曾妤馨 - 助理教授
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畢業學校 主修學門系所 學位 時期
國立台灣大學 生態學與演化生物學研究所 博士  
國立中山大學 生物科學系 碩士  
國立中山大學 生物科學系 學士  

經歷 / 榮譽

服務機關 服務部門 職稱 時期
中央研究院 生物多樣性研究中心 博士後研究員  
愛丁堡植物園及愛丁堡大學   博士後研究員  


"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evoluion"
~Theodosius Dobzhansky


植物中的"大屬"是指一個屬中包含500個以上的物種,這些屬多半分布在熱帶。能夠在物種競爭的熱帶環境,成功地在植物多樣性中佔有重要的一席之地,其種化策略必定有特殊之處。我的研究在系統分類為基礎上,探討植物如何能夠產生如此高的多樣性。研究主題: 蕁麻科植物系統分類及應用、秋海棠側膜組種化機制、蕨類雜交起源。

具有多樣性別形式的植物,是研究性別演化的最佳材料。而植物多采多姿的生殖形式,更造就出令人驚嘆的生物互動模式。無融合生殖是一種沒有精卵結合的過程,仍可以產生種子的生殖方式,是植物性別演化的極端表現。透過野外觀察、解剖學及細胞學的研究,可深入探討植物性別演化的議題。研究主題: 無融合生殖植物起源、植物與授粉者共演化。

植物分布受到歷史因素、生態生理因子和生物相互作用的綜合影響。間斷分布是指族群或是物種因地理區隔或是生育地破碎化,導致不連續分布的情況,此現象可見於許多植物中,但各植物造成此類分布特性的成因及範圍也有所不同。結合生物地理學及族群遺傳學等結果,藉以分析此分布模式及結構。研究主題: 樓梯草地理分布、列當之族群結構、苧麻起源。

由於次世代定序的興起,藉由基因體層級資料探討演化議題之研究也越來越多。要處理如此龐大的資料,生物資訊的技術勢必不可或缺。本實驗室透過次世代技術所獲得的資料,比較不同葉綠體基因組的演化歷程。另外,結合生物資訊的方法,系統系地比較不同組裝方法對序列多型性及建構親緣關係樹之影響。研究主題: 葉綠體基因體學及粒線體基因體演化、標靶捕獲套組設計。












Tseng, Y. H., C. L. Hsieh, L. Campos-Domínguez, A. Q. Hu, C. C. Chang, Y. T. Hsu, C. A. Kidner, M. Hughes, P. W. Moonlight, C. H. Hung, Y. C. Wang, Y. T. Wang, S. H. Liu, D. Girmansyah and K.-F. Chung. 2022. Insights into the evolution of the chloroplast genome and the phylogeny of Begonia. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. vol. 79, Article 408.
Begonia Phylogeny Group. 2022. Resolving phylogenetic and taxonomic conflict in Begonia. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. vol. 79. Article 1928.
Michel, T., Y.-H. Tseng, H. P. Wilson, K.-F. Chung and C. A. Kidner. 2022. A hybrid capture bait set of Begonia. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 79, Article 409.
Huang, C. J., F. H. Chu, Y. S. Huang, Y. C. Tu, Y. M. Hung, Y. H. Tseng, C. E Pu, C. T. Hsu, C. H. Chao, Y. S. Chou, S. C. Liu, Y. T. You, S. Y. Hsu, H. C. Hsieh, C. T. Wang and C. T. Chen. 2022. SSR individual identification system construction and population genetics analysis for Chamaecyparis formosensis. Scientific Report. 12: e4162.
Kono Y., C. I Peng, K. Oginuma, R. R. Rubite, Y. H. Tseng, H. A. Yang, and K. F. Chung. 2021. Cytological study of Begonia sect. Baryandra (Begoniaceae),Cytologia. vol.86, no.2, pp.133-141. (SCI)
Chung, S. W, J. M. Hu, W. J. Huang, and Y. H. Tseng*. 2021. Elatostema cuneatum Wight (Urticaceae), a newly recorded species from Taiwan,Quarterly Journal of Forest Research. vol.43, no.1, pp.45-52. (其他)
Huang, C. J., F. H. Chu, Y. S. Huang, Y. M. Hung, Y. H. Tseng, C. E. Pu, C. H. Chao, Y. S. Chou, S. C. Liu, Y. T. You, S. Y. Hsu, et al. 2020. Development and technical application of SSR‑based individual identification system for Chamaecyparis taiwanensis against illegal logging convictions,Scientific Reports . vol.10, pp.e22095. (SCI)
Rodda, M., Y. H. Tseng, and A. Monro. 2020. Two new combinations in Elatostematoides (Urticaceae) for species from Sarawak and Sumatra,Phytotaxa. vol.464, no.1, pp.77-84. (SCI)
Liu, Y., Y. H. Tseng, H. A. Yang, A. Q. Hu, W. B. Xu, C. W. Lin, Y. Kono, C. C. Chang, C. I Peng, and K. F. Chung. 2020. Six new species of Begonia from Guangxi, China,Botanical Studies. vol.61, pp.e21. (SCI)
Lin, H. Y., Y. H. Tseng, C. F. Hsieh, and J. M. Hu. 2020. Geographical distribution of dioecy and its ecological correlates based on fine-scaled species distribution data from a subtropical island,Ecological Research. vol.35, pp.170-181. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H., H. Y. Huang, W. B. Xu, H. A. Yang, C. I Peng, Y. Liu, and K. F. Chung. 2019. Phylogeography of Begonia luzhaiensis suggests both natural and anthropogenic causes for the marked population genetic structure,Botanical Studies. vol.60, pp.e20. (SCI)
Forrest, L. L., M. L. Hart, M. Hughes, H. P. Wilson, K. F. Chung, Y. H. Tseng, and C. A. Kidner. 2019. The limits of Hyb-Seq for herbarium specimens: Impact of preservation techniques,Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. vol.7, pp.Article439. (SCI)
Liu S. H., Y. H. Tseng, D. Zure, R. R. Rubite, C. I Peng, and K. F. Chung. 2019. Begonia balangcodiae sp. nov. from northern Luzon, the Philippines and its natural hybrid with B. crispipila, B. × kapangan nothosp. nov., the first report of natural hybridization in sect. Petermannia,Phytotaxa . vol.407, no.1, pp.5-21. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H., A. Monro, Y. G. Wei and J. M. Hu. 2019. Molecular phylogeny and morphology of Elatostema sensu lato (Urticaceae): implications for inter- and infrageneric classifications,Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. vol.132, pp.251-264. (SCI)
Huang, C. J., F. H. Chu, S. C. Liu, Y. H. Tseng, Y. S. Huang, L. T. Ma, C. T. Wang, Y. T. You, S. Y. Hsu, H. C. Hsieh, C. T. Chen and C. H. Chao. 2018. Isolation and characterization of SSR and EST-SSR loci in Chamaecyparis formosensis (Cupressaceae),Applications of Plant Sciences. vol.6, no.8, pp.e1175. (SCI)
Huang, Y. L., Y. H. Tseng, K. F. Chung and C. C. Yu. 2018. Chromosome numbers of Berberis Sect. Wallichianae from Taiwan: a new basis for taxonomic and evolutionary implications,Taiwania . vol.63, no.2, pp.111-118. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H., Y. D. Kim, C. I Peng, K. M. Htwe, S. H. Cho, Y. Kono, and K. F. Chung. 2017. Begonia myanmarica (Begoniaceae), a new species from Myanmar, and molecular phylogenetics of Begonia sect. Monopteron,Botanical Studies. vol.58, pp.e21. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H., H. Y. Huang, W. B. Xu, H. A. Yang, Y. Liu, C. I Peng, and K. F. Chung. 2017. Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers for Begonia luzhaiensis (Begoniaceae), Applications of Plant Sciences. vol.5, pp.e1700024. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu. 2015. Taxonomic revision of Elatostema J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Urticaceae) in Taiwan,Taiwania . vol.60, pp.23-32. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu. 2014. A new hybrid from Taiwan, Elatostema ×hybrida (Urticaceae) is the first confirmed natural hybrid for Urticaceae,Phytotaxa . vol.161. (SCI)


Tseng, Y. H., C. A. Kidner, C. L. Hsieh, W. B. Xu, C. I Peng, and Y. Liu, and K. F Chung. 2021 Conflicting phylogenomic signals reveal ongoing hybridization and introgression in limestone Begonia diversification (sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae),Annual meeting of Botanical Society of America. online, USA.
Tseng, Y. H., C. A. Kidner, C. L. Hsieh, W. B. Xu, C. I Peng, and Y. Liu, and K. F Chung. 2021 2021 Gene flow promotes species radiation in limestone Begonia,Annual conference of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics. Taipei, Taiwan.
Liu, S. H., Y. H. Tseng and K. F. Chung 2019 Workshop: Targeted capture methods using baits for phylogenomic research: case studies on Begonia and Broussonetia,Annual conference of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics. Taipei, Taiwan.
Tseng, Y. H., C. Kidner and K. F. Chung 2018 Utilizing targeted enrichment data for phylogenetic analysis of challenging taxonomic groups: A case study in Begonia sect. Coelocentrum (Begoniaceae),Ecology, genomics and biodiversity. Taipei, Taiwan.
Tseng, Y. H., H. Y. Huang, C. I Peng and K. F. Chung 2017 Patterns of genetic isolation and diversification in limestone karst area: a case study of widespread Begonia (Begoniaceae). International Botanical Congress ,International Botanical Congress. Shanzhen, China.
Tseng, Y. H., Catherine Kidner and K. F. Chung 2017 Reconstructing phylogenetic relationship of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum (Begoniaceae) using targeted enrichment of nuclear genes,International Botanical Congress. Shanzhen, China.
Tseng, Y. H., and J. M. Hu 2017 Gender variation and sexual system diversity of Elatostema (Urticaceae) in Taiwan,International Botanical Congress. Shanzhen, China.
Tseng, Y. H 2017 The sexual system of Elatostema (Urticaceae),Plant protection and postdoctoral symposium. Fuzhou, China.
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu 2017 Systematics and sexual system in Elatostema of Taiwan,Annual conference of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics. Taichung, Taiwan.
Tseng, Y. H., K. F. Chung, A. Monro, W. Y. Gang and J. M. Hu 2016 The historical origins and evolution of paleotropical intercontinental disjunction in Elatostema (Urticaceae),Annual meeting of Botanical Society of American. Savannah, GA, USA.
Fu, L. F., A. Monro, Y. H. Tseng and Y. G. Wei 2015 Studies on species diversity of Elatostema in limestone Karst from Guangxi, China,International Conference on conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of tropical and subtropical plants. Guilin, Guangxi, China.
Lin, H. Y., Y. H. Tseng and J. M. Hu 2015 Examining dioecy and the associated ecological correlates in the flora of Taiwan based on an integrated plant distribution database,Annual meeting of Botanical Society of American. Edmonton, AL, Canada.
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu 2014 A case of obligate apomixis in Elatostema (Urticaceae),International symposium on plant reproduction. Taipei, Taiwan.
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu. 2013 2013 Is there any obligate apomixis in plants? A case study in Elatostema (Urticaceae),9th International Flora of Malesiana Symposium. Bogor, Indonesia.
Tseng, Y. H., Y. G. Wei, A. Monro, and J. M. Hu 2012 Molecular phylogeny of Elatostema sensu lato (Urticaceae) based on sequences of nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnH-psbA spacer,Annual meeting of Botanical Society of American. Columbus, Ohio, USA.


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