賴財春 - 助理教授
賴財春 助理教授 繁體中文 English



畢業學校 主修學門科所 學位 時期
國立台灣大學 生理所 博士 2011.09~2018.06
國立台灣大學 生理所 碩士 2009.09~2011.06
國立中興大學 生命科學系 學士 2005.09~2009.06


經歷 / 榮譽

服務機關 服務部門 職稱 時期
國立中興大學 生命科學系 助理教授 2023.02~迄今
國立台灣大學 解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所 博士後研究員 2019.11~2023.01




隨著工業化社會發展的演進,空氣汙染議題日趨嚴重。其中空氣汙染物質粒徑<2.5 μm (particulate matter2.5, PM2.5),因為其分子粒徑微小,進入呼吸系統後能夠穿透微血管進入血液循環,對人體健康產生許多危害。因而,我們想試著了解空氣汙染以及許多人體慢性代謝疾病 (如: 糖尿病) 是否存在加成反應。研究的目標主要以心血管系統以及內分泌生殖系統為主軸,但不以此為限。最終期望能夠發掘新穎的治療方式,並有效抑制空氣污染及代謝疾病產生交互作用所誘發的疾病。

  • PM2.5以及各類代謝疾病對心血管系統的影響:氧化壓力、粒線體分裂、粒線體自噬以及血管內皮細胞發炎的機轉。
  • PM2.5對於內分泌以及生殖系統的影響:粒線體分裂、粒線體自噬與細胞自噬對固醇類賀爾蒙生成之影響。
  • 尋找有效且有潛力成為治療此類疾病的藥物或方針。
  • 本實驗室預計利用人類脂肪幹細胞所分泌之exosome進行試驗。
  • 亦歡迎任何對實驗有想法或創新的點子




Lai TC*, Lee CW, Hsu MH, Chen YC, Lin SR, Lin SW, Lee TL, Lin SY, Hsu SH, Tsai JS, Chen YL. 2023/12 Nanocurcumin Reduces High Glucose and Particulate Matter-Induced Endothelial Inflammation: Mitochondrial Function and Involvement of miR-221/222. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 18:7379-7402. [IF: 8.0; Pharmacology & pharmacy, 17/278=6.12%; Q1]. (SCI)
Kuo YH, Lai TC*, Chang CH, Hsieh HC, Yang FM, Hu MC. 2023/08 5,6-Dichloro-1-β-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB) induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells through inhibiting of Mcl-1 expression. Scientific Reports. 13(1):12621. [IF: 4.6; Multidisciplinary sciences, 22/73=30.14%; Q2]. (SCI)
Lai TC*, Chen YC, Cheng HH, Lee TL, Tsai JS, Lee IT, Peng KT, Lee CW, Hsu LF, Chen YL. 2022/03 Combined exposure to fine particulate matter and high glucose aggravates endothelial damage by increasing inflammation and mitophagy: the involvement of vitamin D. Particle and Fibre Toxicology. 19:25. [IF: 9.112; Toxicology, 4/94=4.25%; Q1]. (SCI)
Chen YC, Sung HC, Chuang TY, Lai TC*, Lee TL, Lee CW, Lee IT, Chen YL. 2021/07 Vitamin D(3) decreases TNF-ɑ-induced inflammation in lung epithelial cells through a reduction in mitochondrial fission and mitophagy. Cell Biology and Toxicology. 1-24. [IF: 6.819; Toxicology, 9/94=9.57%; Q1]. (SCI)
Lee TL, Lai TC*, Lin SR, Lin SW, Chen YC, Pu CM, Lee IT, Tsai JS, Lee CW, Chen YL. 2021/01 Conditioned medium from adipose-derived stem cells attenuates ischemia/reperfusion-induced cardiac injury through the microRNA-221/222/PUMA/ETS-1 pathway. Theranostics. 11(7):3131-3149. [IF: 11.60; Medicine, research & experimental, 13/140=9.28%; Q1]. (SCI)
Lai TC*, Lee TL, Chang YC, Chen YC, Lin SR, Lin SW, Pu CM, Tsai JS, Chen YL. 2020/12 MicroRNA-221/222 Mediates ADSC-Exosome-Induced Cardioprotection Against Ischemia/Reperfusion by Targeting PUMA and ETS-1. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 8:569150. [IF: 6.08; Developmental biology, 6/40=15.00%; Q1]. (SCI)
Lee TL, Lee MH, Chen YC, Lee YC, Lai TC*, Lin HY, Hsu LF, Sung HC, Lee CW, Chen YL. 2020/12 Vitamin D Attenuates Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Cardiac Injury by Reducing Mitochondrial Fission and Mitophagy. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 11:604700. [IF: 5.98; Pharmacology & pharmacy, 50/279=17.92%; Q1]. (SCI)
Chen YC, Chuang TY, Liu CW, Liu CW, Lee TL, Lai TC*, Chen YL. 2020/08 Particulate matters increase epithelial-mesenchymal transition and lung fibrosis through the ETS-1/NF-ĸB-dependent pathway in lung epithelial cells. Particle and Fibre Toxicology. 17(1):41. [IF: 9.112; Toxicology, 4/94=4.25%; Q1]. (SCI)
Lai TC*, Hu MC. 2019/03 Regulation of liver receptor homologue-1 by DDB2 E3 ligase activity is critical for hepatic glucose metabolism. Scientific reports. 9(1):5304. [IF: 4.997; Multidisciplinary sciences, 19/73=26.03%; Q2]. (SCI)
Lai TC*, Li HF, Li YS, Hung PY, Shyu MK, Hu MC. 2017/06 Proximal GATA-binding sites are essential for human HSD3B1 gene transcription in the placenta. Scientific reports. 7(1):4271. [IF: 4.997; Multidisciplinary sciences, 19/73=26.03%; Q2]. (SCI)
Yang FM, Feng SJ, Lai TC*, Hu MC. 2015/10 A calreticulin-dependent nuclear export signal is involved in the regulation of liver receptor homologue-1 protein folding. Biochemical Journal. 471(2):199-209. [IF: 3.76; Biochemistry & molecular biology, 175/297=57.23%]. (SCI)


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