Huang, Meng-Yuan  - Associate professor
Huang, Meng-Yuan Associate professor 繁體中文 English
Full-time teacher

Plant Ecophysiology


Graduate from Major in Degree Period
National Taiwan Normal University Department of Life Science Ph.D 2005/09-2011/02
National Chung Hsing University Department of Life Science M.S. 2001/09-2003/07
Chinese Culture University Department of Horticulture B.S. 1997/09-2001/07


Plant ecophysiology
The laboratory uses leaf reflectance spectroscopy, chlorophyll fluorescence, stable isotope and other tools combined with biotechniques to develop simple, fast and effective measurement techniques to monitor the physiological state of plants. It can provide to crop cultivation, plant resource management and conservation. We also use plant physiology to explain the mechanism of species adapting to the environment and the competition between different plants in the ecological zone. Current research topics: Application of LEDs in crop cultivation and increasing nutritional value; smart agriculture; ecological physiology and conservation of native plants.

Plant and animal interaction
Gall-making insects affect the growth and differentiation of plant tissues. It is an interesting bioengineering technology in nature. Moreover, Taiwan’s galling-insects are highly diversity. Some samples are easy to obtain. They are good materials for the study of animal and plant interactions. Our laboratory has had preliminary results in exploring the mechanism of galling insects affecting the photosynthesis of plant tissues. Currently, we hope to use transcriptome sequencing to study the galling mechanism of galling insects and their physiological effects on host plants. I believe that in addition to understanding the mechanisms of how insects regulate plant physiology and development. It must also be of considerable help to pest management and agricultural biotechnology. Current research topics: The effect of gall-making insects on transcriptome, proteomics and metabolites in their host plants. The effects of larval foods and growth environment temperature on their adult temperature adaptability.

Agricultural ecology
Research on agricultural ecosystems, and look forward to the development of related agricultural technology based on sustainable development. Currently, it is cooperating with agricultural research station and SGS for related research. Research topics: The impact of animal excretion on the ecosystem. Using stable isotopes to identify the organically crops.

Naturalistic planting
The natural landscape planting design originated from the English garden in the 18th century. The Wild Garden created by the 19th century gardener (William Robinson). Its influence spread throughout North America and several northern European countries, especially Germany, Netherlands and United States. At the beginning, they advocated using more native plants in the design. However, after nearly 50 years of evolution, the natural planting design has not restricted the use of only native species, but has shifted to both native and exotic species to imitate the state of natural plant communities (Liu, 2019). Our research office cooperated with Charlotte Liu (a landscape architect in the United Kingdom) and wanted to use native Taiwanese plants to build natural landscape design plants adapted to tropical and subtropical climates.

Lab Member

助理: 陳建良
碩士班: 戴廷曄、陳建誠(文化大學共指)、陳義璋(文化大學共指)、伍增(文化大學共指)

Journal Article

Chung‑I. Chen, Kuan‑Hung Lin, Tzu‑Chao Lin, Meng‑Yuan Huang, Yung‑Chih Chen, Chau‑Ching Huang and Ching‑Wen Wang. 2023. Responses of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence during light induction in different seedling ages of Mahonia oiwakensis. Botanical Studies 64:5
Hsin‑Hung Lin, Kuan‑Hung Lin, Meei‑JuYang, Hoang Chinh Nguyen, Huei‑Ju Wang, Han‑Xuang Huang & Meng‑Yuan Huang* (2022) Physiological responses and antioxidant properties of coriander plants (Coriandrum sativum L.) under different light intensities of red and blue lights. Scientific Reports, 12, 21139
Sabrina Yeo Samuel, Hui-Min David Wang, Meng-Yuan Huang, Yu-Shen Cheng, Juine-Ruey Chen, Wen-Hsiung Li and Jui-Jen Chang* (2022) Safety Assessment of 3S, 3’S Astaxanthin Derived from Metabolically Engineered K. marxianus. Antioxidants, 11, 2288
Yu-Hsiang Lai, Kuan-Hung Lin, Chiung-Pin Liu, Tien-Szu Liao, Meng-Yuan Huang, Ching-Wen Wang*, Chung-I Chen* (2022, Oct). Photosynthetic responses of Eulophia dentata, Bletilla formosana, and Saccharum spontaneum under various light intensities. Photosynthetica. 60 (4): 539-548
Chen, C.-I., Lin, K.-H., Huang, M.-Y., Wong, S.-L., Liao, T.-S., Chen, M.-N., Weng, J.-H., Hsueh, M.-L., Lai, Y.-H., Wang, C.-W. (2022, Sep). Photosynthesis in response to different salinities and immersions of two native rhizophoraceae mangroves. Cells, 11, 3054.
Chen, C.-C., Huang, M.-Y., Lin, K.-H., & Hsueh, M.-T. (2022, Aug). The effects of nitrogen application on the growth, photosynthesis, and antioxidant activity of Amaranthus viridis. Photosynthetica, 60(3), 420.
Hoang Chinh Nguyen+, Liang-Chih Liu+, Ming-Cheng Wu, Tai-Pei Lin, Chiou-Ying Yang*, Meng-Yuan Huang* 2022/05 Chemical constituents, antioxidant, and anticancer activities of bee pollen from various floral sources in Taiwan,Not. Bot. Horti. Agrobo.. pp.accepted. (SCI)
Meng-Yuan Huang, Chung-Wei Chen, Ching-Wen Wang, Shau-Lian Wong*, Jen-Hsien Weng* 2022/04 Useful rapid light-response curve of electron transport rate for estimations of photosynthetic capacity in C4 species,Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology. pp.accepted. (SCI)
C.W. Wang, S.L. Wong, T.S. Liao, J.H. Weng, M.N. Chen, M.Y. Huang, C.I Chen 2022 Photosynthesis in response to salinity and submergence in two Rhizophoraceae mangroves adapted to different tidal elevations,Tree Physiology. vol.accepted. (SCI)
Chia-Man Chang, Kuan-Hung Lin, Meng-Yuan Huang, Chung-I Chen, Mei-Li Hsueh, Ching-Wen Wang *, Kai-Wen Yeh * 2021/12 Growth and flowering characteristics of Oncidium Gower Ramsey Varieties under Various Fertilizer Management Treatments in Response to Light Intensities, Agronomy . vol.11, pp.2549. (SCI)
Chung-I Chen, Kuan-Hung Lin, Meng-Yuan Huang, Chih-Kai Yang, Yu-Hsiu Lin, Mei-Li Hsueh, Li-Hua Lee, Ching-Wen Wang* 2021/09 Photosynthetic physiology comparisons between no tillage and sod culture of citrus farming in different seasons under various light intensities,Agronomy. vol.11, pp.1805. (SCI)
Pei-Shou Hsu, Tzu-Hsien Wu, Meng-Yuan Huang, Dun-Yan Wang and Ming-Cheng Wu* 2021/09 Nutritive Value of 11 Bee Pollen Samples from Major Floral Sources in Taiwan,Foods. vol.10, pp.2229. (SCI)
TC Lee, KH Lin, MY Huang* and CM Yang* 2021/08 Glucose Induces Thylakoid Formation and Upregulates Green Pigment Contents in Complete Dark Culture of the Angiosperm Pachira macrocarpa,Agronomy. vol.11, pp.1746. (SCI)
T.C. Lee, K.H. Lin, M.Y. Huang*, C.M. Yang* 2021/08 Immunogold-labelling localization of chlorophyllase-2 at different developmental stages of Pachira macrocarpa leaves,Biologia Plantarum. vol.65, pp.333-341. (SCI)
Hsin-Hung Lin, Kuan-Hung Lin, Jhong-Ying Jiang, Ching-Wen Wang, Chung-I Chen, Meng-Yuan Huang*, Jen-Hsien Weng* 2021/05 Comparisons between yellow and green leaves of sweet potato cultivars in chlorophyll fluorescence during various temperature regimes under high light intensities,Scientia Horticulturae. vol.288, pp.110335. (SCI)
Hoang Chinh Nguyen†, Chang-Chang Chen†, Kuan-Hung Lin, Pi-Yu Chao, Hsin-Hung Lin* and Meng-Yuan Huang * 2021/03 Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidants, and Health Benefits of Sweet Potato Leaves,Molecules. vol.26, pp.1820. (SCI)
Lin, K.H., M.Y. Huang, W.J. Xie, S.F. Pan, Y.S. Chen, H.C. Wu, H.H. Lin, C.M. Chiang* 2021/02 Influences of sea water on the ethylene-biosynthesis, senescence-associated gene expressions, and antioxidant characteristics of Arabidopsis plants,Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. vol.49, pp.12205. (SCI)
Huang, M.Y., S.L. Wong and J.H. Weng * 2021/02 Rapid Light-Response Curve of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Terrestrial Plants: Relationship to CO2 Exchange among Five Woody and Four Fern Species Adapted to Different Light and Water Regimes,Plants. vol.10, no.3, pp.445. (SCI)
Lin, K.H., M.Y. Huang*, M.H. Hsu 2021 Morphological and physiological response in green and purple basil plants (Ocimum basilicum) under different proportions of red, green, and blue LED lightings,Scientia Horticulturae. vol.275, pp.109677. (SCI)
Nguyen, H.C., Y.B. Tran, K.H. Lin, M.Y. Huang, N.T.T. Nguyen, C.H. Su 2021 Optimization of rosmarinic acid extraction from Salvia officinalis and antioxidant activity of the extract.,Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. vol.45, pp.e15221. (SCI)
Lin, K.H., F.C. Shih, M.Y. Huang*, J.H. Weng* 2020 Physiological characteristics of photosynthesis in yellow-green, green and dark-green Chinese Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra Musil.) under varying light intensities,Plants. vol.9, no.8, pp.960. (SCI)
Lin, H.H.*, K.H. Lin, M.Y. Huang, Y.R. Su 2020 Use of the non-destructive measurements to identify Cucurbit species (“Cucurbita maxima” and “Cucurbita moschata”) tolerant to waterlogged conditions,Plants. vol.9, no.9, pp.1226. (SCI)
Lin, K.H., M.Y. Huang*, C.C. Chen, C.C. Chang 2020 Photosynthetic physiology of green and red pigments of Perilla frutescens varieties under water stress,Indian Journal of Horticulture. pp.469-477. (SCI)
Huang, M.Y., K.H. Lin, T.H. Shih, Y.T. Chang, C.M. Yang* 2019 Spectral indices to rapidly monitor chloroplast distribution patterns of three cecidomyiid galls. ,Taiwania. vol.64, pp.438-441. (SCI)
Nguyen, H.C., Z.W. Yang, M.Y. Huang*, K.H. Lin*, C.M. Yang, M.K. Nguyen 2019 Changes in the levels of nutrient and heavy metal contents before and after vermicomposting of sawdust utilizing Allomyrina dichotoma subsp. Tunobosonis. ,BioTechnologia. vol.100, pp.111-114. (其他)
Luo, M.X., M.Y. Huang, C.K. Yang, Y.Z. He, B.H. Huang, P.C. Liao* 2019 Deviation from the Brownian motion expectation implies episodic adaptive divergences in traits of Lithocarpus species in Taiwan. ,Taiwania. vol. 64, pp.202-208. (SCI)
Lin, K.H., M.Y. Huang*, J.H. Weng*, S.C. Kao 2019 Photosynthetic activity of red and green leaf sectors in Coleus blumei plants as sensed by chlorophyll fluorescence,Photosynthetica . vol.57, pp.659-667 . (SCI)
Shih, T.H., S.H. Lin, M.Y. Huang, W.D. Huang, C.M. Yang* 2019 Transcriptome profile of the variegated Ficus microcarpa c.v. milky stripe fig leaf.,International Journal of Molecular Sciences. vol. 20, pp.133. (SCI)
Shih, T.H., S.H. Lin, M.Y. Huang, C.W. Sun, C.M.Yang* 2018 Transcriptome profile of cup-shaped galls in Litsea acuminata leaves. ,PLoS One. vol. 13, pp.e0205265. (SCI)
Yang, C.K., B.H. Huang, S.W. Ho, M.Y. Huang, J.C. Wang, J. Gao, P.C. Liao* 2018 Molecular genetic and biochemical evidence for adaptive evolution of leaf abaxial epicuticular wax crystals in the genus Lithocarpus (Fagaceae). ,BMC Plant Biology . vol.18, pp.196. (SCI)
Lee, T.C., T.H. Shih, M.Y. Huang, K.H. Lin, W.D. Huang, and C.M.Yang* 2018 Eliminating interference by anthocyanins when determining the porphyrin ratio of red plant leaves. ,Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology . vol.187, pp.106-112 . (SCI)
Nguyen, H.C., K.H. Lin, T.C. Hsiung, M.Y. Huang*, C.M. Yang, J.H. Weng, M.H. Hsu, P.Y. Chen, K.C. Chang 2018 Biochemical and Physiological Characteristics of Photosynthesis in Plants of Two Calathea Species. ,International Journal of Molecular Sciences. vol.19, pp.704. (SCI)
Nguyen, H.C., K.H. Lin, M.Y. Huang*, C.M. Yang, T.H. Shih, T.C. Hsiung, Y.C. Lin, F.C. Tsao 2018 Antioxidant Activities of the Methanol Extracts of Various Parts of Phalaenopsis Orchids with White, Yellow, and Purple Flowers,Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca . vol.46 , pp.457-465. (SCI)
Chao, P.Y., M.Y. Huang, W.D. Huang, C.M. Yang**, K.H. Lin*, S.Y. Chen 2018 Study of Chlorophyll-related Compounds from Dietary Spinach in Human Blood. ,Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. vol.46, pp.309-316 . (SCI)
Chen, S.P., S.Y. Wang, M.Y. Huang, K.H. Lin*, S.M. Hua, H.H. Lu, Y.C. Lai, C.M. Yang*. 2018 Physiological and molecular analyses of chlorophyllase in sweet potatoes with different-colored leaves. ,South African Journal of Botany . vol.114, pp.272–279. (SCI)
Chen, L.R.*, T.C. Hsiung, K.H. Lin, T.B. Huang, M.Y. Huang, A. Wakana. 2017 Supplementary effect of hydrogen peroxide as a predisinfectant for sterilizing rhizome bud explants of Zantedeschia aethiopica L. with chlorine dioxide,J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ. . vol.62, pp.81–86. (SCI)
Huang, M.Y.*, K.H. Lin, C.C. Lu, L.R. Chen, T.C. Hsiung, W.T. Chang. 2017 The intensity of blue light-emitting diodes influences the antioxidant properties and sugar content of oyster mushrooms (Lentinus sajor-caju). ,Scientia Horticulturae . vol.218, pp.8-13. (SCI)
Chen, C.C., K.H. Lin, M.Y. Huang, W.D. Huang*, C.M. Yang* 2016 Effects of light quality on the chlorophyll degradation pathway in rice seedling leaves. ,Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca . vol.44, pp.393-398 . (SCI)
Liu, T.Y., K.C. Lin, M. Vadeboncoeur, M.Z. Chen, M.Y. Huang, T.C. Lin* 2015 Understory plant community and light availability in abandoned conifer plantations and adjacent natural hardwood forests in northern Taiwan. ,Applied Vegetation Science . vol.18, pp.591-602. (SCI)
Hsu, M.H., C.C. Chen, K.H. Lin, M.Y. Huang, C.M. Yang*, W.D. Huang* 2015 Photosynthetic responses of Jatropha curcas to spider mite injury. ,Photosynthetica . vol.53, pp.349-355. (SCI)
Huang, M.Y., W.D. Huang, H.M. Chou, C.C. Chen, P.J. Chen, Y.T. Chang*, C.M. Yang* 2014 Structural, biochemical, and physiological characterization of photosynthesis in leaf-derived cup-shaped galls on Litsea acuminate. ,BMC Plant Biology . vol.15, pp.61. (SCI)
Hsu, C. Y., T. H. Yeh, M.Y. Huang, S. P. Hu, P. Y. Chao*, C. M. Yang* 2014 Organ-specific distribution of chlorophyll-related compounds from dietary spinach in rabbits.,Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics . vol.51, pp.388-395. (SCI)
Huang, M.Y., W. D. Huang, HM Chou, K. H. Lin, C. C. Chen, P. J. Chen, Y. T. Chang*, C. M. Yang* 2014 The leaf-derived cecidomyiid galls are sinks in Machilus thunbergii leaves. ,Physiologia Plantarum . vol.152, pp.475-485. (SCI)
Huang, M.Y., W. D. Huang, H. M. Chou, Y. T. Chang*, C. M. Yang* 2014 Herbivorous insects alter the chlorophyll biosynthetic and degradation pathways of galls on host plants., Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology . vol.17, pp.431-434. (SCI)
Wong, S. L., M.Y. Huang, C. W. Chen, J. H. Weng* 2014 Light induction of nonphotochemical quenching, CO2 fixation and photoinhibition in woody and fern species adapted to different light regimes., Photosynthetica . vol.52, pp.272- 280. (SCI)
Wong, S. L., C. W. Chen, M.Y. Huang, J. H. Weng* 2014 Relationship between photosynthetic CO2 uptake rate and electron transport rate in two C4 perennial grasses under different nitrogen fertilization, light and temperature conditions.,Acta Physiologiae Plantarum . vol.36, pp.849- 857. (SCI)
Huang, W. D., K. H. Lin, Hsu M. H., M. Y. Huang, Z. W. Yang, P. Y. Chao, C. M. Yang 2014 Eliminating interference by anthocyanin in chlorophyll estimates of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) leaves., Botanical Studies . vol.55, pp.11 . (SCI)
Chen, C. C., M. Y. Huang, K. H. Lin, S. L. Wong, W. D. Huang, C. M. Yang 2014 The effects of light quality on the growth, development, and metabolism of rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.). ,Research Journal of BioTechnology . vol.9, pp.15- 24 . (SCI)
Huang, M. Y., H. M. Chou, Y. T. Chang, C. M. Yang 2014 The number of cecidomyiid insect galls affects the photosynthesis of Machilus thunbergii host leaves. ,Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology . vol.17, pp.151- 154. (SCI)
Lin, K. H., Y. Y. Yang, H. F. Lo, K. C. Liu, M. Y. Huang, C. M. Yang, P. Y. Chao, H. S. Lin 2013 Antioxidant activity of herbaceous plant extracts protect against hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes. ,BMC Research Notes . vol.6, pp.490. (其他)
Chao, P. Y., K. H. Lin, C. C. Chiu, Y. Y. Yang, M. Y. Huang, C. M. Yang 2013 Inhibitive effects of mulberry leaf-related extracts on cell adhesion and inflammatory response in human aortic endothelial cells., Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Article. pp.267217. (SCI)
Lin, K. H., C. Y. Hsu, Y. P. Huang, J. Y. Lai, W. B. Hsieh, M. Y. Huang, C. M. Yang, P. Y. Chao 2013 Chlorophyll-related compounds inhibit cell adhesion and inflammation in human aortic cells. ,Journal of Medicinal Food. vol. 16, pp. 1-13. (SCI)
Chao, P. Y., W. Y. Huang, S. P. Hu, H. F. Lo, K. H. Lin, M. Y. Huang, T. R. Chang, C. M. Yang 2013 Indigenous purple vegetable extracts protect against hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes. ,Food and Nutrition Sciences. vol.4, pp.62-70. (其他)
Chao, P. Y., Y. L. Chen, Y. C. Lin, J. I. Hsu, K. H. Lin, Y. F. Lu, T. J. Yiu, M. Y. Huang, C. M. Yang. 2013 Effects of Black Soybean on Atherogenic prevention in hypercholesterolemic rabbits and on adhesion molecular expression in cultured HAECs. ,Food and Nutrition Sciences . vol.4, pp.9-21. (其他)
Lin, K. H., M. Y. Huang, W. D. Huang, M. H. Hsu, Z. W. Yang, C. M. Yang 2013 The effects of red, blue and white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on growth, development and edible quality of hydroponically grown lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata),Scientia Horticulturae . vol.150, pp.86- 91. (SCI)
Chen, F. W., M. Y. Huang, H. W. Yeh, C. M. Yang*, Y. T. Chang* 2012 Newly Understanding of Kalanchoe pinnata, a CAM Plant. ,BioFormosa . vol.47, pp.9-13 . (其他)
Huang, M. Y., M. H. Hsu, W. D. Huang, P. J. Chen, M. M. Yang, Y. T. Chang, P. Y. Chao, C. M. Yang 2012 Differential contribution of antioxidants to antioxidative functions in galls evaluated by grey system theory. ,Journal of Grey System . vol.4, pp.359- 370. (SCI)
Chen, M. C. M., P. Y. Chao, M. Y. Huang, J. H. Yang, Z. W. Yang, K. H. Lin, C. M. Yang 2012 Chlorophyllase activity in green and non-green tissues of variegated plants. ,South African Journal of Botany. vol. 81, pp.44-49 . (SCI)
黃盟元、楊棋明、張永達、楊曼妙 2011 造癭昆蟲對寄主植物光合作用的影響。,林業研究專訊. vol.18 , pp.54-56. (其他)
Huang, M. Y., K. H. Lin, M. M. Yang, H. M. Chou, C. M. Yang, Y. T. Chang 2011 Chlorophyll fluorescence, spectral properties, and pigment composition of galls of leaves of Machilus thunbergii.,International Journal of Plant Sciences . vol.172, pp.323- 329 . (SCI)
Weng, J. H., K. M. Lai, T. S. Liao, M. Y. Hwang, Y. N. Chen 2009 Relationships of photosynthetic capacity to PSII efficiency and to photochemical reflectance index of Pinus taiwanensis through different seasons at high and low elevations of sub-tropical Taiwan. ,Trees–Structure and Function . vol.23, pp.347-356 . (SCI)
Huang, M. Y., M. M. Yang, W. N. Jane, Y. T. Chang, C. M. Yang 2009 Insect-induced cecidomyiid galls deficient in light-harvesting protein complex II showing normal grana stacking.,Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology . vol.12, pp.165-168 . (SCI)
Yang, M. M., M. Y. Huang, W. N. Jane, Gene G. S. Tung, Y. T. Chang, C. M. Yang 2008 Observation on the epidermal stomata of a cup-like gall of Litsea acuminata (Lauracceae),Bioformosa . vol.43, pp.71- 75 . (其他)
陳昶璋、黃盟元、黃文達、王裕文、許明晃、楊棋明 2008 五節芒與培地茅對土壤碳庫影響之研究。,中華民國雜草學會會刊. vol.28, pp.131-140. (其他)
陳昶璋、許明晃、黃盟元、楊志維、楊棋明、黃文達 2008 關渡自然保留區蘆葦對土壤有機碳庫影響之研究,中華民國雜草學會會刊. vol.29, pp.11-22. (其他)
Yang, C. M., M. M. Yang, M. Y. Huang, J. M. Hsu, W. N. Jane 2007 Life time deficiency of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes CP1, A1, AB1, and AB2 in two cecidomyiid galls derived from Machilus thunbergii leaves.,Photosynthetica . vol.45, pp. 589-593 . (SCI)
Weng, J. H., T. S. Liao, M. Y. Hwang, C. C. Chung, C. P. Lin, C. H. Chu 2006 Seasonal variation in photosystem II efficiency and photochemical reflectance index of evergreen trees and perennial grasses growing at low and high elevations in subtropical Taiwan,Tree Physiology. vol. 26, pp. 1097-1104. (SCI)
Hsu, M. H., W. D. Huang, Z. W. Yang, J. C. Chen, J. H. Yang, M. Y. Huang, H. S. Luhr, C. M. Yang 2006 Grey relational analysis of the effects of climate factors and air qualities on the rice growth monitored by SPOT satellite remote sensing normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) after operation of Beitou garbage incinerator., Journal of the Agriculture Association of China . vol.7, pp.245-261 . (其他)

Symposium Presentation

陳昶璋*、黃盟元、薛銘童 2018/12 氮肥施用對野莧菜生長及光合生理之影響。,雜草科學講座暨研究成果發表會。中華民國雜草學會年會. 台灣台北. (其他)
黃鏡嘉、張茜淇、陳彥樺、曾博玨、高梓芸、林冠宏、熊同銓、許明晃、黃盟元*。 2018/10 非破壞性方法監測兩種香料作物之生理,2018光合作用與植物生理研討會. 國立台灣大學園藝暨景觀學系、澳登堡股份有限公司。台灣台北. (其他)
Shih, Tin-Han, Szu-Hsien Lin, Kai-Chieh Chang, Meng-Yuan Huang, Chi-Ming Yang* 2018/03 Profiling the photosynthesis and transcriptome of the galls from Lauraceae in Taiwan,The 7th International symposium of cecidology: Ecology and evolution of gall-inducing arthropods. Huisun experimental forest station, Nantou, Taiwan. (其他)
黃盟元*、施廷翰、林斯賢、楊棋明 2017/10 蟲癭的光合作用-以長葉木薑子蟲癭為例,2017光合作用與植物生理研討會. 國立台灣大學園藝暨景觀學系、澳登堡股份有限公司。台灣台北。. (其他)
Shih, T. H., M. Y. Huang, S. H. Lin, C. M. Yang 2016/03 Transcriptomic profile of variegated fig (Ficus microcarpa cv. milky stripe) leaves.,The 57th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. Morioka, Iwate, Japan. (其他)
Huang, M.Y.*, K.H. Lin, C.C. Lu, L.R. Chen, T.C. Hsiung, W.T. Chang 2016 The intensity of blue light-emitting diodes influences the antioxidant properties and sugar content of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju),2016光合作用與植物生理研討會. 中國文化大學園藝暨生物技術系、澳登堡股份有限公司。台灣台北. (其他)
Shih, T. H., M. Y. Huang, S. H. Lin, C. M. Yang 2016 Photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll-associated gene expression of variegated milky stripe fig (Ficus microcarpa). ,The 57th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. Morioka, Iwate, Japan. (其他)
黃盟元、張凱傑、陳伯彥、施廷翰、楊棋明、熊同銓* 2015 竹芋科植物的光合作用與型態特性,2015光合作用與植物生理研討會. 國立台灣大學園藝暨景觀學系、澳登堡股份有限公司。台灣台北. (其他)
Huang, M. Y., C. C. Chen, K. H. Lin, P. J. Chen, Y. T. Chang, C. M. Yang 2013/08 The leaf-derived cecidomyiid galls are sinks in Machilus thunbergii leaves, The 6th International symposium on the biology and ecology of galling arthropods and related endophytes. O'Reillys Rainforest Retreat, QLD. Australia. (其他)
Chen, C. C., M. Y. Huang, Y. T. Chang, W. D. Huang, C. M. Yang 2013/08 Some gall-inducers can use the fungi in gall as a sink of nutrients for their growth,The 6th International symposium on the biology and ecology of galling arthropods and related endophytes . O'Reillys Rainforest Retreat, QLD. Australia. (其他)
Huang, M. Y., W. D. Huang., C. C. Chen, K. H. Lin, P. J. Chen, Y. T. Chang, C. M. Yang 2013 The photosynthesis of leaf-derived cup-shaped galls induced by Bruggmanniella spp. on Litsea acuminata host leaves.,2013光合作用與植物生理研討會。. 國立台灣大學園藝暨景觀學系、澳登堡股份有限公司。台灣台北. (其他)
黃盟元、林冠宏、盧美光、陳昶璋、陳姵如、張永達、楊棋明 2012 The leaf-derived cecidomyiid galls are sinks in Machilus thunbergii leaves,2012光合作用研討會. 國立台灣大學園藝暨景觀學系、澳登堡股份有限公司。台灣台北. (其他)
黃盟元、熊同銓、林冠宏、楊曼妙、周雪美、張永達、楊棋明 2011 Photosynthetic reflectance properties of three cecidomyiid galls of Machilus thunbergii and Litsea acuminata leaves,2011光合作用研討會. 國立台灣大學園藝暨景觀學系、澳登堡股份有限公司。台灣台北. (其他)
黃盟元、陳昶璋 陳姵如、楊曼妙、張永達、楊棋明 2011 Daphnephila屬癭蚋蟲癭之生態生理特性,地球科學系統學術論壇. 中國文化大學。台灣台北. (其他)
Huang, M. Y., Y. T. Chang, M. M. Yang, C. M. Yang 2008 The impact of herbivorous insects on the photosynthetic characteristics of three cecidomyiid galls and their hosts,The 23th international congress of entomology. . Durban. South Africa. (其他)
Huang, M. Y., H. M. Chou, Y. T. Chang, M. M. Yang, C. M. Yang 2006 Photosynthetic reflectance properties of three cecidomyiid galls of Machilus thunbergii and Litsea acuminata leaves,The 6th International Congress of Dipterology. Fukuoka. Japan. (其他)


董景生、楊曼妙、林聖豐、唐昌廸、廖一璋、葉信廷、王琄嬋、黃盟元 2018 癭臺灣:蟲癭指南, Let’s Gall Taiwan-A guidebook on insect galls。行政院農業委員會林務局。(43屆金鼎獎:政府出版品類圖書獎).

Research Project
