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabiliation. Luncheon Symposium. Mar. 11-12, 2017. Taipei, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen* (Invited Parallel Section Chair). 2017 Cancer Epigenomics First Section,In The 3rd Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium and International Conference on Systems Biology. Mar. 17-18, 2017. NCCU, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen*, Y. A. Tsou, and H. L. Chen. 2017 Lactoferrin interacts with SPLUNC1 to amelioate lipopolysaccharideinduced inflammation of human nasal epithelial cells,In The 2017 Experimental Biology International Conference. ASIP-3547. Apr. 22-26, 2017. Chicago, IL, USA. FASEB J. 31 (Suppl 1): 760.7.
Y. H. Chen (陳昱璇), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2017 Establishment of salt-induced chronic kidney disease in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) and its therapeutic effect of kefir-derived peptides oral administration, In The 2017 Experimental Biology International Conference. Apr. 22-26, 2017. Chicago, IL, USA. FASEB J. 31 (Suppl 1): 855.12.
Y. T. Chen (陳彥廷), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2017 A novel gene therapy in hemophilia A mouse model by using lipid-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles,In The 2017 Experimental Biology International Conference. ASIP-3349. Apr. 22-26, 2017. Chicago, IL, USA. FASEB J. 31 (Suppl 1): 984.2.
W. Y. Lin (林煒峪), R. L. Chang, Y. W. Liu, and C. M. Chen*. 2017 Histopathological dissection of three different osteoporosis animal models including ovariectomy female, FⅧ knockout and Akr1A1 knockout mice,In The 2017 Experimental Biology International Conference. Apr. 22-26, 2017. Chicago, IL, USA. FASEB J. 31 (Suppl 1): 976.4.
H. Ou-Yang (歐陽桓), S. C. Wu, L. Y. Sung, and C. M. Chen*. 2017 Stat3 is a upstream regulator of Granzyme g that trigger the minor zygotic gene acitvation in mouse preimplantation embryo,In The 2017 Experimental Biology International Conference. ASBMB-3363. Apr. 22-26, 2017. Chicago, IL, USA. FASEB J. 31 (Suppl 1): 765.8.
Y. W. Lan, J. C. Yang, K. Y. Chong, and C. M. Chen*. 2017 Transplantation of lung epithelial progenitors pre-differentiated amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells attenuated elastase-induced pulmonary emphysema,In The 2017 Developmental Biology International Conference. Jul. 12-15, 2017. Amstrdam, Nwrgerlands. Mech. Develop. 145: S167.
C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker), Y. T. Tung, H. S. Wu, and H. L. Chen. 2017 Kefir peptides prevent hyperlipidemia and obesity in high fat diet-induced obese rats via lipid metabolism modulation,In The 2017 International Congress on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (ICOMS). Aug. 31-Sep. 3, 2017. Seoul, Korea.
H. L. Chen, T. C. Tsai, Y. C. Tsai, and C. M. Chen*. 2017 Kefir peptides prevent high-fructose corn syrup-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a murine model by modulation of inflammation and the JAK2 signaling pathway, In The 2017 International Congress on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (ICOMS). Aug. 31-Sep. 3, 2017. Seoul, Korea.
C. M. Chen* (Plenary Speaker; Organizer) 2017 High-performance productions of porcine lactoferrin and its antimicrobial mechanism study for animal industrial applications,In The 2nd China-Taiwan Bilateral Forum on Animal Biotechnology. Oct. 23-26, 2017. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen*(Invited Speaker), P. Y. Wu, C. H. Liao, and H. L. Chen. 2017 Expression of lactoferrin in Pichia pastoris induction by glucose in a modified G1 promoter system and its antimicrobial and antitumor activities,In The 13th International Conference on Lactoferrin, Structure, Function and Applications. Nov. 5-10, 2017. Rome, Italy.
H. L. Chen, W. H. Chang, C. C. Yen, and C. M. Chen*. 2017 Lactoferrin acts as a natural antioxidant protecting lungs and kidneys systemic inflammation from hyperoxic injury,In The 13th International Conference on Lactoferrin, Structure, Function and Applications. Nov. 5-10, 2017. Rome, Italy.
Y. W. Liu (劉耀文) and C. M. Chen. 2016 The functional assessments of kefir-fermented peptides to prevent bone loss and microarchitecture in a genetic-deficient osteoporosis model of clotting factor VIII knockout mice,In the 31th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. P256. Mar. 26-27, NDMC, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen*(Invited Speaker), C. C. Yen, H. L. Chen, and S. M. Wang. 2016 Aerosolized prebiotic lactoferrin reduces lung injury and fibrosis after moderate hyperoxic exposure via the anti-oxidation pathway,In The 2nd Probiotics International Congress: Asia. P6. Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2016. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
H. L. Chen, Y. T. Tung, C. L. Tsai, and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Kefir improves fatty liver syndrome by inhibiting the lipogenesis pathway in leptin-defective ob/ob knockout mice,In The 2nd Probiotics International Congress: Asia. P4. Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2016. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker). 2016 Current development of animal biotechnology and its applications in biomedical sciences,In The 2016 Symposium on Molecular and Biological Sciences. Mar. 30 - Apr. 1, 2016. Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong, China.
C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker). 2016 Novel biotechnology of milk-derived peptides and its applications in biomedical science and clinical use, In The 2016 Symposium on Biomedical and Bio-agricultural Technology Development in Taiwan. Jul. 13-14, 2016. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
H. C. Tsai, L. C. Huang, T. P. Lee, S. C. Wu, and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Study of platelet rich plasma and platelet patch for the acute wounds healing in mini-pig animal model,In the 5th Congress of World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS). Sep. 25-29, 2016. Florence, Italy.
P. Y. Wu and C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker). 2016 Constitutive expression of porcine lactoferrinin Pichia pastoris induced by glucose, a novel G1 promoter system, In The 12th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology (ISBAB). Oct. 16-20, 2016. University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.
M. Y. Tu, K. Y. Chang, C. F. Chen, Z. J. Lai, H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker). 2016 Improvements of Kefir-fermented peptides on bone mineral density and bone metabolism in a randomized clinical trial of osteoporotic patients,In The 71th Joint Annual Conference of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association. Oct. 22-23, 2016. Oral: O-055. Taipei, Taiwan.
M. Y. Tu, K. Y. Chang, C. F. Chen, Z. J. Lai, H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Kefir peptides attenuated bone loss and improved femur microarchitecture in an ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosi, In The 71th Joint Annual Conference of Taiwan Orthopaedic Association. Oct. 22-23, 2016. Oral: SY042. Taipei, Taiwan.
J. C. Yang (楊景程), Y. W. Lan, K. C. Chong and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Differentiated and pre-differentiated amniotic fluid-derived mesenchymal stem cells in mouse emphysema model for lung epithelium repairing,In The 12th Annual Conference of the Society for Stem Cell Research. C3. Oct. 1-2, 2016. CMU, Taichung, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker), Y. T. Tung, and H. L. Chen. 2016 Active component of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge), Tanshinone I, attenuates VEGF-induced lung tumorigenesis,In The 12th Cross-Strait Symposium on Plant Molecular and Biotechnology. O12. Nov. 2-4, 2016. I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker; Organizer). 2016 Sexually dimorphic expression of eGFP transgene in the Akr1A1 locus of mouse liver regulated by sex hormone-related epigenetic remodeling,In The 2016 Bilateral Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnology. Nov. 8-11, 2016. Wuhan, China.
Y. T. Chen (陳彥廷), T. C. Tsai, P. S. Lai and C. M. Chen*. 2016 novel gene therapy in hemophilia A inherited disease mouse model: Using the magnetic-coating materials (DPPC-Fe3O4) as the DNA carrier,In The 14th Annual Conference of the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences. PT-45, Nov. 24-25, 2016. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (*榮獲2016年中華實驗動物學會第十四屆學術研討會壁報論文競賽優勝獎).
H. H. Li (李信翰), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Induction of cardiovascular diseases in ApoE-/- knockout mice and the functional assessments of kefir peptides in improving of vascular endothelium and the prevention of atherosclerosis, In The 14th Annual Conference of the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences . PT-49, Nov. 24-25, 2016. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
W. Y. Lin (林煒峪), C. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Nutritional imbalanced osteoporosis mouse model of vitamin C deficiency by Akr1A1 gene knockout,In The 14th Annual Conference of the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences. PT-46, Nov. 24-25, 2016. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (*榮獲2016年中華實驗動物學會第十四屆學術研討會壁報論文競賽優勝獎).
Y. H. Chen (陳昱璇), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Establishment of salt-induced chronic kidney disease animal model in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) and amelioration of kidney damage by kefir-derived peptides oral administration,In The 14th Annual Conference of the Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences. PT-43, Nov. 24-25, 2016. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan..
P. Y. Wu (吳佩穎), G. L. Chang and C. M. Chen*. 2016 Highly expression of antimicrobial lactoferrin in G1 promoter system of Pichia pastoris induced by glucose,In The 22th First General Assembly and Symposium on Taiwan Society of Microbiology. AM16, Dec. 11, 2016. National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan. (*榮獲第二十二屆台灣微生物學研討會應用微生物組論文競賽第一名).
C. M. Chen* (Plenary Speaker; Co-Organizer). 2016 Current development of animal biotechnology and its applications in the animal sciences, In The 1st China-Taiwan Bilateral Forum on Animal Biotechnology. Dec. 13-16, 2016. Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong, China.
J. C. Yang, H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen*. 2015/10 A novel stem cell therapy approach ameliorates hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury by differentiated amniotic fluid stem cells into lung progeitor cells. ,In The 2015 International Conference on Stem Cells and Developmental Biology.. Oct. 16-17, 2015. Poster No. 34. Taipei, Taiwan..
C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker; Organizer) 2015/10 Lung tumorigenesis induced by human vascular endothelial growth factor (hVEGF) overexpression in transgenic mice and amelioration of tumor formation by miR-16.,In The 2015 Symposium on Agricultural and Biological Sciences.. Oct. 27-31, 2015. Guangxi, China..
Y. S. Huang and C. M. Chen*. (Section Chair) 2015/09 The apoptosis effect of lactoferrin on the HBV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma.,In The 2015 Symposium on Application of Taiwan's Agricultural Biotechnology and Natural Resources. . Sep. 3-4, 2015. Nantou, Taiwan..
C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker) 2015/09 Lactoferrin prevents DMN-induced chemical injury of liver fibrosis by inhibiting stellate cell activation.,In The 11th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology.. Sep. 13-15, 2015. Banff, Alberta, Canada..
C. W. Kuo and C. M. Chen* (Invited Speaker) 2015/09 Extracellular superoxide dismutase with heparin binding domain retard the progression of streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy.,In The 4th International Conference on Nephrology and Therapeutics.. Sep. 14-16, 2015. Baltimore, USA..
C. M. Chen*, Y. T. Tung, P. W. Huang, Y. C. Chou, D. C. Yeh, and J. L. Wang. 2015/03 Dissection of lung tumorigenesis induced by human vascular endothelial growth factor (hVEGF)-A165 overexpression in Clara cells of transgenic mice.,In The 2015 Experimental Biology International Conference.. Mar. 28-Apr. 1, 2015. Boston, MA, USA..
T. C. Tsai, Y. T. Tung, Y. H. Kuo, J. W. Liao, H. C. Tsai, K. Y. Chong, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2015/03 Anti-inflammatory effects of Antrodia camphorata and its active compound, ergostatrien-3β-ol, in a mouse skin ischemia model., In The 2015 Experimental Biology International Conference. . Mar. 28-Apr. 1, 2015. Boston, MA, USA..
C. M. Chen*(Invited Speaker), J. Y. Chen, T. Y. Tang, and H. L. Chen. 2015 Recombinant porcine lactoferrin production and its application on protecting chemical injury of liver fibrosis in animal model,In The 12th International Conference on Lactoferrin, Structure, Function and Applications. Nov. 2-6, 2015. Nagoya, Japan..
H. C. Liu, H. C. Chen, T. C. Tsai, Y. C. Lee, H. C. Chang, and C. M. Chen* 2015 The oral immunotherapy of house dust mite extracts ingestion in a murine model of allergic asthma,In The 20th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology. Dec. 3-6, 2015. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
C. W. Lai (賴政威), H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen*. 2014/10 The systemic promoter driving-EGFP transgenic mice represent a sexual dimorphic EGFP expression in liver: controlled by testosterone during the pubertal period of mice.,In the 15th IUBMB International Conference on “Molecular Medicine and Drug Discovery”.. Poster No. G9-6. Oct. 21-26, 2014. Taipei, Taiwan..
C. M. Chen*, C. J. Shen, W.T.K. Cheng, and H. L. Chen. 2014/07 Aberrant epigenetic regulation of osteoponin gene in cloned swine genome.,In the 2014 International Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering.. ID: LSBE-1479, Jul. 21-24. Sapporo, Japan..
Y. C. Tsai(蔡沂瑾), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2014/03 Kefir prevents the development of fatty liver via AMPK activation to reduce lipogenesis,In the 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. P925, Mar. 15-16, NDMC, Taipei, Taiwan.
H. Ou-Yang (歐陽桓), S.C. Wu, T.C. Tsai, W.T.K. Cheng, and C. M. Chen*. 2014/03 The mechanism of granzyme G specific expressed in mouse embryo 2-cell stage,In the 29th Joing Annual Conference of Biomedical Science. P434, Mar. 15-16, NDMC, Taipei, Taiwan.
H. N. Wu (吳欣珊), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2014/03 Cloning and expression of recombinant wild-type porcine myostatin propeptide and its mutant form in Pichia pastoris.,In the 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science.. P613, Mar. 15-16, NDMC, Taipei, Taiwan. .
Y. H. Chen (陳昱璇), H. L. Chen, C. C. Kao, and C. M. Chen* 2014/03 Kefir-fermented peptides (KFP) exhibiting anti-hypertension and reducing cerebral hemorrhage in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.,In the 29th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science.. P610, Mar. 15-16, NDMC, Taipei, Taiwan. (*榮獲2014年第29屆生醫年會_台灣生化與分生學會壁報論文競賽優勝獎).
C. W. Lai, S. T. Wen, W. Chen, H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, K. H. Lee, S. C. Wu and C. M. Chen*. 2013/11 Amniotic fluid stem cells from egfp transgenic mice attenuate hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury.,In the 2013 Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. . P01. Nov. 22-24. Taichung, Taiwan..
Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, C. L. Tsai, and C. M. Chen*. 2013/11 Kefir improves fatty liver syndrome by inhibiting the lipogenesis pathway in leptin-defective ob/ob knockout mice. ,In the 2013 Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.. P21. Nov. 22-24. Taichung, Taiwan..
T. C. Tsai, Y. T. Tung, Y. H. Kuo, L. T. Chen, W. H. Chang, and C. M. Chen*. 2013/11 Anti-inflammatory effects of antrodia camphorata on hyperoxia-induced systemic inflammatory responses in NF-κB/luciferase transgenic mice., In the 2013 Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.. P23. Nov. 22-24. Taichung, Taiwan..
H. C. Tsai, S. X. Low, and C. M. Chen*. 2013/11 Dissecting microrna profile in hyperglycemia and hypoxia wound healing.,In the 2013 Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.. P52. Nov. 22-24. Taichung, Taiwan..
C. M. Chen*, T. C. Tsai, Y. T. Tung, and H. L. Chen. 2013/09 Purification different forms of extracellular superoxide dismutase and their effects on anti-hypertension through nitric oxide induction in spontaneous hypertension rats.,In The 13th International Conference on Endothelin. Sep. 8-11, 2013. Poster No: P.71. Tokyo, Japan..
H. L. Chen, T. C. Tsai, Y. T. Tung, and C. M. Chen*. 2013/09 Identification and characterization of novel anti-hypertensive peptides obtained from fermented milk.,In The 13th International Conference on Endothelin. Sep. 8-11, 2013. Poster No: P.72. Tokyo, Japan..
H. L. Chen, T. C. Tsai, J. C. Huang, D. C. Wang, and C. M. Chen*. 2013/08 Amelogenin alleles on sex chromosomes for gender determination of preimplantation goat embryos. ,ICEBB 2013,. August 24-25, 2013. Singapore. .
145. Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, H. C. Tsai, S. H. Yang, Y. C. Chang, and C. M. Chen*. 2013/02 Andrographolide, an active component of Andrographis paniculata Nees, for treating lung adenocarcinomas.,In the 5th International Conference on Drug Discovery & Therapy (ICDDT). . Poster No. PO-107. pp. 103. Feb. 18-21, 2013, Dubai, UAE..
M. H. Ho, C. L. Tsai, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2013 Effects of kefir-fermented peptides on reduction of lipid accumulation in hepatic steatosis cells induced by oleic/palmitic acid,In the 2013 Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. P66. Nov. 22-24. Taichung, Taiwan..
Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, H. C. Tsai, S. H. Yang, Y. C. Chang, and C. M. Chen*. 2013 Therapeutic potential of andrographolide isolated from the leaves of andrographis paniculata nees for treating lung adenocarcinomas,In the 2013 Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. P74. Nov. 22-24. Taichung, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲2013台灣生物化學學會口頭發表論文獎第三名).
C. H. Zhuang (莊家輝), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2012/12 The functional assessment of kefir on the postponement of bone loss in ovariectomized rats. ,In the 2012 Conference of Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.. Poster No. 68. pp. 106. Dec. 6-8, 2012, Nantou, Taiwan..
H. L. Chen, Y. W. Lai, and C. M. Chen*. 2012/08 Epigenetic silence of DnaJD1 gene in hepatitis B virus X protein–positive hepatocellular carcinoma. In The 2012 FASEB Summer Research Conference on,“Liver Biology: Fundamental Mechanisms & Translational Applications. Poster No. 6. Jul. 29-Aug. 3, 2012. Snowmass Village, CO, USA..
H. L. Chen, C. Y. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2012/07 A Chinese herbal medicine, Gexia-Zhuyu Tang (GZT), prevents dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver fibrosis through inhibition of hepatic stellate cells proliferation,In The 2012 FASEB Summer Research Conference on “Liver Biology: Fundamental Mechanisms & Translational Applications. Poster No. 9. Jul. 29-Aug. 3, 2012. Snowmass Village, CO, USA..
C. M. Chen*, H. C. Liu, S. Y. Pai, W. T. K. Cheng, and H. L. Chen 2012/04 Oral administration of transgenic Dp2 peptide-enriched milk induces tolerance from allergic asthma,In The 2012 Experimental Biology International Meeting: Translating Science for Tomorrow’s Health. The FASEB J. 2012; 26: LB197. Apr. 21-25, 2012. San Diego, CA, USA.
Lu-Tzu Chen(陳律慈), H.L. Chen, and C.M. Chen*. 2012 Nuclear factor kappa B plays an important role during the spermatogenesis development of testis,In the 2012 Asia-Pacific Development Biology Conference Poster No. 2248. Oct. 5-8, 2012. Taipei, Taiwan. .
W.H. Chang(張雯惠), H.L. Chen, and C.M. Chen*. 2012 Anti-inflammatory effect of lactoferrin on hyperoxia-induced systemic inflammatory responses using NF-κB/luciferase transgenic mice,In the 2012 Asia-Pacific Development Biology Conference. Poster No. 2080. Oct. 5-8, 2012. Taipei, Taiwan.
C.W. Lai(賴政威), H.L. Chen, and C.M. Chen* 2012 The position effect of transgenic mice causes EGFP gender differential expression in liver. In the 2012 Asia-Pacific Development Biology Conference,Poster No. XP-07. Oct. 5-8. Taipei, Taiwan.
Y. T. Tung, H. L. Chen, H. C. Tsai, S. H. Yang, Y. C. Chang, and C. M. Chen*. 2012 Therapeutic potential of andrographolide for treating lung adenocarcinomas,In the 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses. Oct. 7-10, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan., pp.356.
C. M. Chen*, Y. T. Tung, Y. W. Lai, M. L. Wang, T. C. Tsai, and H. L. Chen. 2012 Cloning and expression of human extracellular superoxide dismutase gene (EcSOD) in food-grade Lactobacillus casei,In the 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses. Oct. 7-10, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.357.
C. J. Shen, W. T. K. Cheng, J. Y. Cheng, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2012 Production of multimeric methyl-binding domain (MBD) protein for genome- wide hypermethylated genes screening,In the 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses. Oct. 7-10, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.359.
W.H. Chang(張雯惠), H.L. Chen, C. C. Yen, and C.M. Chen* 2012 Anti-inflammatory pathway of lactoferrin on hyperoxia-induced lung inflammatory responses using NF-κB/luciferase transgenic mice, In the 2012 Eleventh Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research. Poster No. 270347_1.. Oct. 16-19, 2012, Anaheim, California, USA. , pp.168.
Y. T. Tung (童鈺棠), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2012 Tanshinone I attenuates lung tumorigenesis in VEGF-overexpressing transgenicmice via inhibition of tumor-activated cell cycle pathway,In the 2012 Eleventh Annual AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research. Poster No. 247589_1.. Oct. 16-19, 2012, Anaheim, California, USA, pp.133.
G. J. Wang(王冠傑), H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2012 Production of recombinant casein phosphopeptide trimer using Pichia pastoris. In the 2012 Conference of Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. ,Poster No. 50. Dec. 6-8, 2012, Nantou, Taiwan. , pp.88.
H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, Y. W. Lai, C. W. Lai, C. Y. Lin, and C. M. Chen*. 2012 Aerosolized human extracellular superoxide dismutase (hEC-SOD) prevents hyperoxia-induced lung injury, In The 2012 Experimental Biology International Meeting: Translating Science for Tomorrow’s Health. The FASEB J. 2012; 26: LB198. Apr. 21-25, 2012. San Diego, CA, USA..
M.C. Chen, C.Y. Huang, C.T. Ku, H. Lin, and C. M. Chen* 2011/09 The Role of P25/Cdk5 in Retinoic Acid-Triggered Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer Cells,In The 7th FAOPS Congress. Taipei, Taiwan. Sep 11-14, 2011. (oral #O5-05) .
M.C. Chen, C. M. Chen*, and H. Lin*. 2011 Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Regulates Androgen Production in Mouse Ovary Thecal Cells,Program and Abstract of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction (poster #708). July 31-August 4, 2011. Portland, USA..
J.Y. Sun (孫正岳), H.L. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2011 Establishment of antihypertensive peptide expressed in transgenic mice mammary system and recombinant Pichia pastoris yeast,In The 2011 Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Poster No. P3.. Nov. 24-25, 2011. Peikong Creek, Nantou, Taiwan. .
C.L. Tsai (蔡至倫), H.L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2011 Fermented milk improves leptin deletion OB/OB mice induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by decreasing lipogenesis genes expression,In The 2011 Taiwan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Poster No. P50.. Nov. 24-25, 2011. Peikong Creek, Nantou, Taiwan. .
Y.T. Tung, H.L. Chen, T.C. Tsai, C.W. Lai, C.J. Shen, Y.W. Lai, and C. M. Chen*. 2011 Curcumin reduces pulmonary tumorigenesis in vascular endothelial growth factor,In Annual Meeting of the 102th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). No.2380. Apri 2-6, Orlando, USA. .
H.L. Chen, C.W. Lai, C.J. Shen, Y.W. Lai, and C. M. Chen* 2011 Curcumin reduces pulmonary tumorigenesis via inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor A165 (VEGF-A165) in lung adenocarcinoma cells,In 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB). No. C11. . July 15-19, Vienna, Austria. .
Y.W. Lai, H.L. Chen, J. J.W. Chen and C. M. Chen*. 2011 The effects of methylation-controlled DnaJD1 in hepatitis B virus X protein expressed hepatocellular carcinoma. In Annual Meeting of the 102th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). NO.2416. Apri 2-6,Orlando, USA.
C. M. Chen*, T.C. Tsai, W. Lin, S.H. Yang, W. T. K. Cheng, E.H. Cheng, M.S. Lee, and K.Y. Chong 2011 Granzyme G, a serine protease, is expressed in the two-cell stage mouse embryo that required for MZT,. In 19th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB). No. C11. July 15-19. Vienna, Austria.
J. Y. Chen, H. J. Lin, H.L. Chen and C. M. Chen* 2011 Hepatoprotective and antihepatofibrootic effects of Yi Guan Jian in rats with dimethylnitrosamine-induced liver fibrosis,In The 46th Annual Meeting of the European Association (EASL). . March 30–April 3, Berlin, Germany, pp.241.
C.W.Lai, K.Y. Lin, F.J. Liou, H.L. Chen, J.C. Cheng and C. M. Chen*. 2011 FTSJ2, a putative ribosomal RNA methyltransferase, suppressed cell invasion and migration in cancer cell line,In Annual Meeting of the 102th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). No.3877. Apri 2-6, Orlando, USA.
M.T. Wu(吳敏翠), Y.J. Chen, H.L. Chen and C. M. Chen*. 2011 The tumor suppressor functional studies of protocadherin 19 (PCDH19) gene in hepatoma cell lines,In the 2011 Joined Medical Oncology Conference. A1-37. Apr 30-May 1, Taipei, Taiwan. .
. J. Shen(沈志傑), J. Cheng, E.H. Hsieh, H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen*. 2011 Methyl-binding domain protein applications for hypermethylated genes identification in cloned porcine and cancer cells,In the 44th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biology. P1183. May 17-21, Okinawa, Japan.
T.C. Tsai (蔡東州), W. Lin, S.H. Yang, W. T. K. Cheng, E.H. Cheng, M.S. Lee, K.Y. Chong and C. M. Chen*. 2011 Granzyme G is expressed in the two-cell stage mouse embryo and is required for the maternal-zygotic transition, In the 44th Annual Meeting for the Japanese Society of Developmental Biology. May 17-21, Okinawa, Japan, pp.1183.
C. M. Chen* 2010 New strategy of pharmaceutical protein productions by the milks of transgenic cloned animals,In 2010 New Appoaches of Targeted Drug Medical Therapy Conference. Mar. 24-25. Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan. (Invited speaker) .
I. A. Chen, F. C. Liu, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen* 2010 Administration of recombinant myostatin propeptide promotes myogensis of C2C12 myoblast cells. In Proc,of the 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. P689. Mar. 27-28, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan. .
T. H. Hung, C. J. Shen, C. M. Chen, and K. Y. Chong 2010 Methylation profiling of CpG islands in multiple drug resistant cell line,In Annual Meeting of the 101th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). P4914.. Washington DC, USA..
T. H. Hung, C. P. Tseng, N. Sakamoto, C. M. Chen, and J. C. Cheng 2010 The interaction of non-structure protein NS5B and lipogenic enzyme modulates hepatitis C virus replication,In the 7th International Meeting on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses (HCV2010). P-125. Pacifico Yokohama, Japan.
C. J. Shen, C. C. Lin, P. C. Shen, W. T. K. Cheng, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2010 Dissecting satellite and imprinting genes methylation status in cloned bovine,Aberrant methylation in imprinting loci. In Annual Meeting of the 101th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). P173. Apr. 18-22, Washington DC, USA..
H. L. Chen, C. J. Shen, and C. M. Chen*. 2010 Differential epigenetic changes presenting in imprinted genes of cloned swine genomes,2010 Lorne Genomics International Conference. Feb. 12-17. Lorne, Melbourne, Australia.
C. M. Chen*, C. J. Shen, S. C. Wu, W.T.K. Cheng, and H. L. Chen. 2010 OPN promoter controlled by DNA methylation: Aberrant methylation in cloned porcine genome,In 2010 Lorne Genomics International Conference. Feb. 12-17. Lorne, Melbourne, Australia.
Y. H. Chang, C. L. Liu, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2010 Exon-skipped Canis lactoferrin exhibits antimicrobial activity and growth inhibition of lung carcinoma cell,In Proc. of the 15th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference: Molecular Oncology- Pushing Cancer Management, A step forward. A1-56. May 2-3, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
. Y. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, M. F. Tsai, and C. M. Chen*. 2010 Characterization of methylation-controlled DnaJD1 in Hep3B hepatoma cell line,In Annual Meeting of the 101th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). P174. Apr. 18-22, Washington DC, USA.
Z. X. Yang, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen*. 2010 Establishment of hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury (ALI) mouse model and assessment of aerosolized EC-SOD to protect lung injury,In XIth Chinese Experimental Animal Society Annual Conference. A16. Nov. 2010. Taipei, Taiwan.
Y. C. Chang, H. L. Chen, Y. J. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2009/05 Characterization of B domain-deleted recombinant human factor VIII in transgenic pigs,In Proc. of the 14th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference Molecular Oncology- Pushing Cancer Management, A step forward. A1-19. May 2-3, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan. .
S. R. Fan, Y. W. Lai, C. F. Lin, N. W. Chang, M. H. Tsai, C. M. Chen, and J. C. Cheng 2009 Identifying DNA methylation status in oral cancers using CpG islands microarray,In Proc. of the 14th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference: Molecular Oncology- Pushing Cancer Management, A step forward. A1-56. May 2-3, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. C. Lin, P. C. Shen, W.T.K. Cheng, C. J. Shen, and C. M. Chen 2009 Epigenetic aberration of imprinting genes in somatic nuclear transferred cloning bovine genomes,In Proc. of 2009 International Symposium of Stem Cells and Biogengineering. P1-1. May 16-17, NCKU Medical College, Tainan, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲第五屆台灣幹細胞學會2009幹細胞與組織工程國際研討會壁報論文優勝獎).
S. T. Wen, C.W. Lai, C.C. Yen, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2009 Identification of mouse amniotic fluid-derived stem cells from eGFP transgenic mice and its application on the repairs of hyperoxia-induced lung injury,In Proc. of 2009 International Symposium of Stem Cells and Biogengineering. P3-3. . May 16-17, NCKU Medical College, Tainan, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲第五屆台灣幹細胞學會2009幹細胞與組織工程國際研討會壁報論文優勝獎).
H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2009 Lactoferrin-enriched Milk reduces need for antibiotics in animal feed and enhances offspring growth performance,In China- Taiwan Biotech Interaction Conference. Feb. 4-7, 2009. Fuchou University, China. .
C. M. Chen*. 2009 The applications of ransgenic cloning animals in phamarceutical protein drugs and subunit vaccines,In Xth Chinese Experimental Animal Society Annual Conference. Nov. 26-27, 2009. Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited speaker) .
H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, T. C. Tsai, and C. M. Chen*. 2009 Recombinant porcine lactoferrin expressed in the milk of transgenic mice enhances offspring growth performance,In IXth International Conference on Lactoferrin. P VIII-2. Oct. 18-23, 2009. Beijing, China.
C. M. Chen*, C. C. Yen, and H. L. Chen. 2009 Lactoferrin as a natural regimen of selective decontamination of the digestive tract,In IXth International Conference on Lactoferrin. P IX-2.. Oct. 18-23, 2009. Beijing, China..
C. M. Chen*, (Invited speaker) and H. L. Chen. 2009 Lactoferrin-enriched milk protects neonatal from a lethal challenge with enterovirus type 71,In China- Taiwan Biotech Interaction Conference. Feb. 4-7, 2009. Fuchou University, China.
C. J. Shen, S. C. Wu, W.T.K. Cheng, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen 2009 OPN promoter controlled by DNA methylation: Aberrant methylation in cloned porcine,In Annual Meeting of the 100th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). P3364. Denver, Colorado, USA.
Y. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, J. Chen, and C. M. Chen 2009 Use of mouse CpG islands microarray for high-throughput analysis of the hepatocellular carcinoma in HBx protein overexpressed transgenic mice,In Annual Meeting of the 100th American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). P5203. Denver, Colorado, USA. .
C. C. Lin, P. C. Shen, W.T.K. Cheng, C. J. Shen, and C. M. Chen 2009 The aberrant epigenetic modification of imprinting genes in cloned bovine genomes,In Proc. of the 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. P559. Mar. 21-22, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. J. Shen, S. C. Wu, W.T.K. Cheng, T.C. Tsai, C.C. Chen, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen 2009 Aberrant reprogramming life cycle of imprinted genes in cloned porcine genome, In Proc. of 2009 International Symposium of Stem Cells and Biogengineering. P1-2. May 16-17, NCKU Medical College, Tainan, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen*.(Invited speaker) 2008/07 PCDH21 promoter hypermethylation and gene function studies in sporadic breast tumors and cancer cell lines,In 2008 Taiwan Epigenomics Symposium. July, 25-26, 2008. NCCU, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
Y. C. Hung, C. K. Chou, P. J. Tsai, and C. M. Chen 2008 Inflammatory role of NF-kB in hyperoxia-induced lung injury,In 2008 Chinese-Taipei Society of Laboratory Animal Sciences Anneal Conference. Dec. 4-5, 2008. Taipei, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲第十屆中華實驗動物學會2008學術研討會壁報論文優勝獎) , pp.101.
. L. Chen, W. E. Chen, Y. W. Lai, and C. M. Chen 2008 Epigenetic downregulation of death-associated protein kinase in hepatocellular carcinoma,In the AACR International Special Conference: Infection and Cancer – Biology, Therapeutics, and Prevention. B26, pp.40. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong.
C. J. Shen, S. C. Wu, W. T. K. Cheng, T. C. Tsai, C. H. Chen, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen 2008 Dissecting epigenetic changes of imprinting genes in cloned porcine,In the 9th Developmental Biology Conference. Sep. 5-6. . National Chung Hsing University. O-06. (*本篇論文榮獲第九屆發育生物學研討會口頭發表最佳內容獎) .
M.F. Lin, M. H. Lee, Y. C. Chen, L. S. Ju, M. Y. Huang, C. J. Chang, C. H. Chen, Y. W. Lai, C. J. Shen, and C. M. Chen 2008 CpG island microarray analysis of gene expression in urothelial cell carcinoma,2008 Urology Medical Annual Conference. PD10. Aug. 30-31. Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei county, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲2008台灣泌尿科醫學年會最佳海報論文獎) .
H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, and C. M. Chen. 2008 Lactoferrin-enriched milk reduces need for antibiotics in animal feed and enhances offspring growth performance,In International Conference of 2008 Nutrigenomics. 17-18 March, Paris, France.
Y. C. Chou, P. W. Huang, H. C. Ho, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen 2008 Molecular mechanism of pulmonary tumorigenesis induced by VEGF-A165 overexpression in the tissue of transgenic mice,In Proc. of the 23th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. P697. Mar. 29-30, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲第二十三屆生物醫學年會之台灣生物化學及分子生物學學會最佳論文獎) .
C. M. Chen*, Y. J. Lin, and H. L. Chen. 2008 Methylation profiling of five selected genes on chromosome 16 in human hepatocellular carcinomas,In the AACR International Special Conference: Infection and Cancer – Biology, Therapeutics, and Prevention. B25. Dec. 5-7, 2008. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong., pp.39..
C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, C. M. Hung, and W.T.K. Cheng 2008 Lactoferrin-enriched milk protects neonatal from a lethal challenge with enterovirus type 71,In International Conference of 2008 Nutrigenomics. 17-18 March, Paris, France.
J. T. Huang, C. P. Tseng, N. Sakanoto, S. C. Lu, C. M. Chen, and J. C. Cheng 2008 A novel NS5B-interacting protein modulates hepatitis C virus replication,In 15th International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus & Related Viruses. P417. October 5-9, 2008. Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas, USA. .
S. T. Wen, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen 2008 Identification of mouse amniotic fluid-derived stem cells from eGFP transgenic mice and its application on the repairs of hyperoxia-induced lung injury,4th International Conference on Stem Cell Research and Therapeutics. April 17-18. Boston, MA, USA. .
C. J. Shen, S. C. Wu, W. T. K. Cheng, T. C. Tsai, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen 2008 Characterization of epigenetic methylation changes of four imprinting genes in cloned porcine,4th International Conference on Stem Cell Research and Therapeutics. April 17-18. Boston, MA, USA. .
K. L. Lin, Y. J. Chen, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2008 Analysis of epigenetic alternations in aflatoxin B1 treated liver cell lines,In Proc of the 13th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference: Cancer Stem Cell, Molecular Image. A-I-34. May 3-4, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
J. C. Cheng, J. T. Huang, S.C. Lu, N. Sakamoto, C. M. Chen, C.P. Tseng. 2008 A novel HCV NS5B-interacting protein modulates HCV replication: implication in HCV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma disease progression and prevention,In the AACR- Infection and Cancer: Biology, Therapeutics, and Prevention. Dec. 5-7, 2008. Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong.
. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, and C. M. Chen*. 2007 Synthetic Porcine Lactoferricin with 20-Residue Peptide Exhibits Antimicrobial Activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans, In Symposium of International Developments in Science and Health Claims. 9-11 May 2007, Malta.Europe .
K. T. Chiu, C. P. Hsu, and C. M. Chen. 2007 Gene methylation profiling of lung cancer cells using CpG islands methylation microarray, In 15th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. pp. 136. Candin, Taiwan.
Y. P. Kuan, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2007 DNA damage and gene epigenetic changes during hyperoxia injury response to supplement oxygen therapies, In 15th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. pp. 140. Candin, Taiwan.
T. W. Chu, S. C. Wu, and C. M. Chen. 2007 Discrepant green fluorescence expression in pCX-EGFP transgenic mice and its relationship with promoter DNA methylation.,In 15th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. pp. 149. Candin, Taiwan.
H. Y. Lin, H. L. Chen, S. D. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2007 Protocadherin gamma A12 (PCDH21), a new candidate tumor-suppressor gene, its association with inhibition of cell migration and cell proliferation,In 15th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. pp. 151. Candin, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen. (Invited speaker) 2007 Aberrant DNA methylation patterns in the genomes of cancer cells and cloning animal using a CpG islands microarray. Symposium 3: Cancer and Genomics/Epigenomics, In Proc. of the 22th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. S10. NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
Y. P. Kuan, H. L. Chen and C. M. Chen. 2007 DNA damage and gene epigenetic changes during hyperoxia injury response to supplement oxygen therapies, In International Conference on Cellular Responses to DNA Damage and Technical Workshop on DNA Repair. pp. 17. Hsin-Chu, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲第一屆DNA損傷暨細胞回應國際研討會之論文口頭發表優勝獎).
H. L. Chen, C. C. Yen, and C. M. Chen. 2007 A New Approach to Produce Human Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase (ECSOD) in the Methylotrophic Yeast Pichia pastoris, In Symposium of International Developments in Science and Health Claims. 9-11 May 2007, Malta.
K. T. Ho, Y. H. Chang, M. Y. Shiau, and C. M. Chen. 2006 IL-4, IL-10 and CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms in Taiwanese patients with ankylosing spodylitis, In Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Osteoimmunology: Interactions of the Immune and Skeletal Systems. Abs#55. Athens , Greece.
G. J. Huang, S. T. Chen, K. T. Yeh, C. M. Chen, and H. L. Chen. 2006 3OST3B promoter aberrant methylation and its clinicopathological features in Taiwan breast cancer tissues,In Proc. of the 21th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. P505. NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen. (Invited speaker). 2006 Dissecting of epigenetic aberration in the genomes of cancer and cloning animal using a CpG islands microarray,In Proc. of the International Symposium on Recent Advance of Stem Cell Research. Sep. 1-2. Pp.16-17. Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen, W. E. Chen, Y. W. Lai, J. C. Wu, and H. L. Chen. 2006 Epigenetic down-regulation of death-associated protein kinase in hepato- cellular carcinoma,In Proc. of the 12th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease. Jul. 1-5. P 433. Paris, France.
C. M. Chen*, J. C. Wu, and H. L. Chen. 2006 Dissecting complex DNA methylation changes in hepatocellular carcinoma: A new microarray technique for high-throughput alternating epigenetic analysis,In Proc. of the 1st International Symposium on Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Jul. 6-8. Pasture Institute, France.
L. P. Chen, D. S. Chao, S. Y. Lin, and C. M. Chen. 2006 Dissecting of DNA methylation profiles in tumor genomes of colorectal cancer,In Proc. of the 11th Joint Annual Meeting of Cancer Research. A-I-19. May 6-7, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
P. W. Huang, H. C. Ho, Y. J. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2006 Human VEGF overexpression in lung tissue of transgenic mice regulated by the promoter of clara cell secretory protein gene, In Proc. of the 11th Joint Annual Meeting of Cancer Research. A-I-20. May 6-7, NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
W. E. Chen, J. C. Wu, and C. M. Chen. 2006 Epigenetic down-regulation of death-associated protein kinase in hepatocellular carcinoma,In Proc. of the 21th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. P095. NDU, Taipei, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲第二十一屆生物醫學年會之台灣生物化學及分子生物學學會最佳論文獎).
J. W. Lai, F. J. Liou, A. L. Hsu, and C. M. Chen. 2006 Molecular cloning and characterization of porcine FTSJ1 and FTSJ2 genes which homologous to the RRMJ heat induced protein in E. coli,In Proc. of the 21th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. P096. NDU, Taipei, Taiwan.
G. J. Huang, H. L. Chen, S. T. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2005 Promoter hypermethylation and aberrant mRNA expression of heparin sulfate D-glucosaminyl 3-O-sulfotransferase (3OST3B) gene in Taiwan breast cancer tissues, In 13th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. pp. 55. Candin, Taiwan.
J. Y. Huang, C. C. Lin, S. H. Yang, and C. M. Chen. 2005 Expression of Enterovirus 71 capsid proteins VP1 and VP4 in transgenic milks regulated by alpha-lactalbumin promoter and casein leader sequences,In 13th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. pp. 107. Candin, Taiwan.
C. J. Shen, S. C. Wu, W. T. K. Cheng, and C. M. Chen. 2005 The aberrant epigenetic modification of imprinting genes in cloned sow genomes, In 13th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. pp. 108. Candin, Taiwan.
W. C. Huang, C. C. Lin, and C. M. Chen. 2005 Functional analysis of a novel identified extracellular lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (EC-LPH) gene from human small intestine,In Proc. of the 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp. 302. Taipei, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲第二十屆生物醫學年會之中華民國細胞與分子生物學會優秀看板論文獎).
C. Y. Lin, C. C. Yen, and C. M. Chen. 2005 Bacterial toxicity challenges study in transgenic mice harboring biologically active lactoferrin,In Proc. of the 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp. 325. Taipei, Taiwan.
P. C. Yu, G. C. Chang, and C. M. Chen. 2005 Dissecting DNA methylation characteristics in different chemo-sensitivity of IRESSA-treated lung cancers,In Proc. of the 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp. 438. Taipei, Taiwan.
M. Y. Chiang, S. T. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2005 Promoter hypermethylation and loss of expression of the protocadherin (PCDH21) gene in Taiwan sporadic breast tumors,In Proc. of the 20th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp. 442. Taipei, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen*, Y. J. Lin, and J. C. Wu. 2005 Methylation profiling of five tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 16 in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells, In the 41st Annual Meeting of Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan. Chiba, Tokyo. (*本篇論文榮獲日本肝癌學會Selected Poster Presentation Award).
P. I. Chen, T. A. Yu, H. L. Chen, C. M. Chen, and C. H. Chiang. 2005 Expression and characterization of human superoxide dismutase gene in tomato plants. Annual Meeting of Plant Pathology Bulletin,,Taichung, Taiwan..
Y. W. Lai, H. L. Chen, C. W. Lin, and C. M. Chen. 2004 Production of recombinant porcine lactoferrin in methylotrophic yeast and characterization of its glycosylation pattern and antibacterial activity,In 12th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology. pp.108. Candin, Taiwan.
M. L. Wang, C. M. Chen, T. C. Tsai, and H. L. Chen. 2004 Cloning and expression of human extracellular superoxide dismutase (ecSOD) gene in Lactobacillus casei,In Proc. Of the 19th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp.207. Taipei, Taiwan.
Y. P. Chen, C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, and C. W. Lin. 2004 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity of Kefir fermentation products with antihypertension peptides,pp.94. In Proc. of the 11th Asian-Australasian Assoc. Animal Production Congress. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
T. C. Tsai, S. H. Yang, and C. M. Chen. 2004 The study of aberrant epigenetic modification in cloned mice, In Proc. of the 11th Asian-Australasian Assoc. Animal Production Congress. pp.75. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Y. W. Lai, S. H. Yang, H. L. Chen, C. W. Lin, and C. M. Chen. 2004 Production of recombinant porcine lactoferrin with bactericidal activity in Pichia pastoris, In Proc. of the 11th Asian-Australasian Assoc. Animal Production Congress. pp.87. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Y. P. Chen, C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, and C. W. Lin. 2004 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity of Kefir fermentation products with antihypertension peptides,In Proc. of the 11th Asian-Australasian Assoc. Animal Production Congress. pp.94. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
C. M. Chen. 2004 Establishment of mouse CpG islands microarray and its application on stem cell differentiation,June, 24th, Invited Speaking, Western General Hospital, School of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, University of Edinburgh. Scotland, UK.
F. C. Liu, A. L. Hsu, and C. M. Chen. 2004 Myostatin cDNA cloning and sequencing in TLRI No. 1 black pig,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 33(suppl.):140.
C. M. Hung, H. C. Huang, H. L. Liu, T. F. Chen, Y. S. Cheng, C. W. Liao, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2004 Effect of dietary supplementing lactoferrin on the growth performance of broilers,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 33(suppl.):236.
M. L. Wang, C. M. Chen, T. C. Tsai, and H. L. Chen. 2004 Expression of human extracellular superoxide dismutase gene in lactobacillus casei and characterization of its antioxidative activity,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 33(suppl.):289. (*本篇論文獲得93年度壁報展示最佳論文獎).
T. C. Tsai, H. L. Chen, and C. M. Chen. 2003 A novel methylation CpG island microarray-based screening of potential human imprinting genes, In Proc. Of the 18th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp.30. Taipei, Taiwan. (*本篇論文榮獲第十八屆生物醫學年會之台灣生物化學及分子生物學學會最佳論文獎).
Y. J. Lin, J. C. Wu, and C. M. Chen. 2003 Methylation status of multiple tumor suppressor genes in hepatoma cancer and its relationship with clinical pathology,In Proc. Of the 18th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp.60. Taipei, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, and Tim H. M. Huang. 2003 Loss of expression and aberrant promoter methylation of the PCDH21 (protocadherin) gene in hepatoma and breast tumors,In Annual Meeting of the 94th American Association for Cancer Research. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Y. P. Chen, C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, and C. W. Lin. 2003 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity of Kefir fermentation products,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 32(4): 249.
C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, and Tim H. M. Huang. 2003 Aberrant promoter hypermethylation of the Protocadherin gamma A12 gene in breast tumors, In AACR Special Conference of Advances in Breast Cancer Research: Genetics, Biology and Clinical Applications. Huntington Beach, California, USA.
H. L. Chen, C. M. Chen, and Tim H. M. Huang. 2003 Methylation target array for high-throughput analysis of promoter hypermethylation in multiple breast tumors, In AACR Special Conference of Advances in Breast Cancer Research: Genetics, Biology and Clinical Applications. Huntington Beach, California, USA.
Wu, S. C., C. M. Chen, Jangwon. Lee, S. P. Lin, K. B. Choo, C. N. Weng, P. C. Yang, C. F. Tu, X. Yang, W. T. K. Cheng. 2002 Generation of double-genes transgenic pigs and their cloning,International Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnology (ISAB). PP.64-65 (www.sinica.edu.tw/-npagrbt /isab/).
Wu, S. C., C. J. Lin, C. F. Tu, S. P. Lin, S. R. Wang, C. H. Mao, C. M. Chen, K. B Choo, W. T. K. Cheng. 2002 Recent advances in studies related to generation of transgenic farm animals in Taiwan,International Symposium on Agricultural Biotechnology (ISAB). PP.59-61 (www.sinica.edu.tw /-npagrbt/isab/).
P. S. Yan, A.Weinmann, H. Shi, S. H. Wei, F. J. Rodriguez, F. Rahmatpanah, H. L Chen, C. M. Chen, A. Waha, T. Efferth, F. Rodel, P. Goodfellow, B. Brown, P. Farnham, and T. H.-M. Huang. 2002 Identification of E2F target promoters frequently hypermethylated in solid tumors, In Annual Meeting of the 93th American Association for Cancer Research. San Francisco, California, USA.
C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, P. S. Yan, and T. H.-M. Huang. 2002 Methylation “tissue” array: a novel technique for simultaneous analysis of extensive DNA hypermethylation in multiple breast tumors,In Annual Meeting of the 93th American Association for Cancer Research. San Francisco, California, USA.
C. M. Chen. 2002 Development of methylation CpG island Microarray and its application on dissecting complex epigenetic alternations in cancers. Annunal conference of Chinese Veterinary Medicine an Ainal Science Society,Veterans General Hospital, Invited Speaker for Special Lecture. pp.1. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen, H. Shi, C. W. Caldwell, G. J. R. Brock, P. S. Yan, and T. H. M. Huang. 2002 Complex patterns of DNA methylation in cancer,In the CNIO Cancer Conference, Cancer Epigenetics: DNA methylation and chromatin. pp 43-44. Madrid, Spanish.
W.T. K. Cheng, and C. M. Chen. 2002 Research related to generation of transgenic animal in Taiwan,The 6th APEC Biotechnology Workshop, ATCWG in Taipei. Aug. 26 – Sep. 4, Taiwan.
C. J. Lin, C. M. Chen, and W.T. K. Cheng. 2002 Generation and analysis of transgenic mice and diary goat harboring the alpha-LA-hFVIII gene,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 31(4): 137. (*本篇論文獲得壁報展示最佳論文獎).
C. H. Yu, C. M. Chen, and C. W. Lin. 2002 Gene cloning of bovine lactoferricin antibacterial peptide in methyltropic yeast, Pichia Pastoris,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 30(4):300. (*本篇論文獲得91年度壁報展示論文新人獎).
C. C. Lin, Y. C. Lin, F. Y. Chou, W. T. K. Cheng, and C. M. Chen. 2001 Human lactase-phlorizin hydrolase-I (hLPH-1) gene cloning and LA-hLPH transgenic mice production,In Proc. Of the 16th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp.93. Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, C M, Shinn-Chih Wu, Chin-Fu Tu, Shu-Wha Lin, Shau-Ping Lin, Kong-Bung Choo, and WTK Cheng. 2001 Current status and prospects of research studies endeavored to generation of transgenic farm animals in Taiwan, In: Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology. Ground Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan.
S. Y. Bai, W. T. K. Cheng, and C. M. Chen. 2001 Generation of transgenic mice carrying dust allergen genes, DerpII and DerpV, for desensitivity therapy,In Proc. Of the 16th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp.87. Taipei, Taiwan.
C. Y. Lu, C. M. Chen, and C. W. Lin. 2001 Development of kefir grain with Lactobacilli transformant carrying human lactoferrin gene, J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 30(4):259. (*本篇論文獲得90年度壁報展示最佳論文獎).
S. C. Liu, C. M. Chen, and Y. H. Hu. 2001 ex identification of duck embryo by using polymerase chain reaction, J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 30(4):127.
Lin, C. J., C. H. Wang, C. M. Chen, S. W. Lin, S. C. Wu, and W. T. K. Cheng. 2001 Generation and analysis of transgenic goats harboring the cDNA of human coagulation factor VIII gene. In: Life sciences research and industrialization in the 21st century,The 5th Biotechnol. Symp. Associat. East Asian Res. Univer. Hsanghai, China.
Tim Huang and C. M. Chen. 2001 Dissecting complex epigenetic alterations in cancer using CpG island microarray,In Trans-HHS Workshop: Diet, DNA methylation Processes and Health Natcher Conference Center. Aug. 6-8. NIH Main Campus, Washington DC. USA.
P. S. Yan, C. M. Chen, H. Shi, F. Rahmatpanah, S. H. Wei, C. W. Caldwell and Tim Huang. 2001 Dissecting complex epigenetic alterations in breast tumors using CpG island microarray,In the Second Annual Northwest Microarray Conference. pp 15. University of Washington, Seattle WA, USA.
Susan H. Wei, C. M. Chen, H. Shi, P. S. Yan, J. Harnsomburana, C. R. Shyu, K. P. Nephew, R. Brown, and Tim H.-M. Huang. 2001 Methylation Microarray Analysis of Late Stage Ovarian Carcinomas Distinguishes Disease-Free Survival in Patients,In the AACR conference, Cancer and Chromosomal Organization/Epigenetics of Cancer. pp A-20. Palm Desert, California, USA. (*本篇論文獲得美國癌症醫學會之年度最佳論文獎).
G. J. R. Brock, C. M. Chen, T. H. M. Huang and K. J. Johnson. 2001 A novel technique for the identification of CpG islands exhibiting altered methylation patterns (ICE-AMP),In the AACR conference, Cancer and Chromosomal Organization/Epigenetics of Cancer. pp A-19. Palm Desert, California, USA.
H. Shi, P. S. Yan, C. M. Chen, F. Rahmatpanah, C. Lofton-Day, C. W. Caldwell, and T. H. M. Huang. 2001 Expressed CpG island sequence tag microarrays for dual screening of DNA hypermethylation and gene silencing in cancer cells,In Annual Meeting of the 93th American Association for Cancer Research. San Francisco, California, USA.
S. H. Wei, C. M. Chen, H. Shi, P. S. Yan, J. Harnsomburana, C. R. Shyu, F. Rahmatpanah, K. P. Nephew, G. Strathdee, R. Brown, and T. H. M. Huang. 2001 Identification of methylation markers for distinguishing progression- free survival in late stage ovarian cancer through CpG island microarray,In Annual Meeting of the 93th American Association for Cancer Research. San Francisco, California, USA.
C. M. Chen, Y. C. Chang, H. L. Chen, and W. T. K. Cheng. 2000 Large-scale production and characterization of porcine growth hormone in methyltropic recombinant yeast, In Proc. of the 9th Asian-Australasian Assoc. Animal Production Congress. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
J. C. Wu, and C. M. Chen. 1999 Human and swine hepatitis E virus infection in Taiwan,In 1999 Annunal conference of Chinese Medicine Society. Veterans General Hospital, p40-41. Taipei, Taiwan.
C. J. Lin, W. T. K. Cheng, C. M. Chen, W. T. Lien, and S. C. Wu. 1999 Competence of mouse fetal development in vivo and foreign gene integrated efficiency after pronuclear microinjection, J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 28(suppl.):114.
Y. C. Lin, C. M. Chen, and C. W. Lin. 1999 Gene cloning and expression of lactoferrin in methyltropic yeast Pichia pastoris,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 29(suppl.):260. (*本篇論文獲得壁報展示論文新人獎).
Y. C. Tsai, W. T. K. Cheng, K. B. Choo, C. M. Chen, W. T. Lien, and S. C. Wu. 1999 Expression of human factor IX in serum oMT-hFIX transgenic mice,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 28(suppl.):158.
C. M. Chen. 1998 Sex-specific sequences identified from bovine X-Y homologous amelogenin gene and the application of these sequences for sex-determination of cow embryos, Invited speaker, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan, ROC.
S. C. Wu, C. M. Chen, S. P. Lin, K. B. Choo, and W. T. K. Cheng. 1998 Production of transgenic mice and piglets using the human IX factor cDNA clones, In 2nd Association of East Asian Research Universities. p34-35. Taipei, Taiwan.
. Wu, S. C., S. P. Lin, C. M. Mao, S. R. Wang, C. M. Chen, M. C. Huang, T. T. Hsu, T. S. Yang, K. H. Lee, R. Chu, K. B. Choo and W. T. K. Cheng. 1998 Production of transgenic mice and piglets using the porcine lactoferrin cDNA and the human IX factor cDNA clones,Proc. Symp. Transgenic Animals. pp. 6-7. Pig Research Institute Taiwan.
S. C. Wu, C. H. Mao, C. M. Chen, M. C. Huang, L. M. Chu, and W. T. K. Cheng. 1997 The study of -lactoalbumin-porcine lactoferrin fusion gene in porcine and mouse embryos,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 26(suppl.):76.
W. T. K. Cheng, and C. M. Chen. 1997 The application of embryonic sexing in preimplantation blasotocyst diagnosis,In Proc. of XII Asian Pacific Federation Conference International College of Surgeons. Taipei International Conference Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
S. C. Wu, C. M. Chen, C. H. Mao, S. L. Wang, H. K. Wu, L. M. Chu, and W. T. K. Cheng. 1996 The study of transgenic mice carrying porcine lactoferrin gene,J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 25(suppl.): 70.
S. P. Lin, S. C. Wu, C. M. Chen, C. H. Yai and W. T. K. Cheng. 1996 Construction and expression of alpha lactoalbumin regulatory and human clotting factor IX hybrid gene, J. Chin. Soc. Anim. Sci. 25(suppl.): 63. .
C. M. Chen, W. T. K. Cheng, and K. B. Choo. 1994 Analysis of transgenic mice: Evidence for frequent deletions and sequence aberrations,In Proc. of the 7th AAAP Animal Science Congress. Vol. III p. 15-18. Bali, Indonesia.
K. B. Choo, and C. M. Chen. 1994 Cellular genes and sequences disrupted by human papillomavirus integration in cervical cancer, In Proc. of the 3th International Congress of Gene Therapy. Keystone, USA.
C. M. Chen, M. P. Shyu, W. T. K. Cheng, and K. B. Choo. 1994 Direct sequence analysis of integrated HPV16-disrupted cellular sequence in cervical cancers,In Proc. of the 9th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences. pp. 39. College of Medicine, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. M. Chen, W. T. K. Cheng, and K . B. Choo 1993 Analysis of the human papillomavirus transgene structure in transgenic mice,In Proc. of the 9th International Congress of Virology. Vol. I Papillomavirus, pp.166. Glasgrow, Scotland, UK.
K. B. Choo, C. H. Chen, M. P. Shyu, and W. T. K. Cheng. 1993 Papid mapping of HPV integration in cervical cancer biopsies by PCR primer walking, In Proc. of the 9th International Congress of Virology. Vol. I W35 cell transformation, pp. 62. Glasgrow, Scotland, UK.


Y. W. Lan, C. M. Chen, and K. Y. Chong. 2020 In vitro methods to evaluate the effects of mesenchymal stem cells on TGF-β1-induced pulmonary fibrosis.,In: In vitro Models for Stem Cell Therapy: Methods and Protocols. Springer Publisher, Cambridge, MA, USA. Chapter X. (in press).


C. M. Chen 2005 Production of recombinant human FVIII therapeutic protein by animal biotechnology and its applicatio Agriculture Biotechnology. (ROC). 3: 21-27. (GPN 2009305478).
C. M. Chen*, and H. L. Chen 2005 The development of CpG islands microarray technique and its applications on embryogenesis and tumorgenesis. Life Sci. Newsletter, NSC (ROC).
C. M. Chen 2004 Transgenic DNA determination by PCR screening and slot blot quantitative hybridization. In: Transgenic Animal Technology and Protocol. M. C. Huang. Ministry of Education Press, Taiwan (ROC). Pp. 335-340. (ISBN 957-01-7605-9.
C. M. Chen 2004 The research and development of transgenic animal biotechnology in biomedical sciences. In: The Development of Animal Biotechnology Industry. Pung Tung Agricultural Biotechnology Park Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan Press, Taiwan (ROC). Pp. 2.
C. M. Chen 2004 The recombination mechanism of concatamerization and integration of exogenous genes in the chromosome of transgenic animals. In: Transgenic Animal Technology and Protocol. M. C. Huang. Ministry of Education Press, Taiwan (ROC). Pp. 189-200. (ISBN 95.
C. M. Chen 2004 The protocol for transgenic DNA purification and quantification. In: Transgenic Animal Technology and Protocol. M. C. Huang. Ministry of Education Press, Taiwan (ROC). Pp. 297-302. (ISBN 957-01-7605-9.
S. H. Wei, T. C. Yip, C. M. Chen, and T. H. M. Huang 2003 Identifying clinicopathological association of DNA hypermethylation in cancers using CpG island microarrays. In: DNA Methylation and Cancer Therapy. Moshe Szyf, McGill University Press. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Pp. 1-11. (ISBN 1417574585.
C. M. Chen 2003 The development and application of transgenic animal systems in biopharmaceuticals. Biotech Taiwan (ROC). Vol. 1: 16-.
C. M. Chen* and H. L. Chen 2003 Applications of methylated gene microarray on biology research. In: Research Technology to Adiopocyte Biology. S. T. Ding and W. T. K. Cheng. National Library Press, Taiwan Pp. 124-130. (ISBN 957-01-5467-5).
C. M. Chen*, and H. D. Yen 2000 The report of animal science congress in the Asian-Australasian association of animal production societies. Natl. Sci. Coun. Monthly (ROC) 28: 982-985. (ISSN 0250-1651).
C. M. Chen, W. T. K. Cheng, C. C. Chang, T. L. Weng, Y. N. Jiang, and J. T. Hsu 1999 Capra hircus X chromosome amelogenin (gAML-X) mRNA, complete cds., 752 base pairs. Accession number: AF21589.
C. M. Chen*, C. C. Chang, T. L. Weng, and W. T. K. Cheng 1999 Capra hircus amelogenin gene located on Y chromosome (gAML-Y), complete intron 5 sequence, 1780 base pairs Accession number: AF21588.
C. M. Chen*, C. C. Chang, T. L. Weng, and W. T. K. Cheng 1999 Capra hircus amelogenin gene located on X chromosome (gAML-X), complete intron 5 sequence, 1577 base pairs. Accession number: AF21588.
C. M. Chen, W. T. K. Cheng, C. C. Chang, T. L. Weng, Y. N. Jiang, and J. T. Hsu 1999 Capra hircus Y chromosome amelogenin (gAML-Y) mRNA, complete cds., 746 base pairs. Accession number: AF21588.
C. M. Chen*, C. L. Hu, and W. T. K. Cheng 1999 techniques of bovine embryo sexing. Natl. Sci. Coun. Monthly (ROC) 27: 381-392. (ISSN 0250-1651.
W. T. K. Cheng, C. M. Chen, C. L. Hu, C. H. Wang, and K. B. Choo 1996 Bos taurus chromosome Y amelogenin (AMLY) gene, complete intron 5 sequences, 1539 base pairs. Accession number: L4860.
W. T. K. Cheng, C. M. Chen, C. L. Hu, C. H. Wang, and K. B. Choo 1996 Bos taurus chromosome X amelogenin (AMLX) gene, complete intron 5 sequences, 1684 base pairs. Accession number: L4860.
C. M. Chen*, W. T. K. Cheng, and K. B. Choo 1995 Homo sapiens PID-2 gene, chromosome recombination site, papillomavirus integration-disrupted cellular locus. Accession number: L4299.
C. M. Chen*, W. T. K. Cheng, and K. B. Choo 1995 Homo sapiens PID-3 gene, chromosome recombination site, papillomavirus integration-disrupted cellular locus. Accession number: L4230.
C. M. Chen*, W. T. K. Cheng, and K. B. Choo 1995 Homo sapiens PID-1 gene, chromosome recombination site, derived from CaSki cell line. Accession number: L4299.
C. M. Chen 1994 Major histocompatibility complex and its role in poultry productions. World's poultry Science Assoc. (ROC) 19:22-3.


C. M. Chen, and H. L. Chen 2020/11 -2038/11. Method for treating or/and preventing calcium deficiency-related diseases. USA Patent,NO. US 10,829,517 B2.
H. L. Chen, C. M. Chen 2010 -2029 Novel Antihypertensive Peptide And Use Thereof. USA Patent,No.7,763,281 B2.
C. M. Chen*, and H. L. Chen 2008 Novel Enterovirus type 71 capsid protein VP1 (EV71-VP1) gene and its production method. USA Patent, , No. US-2010-0125918-A1.
C. M. Chen*, and H. L. Chen 2008 Novel Enterovirus type 71 capsid protein VP1 (EV71-VP1) gene and its production method. Taiwan Patent,,No. 097139140; pending.
C. M. Chen, H. L. Chen and C. C. Huang 2008 Novel Mer B enzyme act as a potential antidote against methylmercury toxicity expressed in transgenic milks. Taiwan Patent,No.097141690 .
S. C. Wu, W.T.K.Cheng, C. M. Chen, S. P. Lin, C. H. Yen, and P. C. Yang 2007 -2026. Method for expressing human clotting factor IX and lactoferrin proteins in the lactating milk of transgenic non-human mammals. Taiwan Patent,No. I273.
W.T.K. Cheng, C.M. Chen, S. H. Lin, C. H. Wang, C. J. Lin, and S. C. Wu 2007 -2025. Method for transgenic animals producing biologically active human factor VIII in their milk driven by mammary-specific expression cassette with intact or B-domain-deleted gene constructs. Taiwan Paten,No. I287578.
H. L. Chen, C. M. Chen 2007 Novel Antihypertensive Peptide And Use Thereof. Taiwan Patent,,No. 096135346.
F. C. Liu, C. M. Chen 2007 Isolation of Porcine Colipase And Use Thereof. Taiwan Patent,No.11/901,989.
S. C. Wu, W. T. K.Cheng, C. M. Chen, S. P. Lin, C. H. Yen, and P. C. Yang 2006 -2025. Method for expression multiple recombinant proteins in the milk of transgenic non-human mammals. USA Patent,No. 7,087,808.
C. M. Chen*, H. L. Chen, and W. T. K. Cheng 2006 -2025 Transgenic Animals Producing Low-Lactose Milk and Newly Identified Human Small Intestinal Extracellular Lactase-phlorizin Hydrolase (ecLPH) Gene. USA Patent,No.7,501,554 B.
C. M. Chen*, H. L. Chen, and W. T. K. Cheng 2006 Transgenic Animals Producing Low-Lactose Milk and Newly Identified Human Small Intestinal Extracellular Lactase-phlorizin Hydrolase (ecLPH) Gene. Taiwan Patent,No. 095117017.
C. M. Chen, P. S. Yan, and T. H. M. Huang 2002 Methylation target array (MTA) for high-throughput analysis of promoter hypermethylation in multiple tissue genomes. USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia Patents, (pending.
C.M. Chen W.T.K.Cheng, C. H. Hsu 2002 Allergen-containing transgenic milk for allergy treatment. European Patent, Application number: 02252702.2; pendin.
C. M. Chen*, C. C. Chang, T. L. Weng, and W. T. K. Cheng 2001 -2019. Procedure for gender determination of goat embryos by sex-specific sequences of goat amelogenin gene. Taiwan Patent,No. 140,077.
C. H. Hsu, W.T.K.Cheng, C. M. Chen 2001 Allergen-containing transgenic milk for allergy treatment. USA Patent,09/877,160.
C. H. Hsu, W.T.K.Cheng, C.M. Chen 2001 Allergen-containing transgenic milk for allergy treatment. USA Patent,09/877,16.
C. M. Chen*, and M. F. Kuo 2000 The Process for growth improvement of fowls using recombinant rGH-enriched yeast culture as feedstuff additive. USA Patent,No.09/563,742.
W. T. K. Cheng, C. M. Chen, C. L. Hu, C. H. Wang, and K. B. Choo 1999 -2017. Process for sexing cow embryos. USA Patent,No.5,876,942.
W. T. K. Cheng, C. M. Chen, C. L. Hu, C. H. Wang, and K. B. Choo 1999 -2017 Sex-specific sequences identified from amelogenin gene in the Holstein dairy cattle and method devel Taiwan Patent,No. 101,194.


陳全木等 2020 主辦台灣發育生物學國際研討會(2020 International Conference of Taiwan Developmental Biology Society).舉辦日期:2020/08/07-08.
陳全木等 2020 協辦國際生物催化暨農業生物科技學會國際研討會.舉辦日期: 2020/10/23-24.
陳全木等 2020 主辦全國生科論文三分鐘口說競賽.舉辦日期: 2020/11/07 (中區初賽)、2020/11/28 (全國總決賽).
陳全木等 2010 年澳洲Lorne基因體國際研討會.
陳全木等 2010 頂尖大學研發長訪英暨『台-英高等教育論壇.
陳全木等 2009/09 頂尖大學研發長訪歐盟-比利時、德國、法國.
陳全木等 2009 第100屆AACR美國癌症年.


A型血友病動物模式之新式基因療法開發: 以磁性奈米包膜材料作為核酸載體之功效評估
評估 ENERGI 減緩 Bleomycin 誘導小鼠肺纖維化之效果及機制
A型血友病動物模式之新式基因療法開發: 以磁性奈米包膜材料作為核酸載體之功效評估
生命科學研究人才培育平台計畫 (2/3)
A型血友病動物模式之新式基因療法開發: 以磁性奈米包膜材料作為核酸載體之功效評估
生命科學研究人才培育平台計畫 (II)
鼠胚發育早期之基因差異性展現分析(II):Granzyme G於2-細胞胚期之基因功能分析(2/2)
鼠胚發育早期之基因差異性展現分析(II):Granzyme G於2-細胞胚期之基因功能分析(1/2)
利用CpG甲基化晶片探討鼠胚發育階段之基因甲基化作用及其功能分析(II): 複製鼠胚之基因體組甲基化研究(1/2)
Granzyme G基因於鼠胚2—細胞期之表現及其功能之研究