Tseng, Yu-Hsin  - Assistant Professor
Tseng, Yu-Hsin Assistant Professor 繁體中文 English
Full-time teacher

Plant evolution, Plant reproductive biology, Genomics, Plant systematics


Graduate from Major in Degree Period
National Taiwan University Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology PhD
National Sun Yat-sen University Department of Biological Science MS
National Sun Yat-sen University Department of Biological Science BS





Experience / Honor

Organization Department Title Period
Academia Sinica Biodiversity Research Center Postdoctoral Fellow
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh & University of Edinburgh Postdoctoral Fellow


A "BIG genus" in plants refers to a genus containing more than 500 species, most of which are found in the tropics. The high diversity of these plants in a highly competitive tropical environment must be due to special mechanisms of speciation. My study, based on the plant systematics of highly diverse taxa such as Elatostema and Begonia, mainly uses molecular phylogenetics, reproductive biology, genomics, and next-generation techniques to investigate a mystery that has long puzzled Darwin - why do plants produce such high diversity so rapidly?

Main research directions:
(1) Plant systematics and phylogenetics
(2) Design of target capture probes and their applications in plant evolution
(3) Evolution of plant sexual system and mechanisms of apomixis
(4) Plant speciation mechanisms
(5) Structural analysis and evolution of plastome and mitochondrion



Journal Article

Kono Y., C. I Peng, K. Oginuma, R. R. Rubite, Y. H. Tseng, H. A. Yang, and K. F. Chung. 2021 Cytological study of Begonia sect. Baryandra (Begoniaceae),Cytologia. vol.86, no.2, pp.133-141. (SCI)
Chung, S. W, J. M. Hu, W. J. Huang, and Y. H. Tseng* 2021 Elatostema cuneatum Wight (Urticaceae), a newly recorded species from Taiwan,Quarterly Journal of Forest Research. vol.43, no.1, pp.45-52. (其他)
Huang, C. J., F. H. Chu, Y. S. Huang, Y. M. Hung, Y. H. Tseng, C. E. Pu, C. H. Chao, Y. S. Chou, S. C. Liu, Y. T. You, S. Y. Hsu, et al. 2020 Development and technical application of SSR‑based individual identification system for Chamaecyparis taiwanensis against illegal logging convictions,Scientific Reports . vol.10, pp.e22095. (SCI)
Rodda, M., Y. H. Tseng, and A. Monro 2020 Two new combinations in Elatostematoides (Urticaceae) for species from Sarawak and Sumatra,Phytotaxa. vol.464, no.1, pp.77-84. (SCI)
Liu, Y., Y. H. Tseng, H. A. Yang, A. Q. Hu, W. B. Xu, C. W. Lin, Y. Kono, C. C. Chang, C. I Peng, and K. F. Chung 2020 Six new species of Begonia from Guangxi, China,Botanical Studies. vol.61, pp.e21. (SCI)
Lin, H. Y., Y. H. Tseng, C. F. Hsieh, and J. M. Hu 2020 Geographical distribution of dioecy and its ecological correlates based on fine-scaled species distribution data from a subtropical island,Ecological Research. vol.35, pp.170-181. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H., H. Y. Huang, W. B. Xu, H. A. Yang, C. I Peng, Y. Liu, and K. F. Chung 2019 Phylogeography of Begonia luzhaiensis suggests both natural and anthropogenic causes for the marked population genetic structure,Botanical Studies. vol.60, pp.e20. (SCI)
Forrest, L. L., M. L. Hart, M. Hughes, H. P. Wilson, K. F. Chung, Y. H. Tseng, and C. A. Kidner 2019 The limits of Hyb-Seq for herbarium specimens: Impact of preservation techniques,Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. vol.7, pp.Article439. (SCI)
Liu S. H., Y. H. Tseng, D. Zure, R. R. Rubite, C. I Peng, and K. F. Chung 2019 Begonia balangcodiae sp. nov. from northern Luzon, the Philippines and its natural hybrid with B. crispipila, B. × kapangan nothosp. nov., the first report of natural hybridization in sect. Petermannia,Phytotaxa . vol.407, no.1, pp.5-21. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H., A. Monro, Y. G. Wei and J. M. Hu. 2019 Molecular phylogeny and morphology of Elatostema sensu lato (Urticaceae): implications for inter- and infrageneric classifications,Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. vol.132, pp.251-264. (SCI)
Huang, C. J., F. H. Chu, S. C. Liu, Y. H. Tseng, Y. S. Huang, L. T. Ma, C. T. Wang, Y. T. You, S. Y. Hsu, H. C. Hsieh, C. T. Chen and C. H. Chao 2018 Isolation and characterization of SSR and EST-SSR loci in Chamaecyparis formosensis (Cupressaceae),Applications of Plant Sciences. vol.6, no.8, pp.e1175. (SCI)
Huang, Y. L., Y. H. Tseng, K. F. Chung and C. C. Yu 2018 Chromosome numbers of Berberis Sect. Wallichianae from Taiwan: a new basis for taxonomic and evolutionary implications,Taiwania . vol.63, no.2, pp.111-118. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H., Y. D. Kim, C. I Peng, K. M. Htwe, S. H. Cho, Y. Kono, and K. F. Chung 2017 Begonia myanmarica (Begoniaceae), a new species from Myanmar, and molecular phylogenetics of Begonia sect. Monopteron,Botanical Studies. vol.58, pp.e21. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H., H. Y. Huang, W. B. Xu, H. A. Yang, Y. Liu, C. I Peng, and K. F. Chung. 2017 2017 Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers for Begonia luzhaiensis (Begoniaceae), Applications of Plant Sciences. vol.5, pp.e1700024. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu 2015 Taxonomic revision of Elatostema J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Urticaceae) in Taiwan,Taiwania . vol.60, pp.23-32. (SCI)
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu. 2014 A new hybrid from Taiwan, Elatostema ×hybrida (Urticaceae) is the first confirmed natural hybrid for Urticaceae,Phytotaxa . vol.161. (SCI)

Symposium Presentation

Tseng, Y. H., C. A. Kidner, C. L. Hsieh, W. B. Xu, C. I Peng, and Y. Liu, and K. F Chung. 2021 Conflicting phylogenomic signals reveal ongoing hybridization and introgression in limestone Begonia diversification (sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae),Annual meeting of Botanical Society of America. online, USA.
Tseng, Y. H., C. A. Kidner, C. L. Hsieh, W. B. Xu, C. I Peng, and Y. Liu, and K. F Chung. 2021 2021 Gene flow promotes species radiation in limestone Begonia,Annual conference of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics. Taipei, Taiwan.
Liu, S. H., Y. H. Tseng and K. F. Chung 2019 Workshop: Targeted capture methods using baits for phylogenomic research: case studies on Begonia and Broussonetia,Annual conference of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics. Taipei, Taiwan.
Tseng, Y. H., C. Kidner and K. F. Chung 2018 Utilizing targeted enrichment data for phylogenetic analysis of challenging taxonomic groups: A case study in Begonia sect. Coelocentrum (Begoniaceae),Ecology, genomics and biodiversity. Taipei, Taiwan.
Tseng, Y. H., H. Y. Huang, C. I Peng and K. F. Chung 2017 Patterns of genetic isolation and diversification in limestone karst area: a case study of widespread Begonia (Begoniaceae). International Botanical Congress ,International Botanical Congress. Shanzhen, China.
Tseng, Y. H., Catherine Kidner and K. F. Chung 2017 Reconstructing phylogenetic relationship of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum (Begoniaceae) using targeted enrichment of nuclear genes,International Botanical Congress. Shanzhen, China.
Tseng, Y. H., and J. M. Hu 2017 Gender variation and sexual system diversity of Elatostema (Urticaceae) in Taiwan,International Botanical Congress. Shanzhen, China.
Tseng, Y. H 2017 The sexual system of Elatostema (Urticaceae),Plant protection and postdoctoral symposium. Fuzhou, China.
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu 2017 Systematics and sexual system in Elatostema of Taiwan,Annual conference of Taiwan Society of Plant Systematics. Taichung, Taiwan.
Tseng, Y. H., K. F. Chung, A. Monro, W. Y. Gang and J. M. Hu 2016 The historical origins and evolution of paleotropical intercontinental disjunction in Elatostema (Urticaceae),Annual meeting of Botanical Society of American. Savannah, GA, USA.
Fu, L. F., A. Monro, Y. H. Tseng and Y. G. Wei 2015 Studies on species diversity of Elatostema in limestone Karst from Guangxi, China,International Conference on conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of tropical and subtropical plants. Guilin, Guangxi, China.
Lin, H. Y., Y. H. Tseng and J. M. Hu 2015 Examining dioecy and the associated ecological correlates in the flora of Taiwan based on an integrated plant distribution database,Annual meeting of Botanical Society of American. Edmonton, AL, Canada.
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu 2014 A case of obligate apomixis in Elatostema (Urticaceae),International symposium on plant reproduction. Taipei, Taiwan.
Tseng, Y. H. and J. M. Hu. 2013 2013 Is there any obligate apomixis in plants? A case study in Elatostema (Urticaceae),9th International Flora of Malesiana Symposium. Bogor, Indonesia.
Tseng, Y. H., Y. G. Wei, A. Monro, and J. M. Hu 2012 Molecular phylogeny of Elatostema sensu lato (Urticaceae) based on sequences of nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnH-psbA spacer,Annual meeting of Botanical Society of American. Columbus, Ohio, USA.