畢業學校 |
主修學門科所 |
學位 |
時期 |
國立陽明大學 |
生理學研究所 |
博士 |
2006/09-2013/04 |
國立中興大學 |
生命科學系 |
學士 |
2000/09-2004/06 |
經歷 / 榮譽
服務機關 |
服務部門 |
職稱 |
時期 |
國立中興大學 |
生命科學系 |
助理教授 |
2024/08-迄今 |
國家衛生研究院 |
細胞及系統醫學研究所 |
博士後研究員 |
2017-2023 |
國立陽明大學 |
腦科學研究所 |
博士後研究員 |
2014-2017 |
國立陽明大學 |
腦科學研究中心 |
博士後研究員 |
2013-2014 |
Honors, Awards and Prize |
國家衛生研究院 優秀論文口頭報告 佳作獎 2019 |
科技部 103年度博士後研究人員學術著作獎 2015 |
國立陽明大學 優秀論文發表獎勵 2015 |
國立陽明大學 優秀論文發表獎勵 2013 |
國立陽明大學 博士班優良論文獎學金 入圍獎 2013 |
Tadokoro 1st Prize for Best Oral Presentation, the 9th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress (AOEC 2012), 22nd-25th March 2012, Manila, Philippines, 2012
大腦損傷會引發一連串的神經發炎反應 (neuroinflammation),使腦部組織產生進一步損傷。腦中的發炎反應參與神經細胞死亡、造成神經突觸可塑性 (synaptic plasticity) 改變,並與創傷性腦損傷 (traumatic brain injury) 、腦中風 (stroke) 與癲癇 (epilepsy) 等多種神經疾病的進程相關。有趣的是,大腦受到不同類型初始誘發性損傷 (initial precipitate injury) 後除了產生神經發炎反應外,同時在動物模式中也發現海馬齒狀迴 (hippocampal dentate gyrus) 中神經元新生 (neurogenesis) 有顯著增加的情形。神經元新生增加的現象過去曾被認為是為了彌補受損的神經細胞,然而這些因大腦損傷刺激而增生的新生神經細胞其形態、電生理特性與所在位置和一般生理情況下新生的神經細胞不同,因此造成海馬迴組織神經迴路結構及功能異常,反而與後續認知功能缺損與病理形成有密切關係。基於上述現象,我們著重於探討神經發炎反應對神經新生的影響及參與神經疾病的機轉,研究主題包含:
1. 大腦損傷引發海馬迴神經新生型態異常與丘腦神經官能聯繫不良 (diaschisis) 的相關性及對認知功能的影響
2. 探討神經膠細胞可溶性環氧化合物水解酶 (soluble epoxide hydrolase) 活性對感覺運動皮質受損後海馬迴異常神經新生之影響
3. 缺血性腦中風誘發嗅覺異常 (dysosmia) 之病理機轉
Yeh CF, Chuang TY, Lan MY, Lin YY, Huang WH and [*Hung YW]. 2024. Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitor ameliorates olfactory dysfunction, modulates microglia polarization, and attenuates neuroinflammation after ischemic brain injury. Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology (accepted)【SCI】I.F. 5.2, 40/354 (11.3%) PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY (*corresponding author)
Yeh CF, Lan MY, Lin CC, [Hung YW], Huang WH, Lai YL. 2024. Dual blockade of IL-4 and IL-13 with dupilumab ameliorates sensorineural olfactory dysfunction after chronic rhinosinusitis. Rhinology (accepted)【SCI】I.F. 4.8, 3/65 (4.6%) OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY
#Huang WH, [#Hung YW], #Hung W, Lan MY and *Yeh CF. 2024. A murine model of eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis inducing neuroinflammation and olfactory dysfunction. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (in press)【SCI】I.F. 14.2, 1/28 (1.8%) ALLERGY (#equal contribution)
[Hung YW], Lu GL, Chen HH, Tung HH and *Lee SL. 2023. Gliptins normalize posttraumatic hippocampal neurogenesis and restore cognitive function after controlled cortical impact on sensorimotor cortex. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 165: 115270.【SCI】I.F. 7.5, 22/278 (7.91%) PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACY
[Hung YW], Wang Y and *Lee SL. 2020. DPP-4 inhibitor reduces striatal microglial deramification after sensorimotor cortex injury induced by external force impact. FASEB Journal 34: 6950-6964.【SCI】I.F. 4.966, 9/93 (9.6%) BIOLOGY
Yeh CF, Chuang TY, [Hung YW], Lan MY, Tsai CH, Huang HX and *Lin YY. 2019. Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition enhances anti-inflammatory and antioxidative process, modulates microglia polarization and promotes recovery after ischemic stroke. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 15: 2927-2941【SCI】I.F. 2.228, 84/146 (57.53%) PSYCHIATRY
Yeh CF, Chuang TY, [Hung YW], Lan MY, Tsai CH, Huang HX and *Lin YY. 2019. Development of a Modified Surgical Technique for Simulating Ischemic Cerebral Cortex Injury in Rats. In Vivo 33: 1175-1181.【SCI】I.F. 1.609, 102/136 (75%) MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL
Yeh CF, Chuang TY, [Hung YW], Lan MY, Tsai CH, Huang HX and *Lin YY. 2019. Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase regulates monocyte/macrophage polarization and improves neurological outcome in a rat model of ischemic stroke. Neuroreport 30: 567-572.【SCI】I.F. 1.146, 247/267 (92.5%) NEUROSCIENCES
[Hung YW], Lin YH, Chan CY, Wang WS, Chiu CF, Chiu CC, Chiu HW, Tsai WH and *Hung SW. 2019. Pharmacokinetic study of amoxicillin in Japanese eel Anguilla japonica by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Aquaculture Reports 13: 100184.【SCI】I.F. 1.887, 20/52 (38.46%) FISHERIES
[Hung YW], Lin YH, Chen MH, Wang WS, Chiu CF, Chiu CC, Chiu HW, Tsai WH, and *Hung SW. 2018. Pharmacokinetic study of florfenicol in Bester sturgeon, a cultured hybrid of Huso huso×Acipenser ruthenus by high performance liquid chromatography equipped with UV detector. Aquaculture 495: 558-567.【SCI】I.F. 2.710, 17/106 (16.03%) MARINE & FRESHWATER BIOLOGY
[Hung YW] and *Lin YY. Targeting soluble epoxide hydrolase for temporal lobe epilepsy. 2016. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuroimmunology 1: 109.
[Hung YW], Hung SW, Wu YC, Wong Lin-Kin, Lai MT, Shih YH, *Lee TS, *Lin YY. 2015. Soluble epoxide hydrolase activity regulates inflammatory responses and seizure generation in two mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain Behavior and Immunity 43: 118-129.【SCI】I.F. 5.889, 28/252 (11.11%) NEUROSCIENCES (This paper was awarded the Research Paper Publication Award of Post-doctoral Fellow)
[Hung YW], Lai MT, Tseng YJ, Chou CC, and *Lin YY. 2013. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 affects migration of hippocampal neural progenitors following status epilepticus in rats. Journal of Neuroinflammation 10: 11. 【SCI】I.F. 4.902, 48/252 (19.04%) NEUROSCIENCES
[Hung YW], Yang DI, Huang PY, Lee TS, Kuo TBJ, Yiu CH, Shih YH, and *Lin YY. 2012. The duration of sustained convulsive seizures determines the pattern of hippocampal neurogenesis and the development of spontaneous epilepsy in rats. Epilepsy Research 98: 206-215.【SCI】I.F. 2.290, 87/192 (45.31%) CLINICAL NEUROLOGY
[Hung YW], Lu GL, Chen HH *Lee SL. 2022 Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors Attenuate Hippocampal Aberrant Neurogenesis and Cognitive Decline Following Sensorimotor Traumatic Brain Injury. 2022 NHRI Research Day, Miaoli, Taiwan. (Poster)
[Hung YW], and *Lee SL. 2021 Effect of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors on Hippocampal Aberrant Neurogenesis, Neuronal Ectopia and Cognitive Decline Following Sensorimotor Traumatic Brain Injury. 2021 NHRI Research Day, Miaoli, Taiwan. (Poster)
[Hung YW], Wang Y, *Lee SL. 2020 Selective Neuroprotective Effect of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury. 2020 NHRI Research Day, Miaoli, Taiwan. (Poster)
[Hung YW], Wang Y, *Lee SL. 2019 Divergent Effects of Gliptins on the Pathological Outcomes in a Mouse Model of Traumatic Brain Injury. The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, USA. (Poster)
[Hung YW], Wang Y, *Lee SL. 2019. Keystone Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neurodegerertive Diseases: New Insights and Therapeutic Opportunities. (poster)
[Hung YW], Wang Y, *Lee SL. 2019 Favorable protective effect of sitagliptin against traumatic brain injury in mice. 2019 NHRI Research Day, Miaoli, Taiwan. (Oral, This paper was awarded for elected paper in 2019 NHRI Research Day)
[Hung YW], Tseng YJ, Wu YC, *Lin YY. 2016 Involvement of toll-like receptor 2 in inflammatory responses and seizure generation in two mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy. The 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA. (Poster)
[Hung YW], Chou CC, Lai MT, Tseng YJ, *Lin YY. 2012 Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 affects ectopic migration of neural progenitors within the hippocampal dentate gyrus of rats with status epilepticus. The 9th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress, Manila, Philippines. (Oral, This paper was awarded the Tadokoro Prize, Best Platform Presentation, 1st Prize)
[Hung YW]: Invited Speaker for “Research Highlights of Young Investigators in the Asian & Oceanian Region” The 9th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress (AOEC 2012), Manila, Philippines.
*Lin YY, Lai MT, [Hung YW], Lee TS. 2010. Soluble epoxide hydrolase regulates hippocampal neuroinflammation in adult mice after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. The 64th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. (Poster)
[Hung YW], Huang PY, Wang CH, *Lin YY. 2009. Duration of status epilepticus affects the neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of adult rats. The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster)
Huang PY, [Hung YW], Chiou SH, Fu YS, *Lin YY. 2009. Roles of human umbilical mesenchymal cell transplantation in experimental temporal lobe epilepsy of rats. The 24th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster)
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